安装mantis 很简单 php集成环境现在网上挺多 比如easyphp 等 我下的是xampp带php 数据库等一条龙服务
如果只是在maintis里边加一个wiki链接过去的话很简单 在 config_defaults_inc.php中把 wiki 启用就可以了
如果在弄成单点登陆 则需要做一些设置
define( 'MANTIS_ROOT', 'D:/xampp/htdocs/mantisbt1.2.12/' ); // file path to Mantis, must terminate with /
define( 'MANTIS_URL', 'http://bugs.xbaicai.com' ); // url to Mantis, must terminate with /
# Once you have inc\auth\mantis.class.php created, modify the following configuration options to match the values below.
# With modern versions of dokuwiki, the bundled config plugin can set these values, otherwise uncomment them here.
$conf['useacl'] = 1; // Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
$conf['authtype'] = 'mantis'; // which authentication backend should be used
$conf['defaultgroup'] = 'VIEWER'; // Default groups new Users are added to
$conf['superuser'] = '@ADMINISTRATOR'; // allows mantis administrator to access dokuwiki admin area
# If selecting the mantis auth backend results in fatal errors from redeclaration of utf8 functions, uncomment this:
require_once( MANTIS_ROOT . 'core.php' );
官方设置中 红色部份没有解注 不解注有一些问题