Deveopment with Rational Rose

today i will use my way to study UML and Rose.This book's name is UML WITH RATIONAL ROSE.
i will writing my note after readed each chapter.
now,let's begin.
chapter one:introduce about uml.
question:how to use the best way to build a software?
a good development process is the first important.
it include about those part:project start,refinement,construct and commit.
in the part of project start,you should plan the period,budget and  ascertain the feasibility.maybe we will build some simple use case.
my question   is in fact we almost hard to got the full requirement at the begin,so how did i to make a exact project period?
the follow part is refinement,we will make a development plan,and anlayze the requirement,constructure desing.
after complet desing,we should write some test to verify our desing whether statisfy the requirement.
in the construct part,we will write code under the desing constructrue carefully.and do some unit test to ensure the code quality.
