HTTP codes

This is examples of current HTTP codes

#[Miscellaneous successes]
"2xx", "[Miscellaneous successes]",
"200", "OK", # HTTP request OK
"201", "Created",
"202", "Request recorded, will be executed later",
"203", "Non-authoritative information",
"204", "Request executed",
"205", "Reset document",
"206", "Partial Content",
#[Miscellaneous redirections]
"3xx", "[Miscellaneous redirections]",
"300", "Multiple documents available",
"301", "Moved Permanently",
"302", "Found",
"303", "See other document",
"304", "Not Modified since last retrieval", # HTTP request OK
"305", "Use proxy",
"306", "Switch proxy",
"307", "Document moved temporarily",
#[Miscellaneous client/user errors]
"4xx", "[Miscellaneous client/user errors]",
"400", "Bad Request",
"401", "Unauthorized",
"402", "Payment required",
"403", "Forbidden",
"404", "Document Not Found",
"405", "Method not allowed",
"406", "ocument not acceptable to client",
"407", "Proxy authentication required",
"408", "Request Timeout",
"409", "Request conflicts with state of resource",
"410", "Document gone permanently",
"411", "Length required",
"412", "Precondition failed",
"413", "Request too long",
"414", "Requested filename too long",
"415", "Unsupported media type",
"416", "Requested range not valid",
"417", "Failed",
#[Miscellaneous server errors]
"5xx", "[Miscellaneous server errors]",
"500", "Internal server Error",
"501", "Not implemented",
"502", "Received bad response from real server",
"503", "Server busy",
"504", "Gateway timeout",
"505", "HTTP version not supported",
"506", "Redirection failed",
"xxx" ,"[Unknown]"
