

IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed



<c:import url="b.do?method=doB&id=aid">


至于<c:import>造成的IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed原因



Hans's Top Ten JSP TipsDealing with Buffer Flushing Issues

An HTTP response message contains both headers and a body. The headers tell the browser things like what type of data the body contains (HTML text, an image), the size of the body, if the body can be cached, and so on. Headers are also used to set cookies and to tell the browser to automatically get another page (a redirect). All response headers must be sent to the browser before the body is sent.

To allow parts of the body to be produced (from static template text as well as content generated dynamically by JSP elements) before headers are set, the body is buffered. Instead of sending the response to the browser as soon as something is written to the response body, the JSP container writes all static markup code and all dynamic content generated by JSP elements to the buffer. At some point, such as when the buffer is full or the end of the page is reached, the container sends all headers that have been set followed by the buffered body content. In servlet speak, this is called committing the response. After the response has been committed, you can't set headers, such as for cookies or a redirection instruction. Another thing you can't do is forward the request to another page.

In most cases, this is not a problem. The default buffer size is 8KB, more than enough for a typical page, and you can increase it with the buffer attribute of the page directive. But if you use the include action in a page, you may be in for a surprise. Due to limitations in the way the servlet features used by <jsp:include> are specified, the buffer is always flushed before the target page is invoked. This means that you can't set headers or use <jsp:forward> after a <jsp:include> action.

An unfortunate side-effect of this automatic flushing is that runtime errors triggered by JSP elements after a <jsp:include> action may not be reported correctly, since many JSP containers use the forward mechanism to display the error page. If you see an error message like "response already committed" in a page with <jsp:include> elements, I suggest that you use the include directive instead (at least until you have isolated the problem).


Hans's Top Ten JSP TipsChoosing the Right Include Mechanism

A JSP page can include page fragments from other files to form the complete response. You can use this, for instance, to keep header, footer, and navigation bar content in separate files and include them in all other pages. There are two include mechanisms: the include directive and the include action. It's not always obvious which one to use, though.

The include directive, <%@ include file="filename.inc" %>, includes the content of the specified file during the translation phase--when the page is converted to a servlet. The main page and the included file are simply merged. This means that scripting variables declared in one file (using scripting elements or an action element like <jsp:useBean>) are visible in all files and must have unique names. Some containers detect changes in files included with the directive, but the specification doesn't require it. Therefore, changes you make to the included file in a running system may not be reflected immediately; you may have to update the main JSP page, or remove the class file generated for the main page in order to see the change.

The include action, <jsp:include page="pagename.jsp" flush="true" />, includes the response generated by executing the specified page (a JSP page or a servlet) during the request processing phase--when the page is requested by a user. As opposed to the include directive, the page name can be specified as a so-called request-time attribute value, so which page to include can be decided when the main page is requested. Since it's the response generated by the page that is included, not the content of the page itself, scripting variables declared in one file are not available to the other files. To share an object between the pages you must instead place it in one of the following JSP scopes: request, session or application scope. If you change a page included with the include action, the change always takes effect immediately.

My rule of thumb for when to use the different mechanisms is this:

o Use the include directive if the file changes rarely. It's the fastest mechanism. If your container doesn't automatically detect changes, you can force the changes to take effect by deleting the main page class file.

o Use the include action only for content that changes often, and if which page to include cannot be decided until the main page is requested.




3) 若为Servlet类
解决办法,在request.getRequestDispatcher("*.jsp").forward(request, response);后加return;OK

4)若URL里没有变量,用<%@ page=''%>即可

1) 加大jsp buff

How<%@ page buffer="16kb" %>

Doubt: what would be if the infos size larger than specified buffer? No problem, 8k is enough for one page

2) absolute path

Would make context imported part independence of the caller context;就是说<c:import>引入的内容和当前整个页面的上下文并不完全一样。

遇到Cannot forward after response has been committed,是由于有页面显示后仍然含请求转向产生的,而当页面有输出之后是不能够重定向的,同理还适用于
<jsp:forward page=""/>
