SSD04 Exam02 Practical 个人解答

States and Capitals


I. The Task

A teacher wants you to create an application that will help his students learn the capitals of some of the US states.  He has created a limited prototype that does part of what he wants the application to do: When a user selects a state, the prototype displays the corresponding state capital.

In addition to the functionality demonstrated by his prototype, the teacher wants the application to provide a second mode, one in which when his students select a capital, the application displays the corresponding state.  Moreover, the teacher wants the application to be as usable as possible. He therefore asks you to conduct a heuristic evaluation of his prototype and, not wanting the application to confuse his students, specifically requests that it only allow them to work in one mode at a time.

What you need to do:

  1. Conduct a heuristic evaluation of his prototype and write two complete UARs on problems identified by that evaluation.
  2. In a separate document, list two additional features, characteristics, or changes the final application should include that are not mentioned in the recommendations of your two UARs—and list by name the heuristic or heuristics that justifies these features, characteristics, or changes and explain what problem aspects these enhancements will address.
    Note : The two additional features as well as the recommendations of your UARs must focus on matters of usability, not on adding functionality to the application. That is, they should focus on making the finished application more usable, not on adding functions or content to the application.
  3. Create a prototype of the requested application that offers the two modes: one in which, like the teacher’s prototype, when a user chooses a state, the application displays the corresponding capital; and a second in which when a user chooses a capital, and the application displays the corresponding state. Note that each mode should start with appropriate default settings.

II. What You Need to Turn In

  1. Two complete UARs
  2. A separate document listing two additional recommended features, characteristics, or changes—and the heuristic or heuristics that justify them.
  3. A project archive, named that offers both modes, but allows users to work in only one mode at a time .

II. Resources

Use the resources below to in creating your application: the teacher's prototype and a table of five states and their capitals.

Warning: Use only the states and capitals provided below; using other states or capitals from other sources may result in a substantial loss of points.

The teacher's prototype .

U.S. states and capitals:



Choose a state Choose a capital
Alaska Juneau
Arkansas Little Rock
New Hampshire Concord
West Virginia Charleston
Wisconsin Madison
