
Requirement: In Configuration Management, customer always wants to define a formated configuration item ID, such as SW-OPS-WIN-XXXXXXXX. And the ID should be increased automatically.


Implementation: To accomplish this, service manager provides a number function to do this. Here are the steps:

  1. Input 'number' in quick launch filed, and type enter key.
  2. Input a legal name in class field, and set the correct start number in Last Number filed. REMEMBER THE NAME IN CLASS FIELD.
  3. Opend format control of the form on which will be applied the function.
  4. Click Javascript button.
  5. Input true to Add field, and input following script:
  6. function getNumber (file) {

        if (file == null )  file = "event" ;

        var rc = new SCDatum () ;

        var number = new SCDatum () ;

        system.functions.rtecall ("getNumber" , rc , number , file) ;

        var ret = number.getText () ;

        ret = ret

        return ret ;


