How to show event log screen?
1. Press the BlackBerry button --> Options --> Screen/Keyboard
a. Change Right Side Convenience Key Opens to Virtual Keyboard
b. Press Escape key --> click on "Save" --> go back to homescreen
2. On the homescreen, press the right side convenience key(Simulating convenience keys), and the keyboard pops up.
3. Pressing and holding the !?123 key until a lock appears on it, then pressing the " and / keys alternately, then the event log appears.
4. Press the BlackBerry button --> Options --> Click any item will pop up a menu
--> select Hide all types --> click your application and select toggle Filter, the event log screen will only show your application's log information.
How to code event log?
example: (
public static final boolean register(long guid, String name, int viewerType)
You must invoke this method before the logger can log events with the given GUID.
If a name/GUID has already been registered with a particular viewer type, calling this method with a new viewer type replaces the previous one.
- GUID of the registering application.
- Name of the registering application.
- Type of viewer to be used when displaying the event (one of