OAuth协议是现在众多网站提供API服务所选择的认证方式,是由Blaine Cook、Chris Messina、Larry Halff 及David Recordon共同发起,目的是为API服务提供一个安全、统一和开放的标准。
An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.
1. 简单:不管是OAuth服务提供者还是应用开发者,都很容易于理解与使用;
2. 安全:没有涉及到用户密钥等信息,更安全更灵活;
3. 开放:任何服务提供商都可以实现OAuth,任何软件开发商都可以使用OAuth;
A user wishes to use their social network data inside of a third party website or application. The application server contacts the social network, but does not have the user's account information, and does not have permission to access the user's data.
第三方应用程序向SNS网站授权服务发出获取request token的请求。
The social network responds with information that the application server uses to redirect the user's web browser to a special login page on the social network's domain.
SNS授权服务响应请求,返回一个尚未认证的request token。
第三方应用获取响应中包含的request token,按照协议规范,附带这个request token,将其重定向到SNS提供的授权页面(User Authorization URL)。
If the user is logged out of the social network, they input their username and password as if they were normally logging into the site. After they log in, or if they were already logged in (with a cookie), they are asked by the social network to share data with the application.
Once permission has been granted, the social network redirects the user's web browser to a predefined URL on the application server, along with a token that can be used to access the user's information.
如果用户授权给第三方应用,那么,SNS授权服务接收此请求,将用户重定向到第三方应用提供的页面上,并传递被认证了的request token。
Using the token as described in the OAuth specification, the application server is now able to access the user's data on the social network.
第三方应用接收到认证的request token后,再次向SNS账号服务发起一次HTTP请求,以换取access token。
SNS 账户授权服务接收请求,验证是否合法。如果合法,则返回一个access token。
Request Token URL: 获取未授权的Request Token服务地址;
User Authorization URL: 获取用户授权的Request Token服务地址;
Access Token URL: 用授权的Request Token换取Access Token的服务地址;
oauth_consumer_key: 使用者的ID,OAUTH服务的直接使用者是开发者开发出来的应用。所以该参数值的获取一般是要去OAUTH服务提供商处注册一个应用,再获取该应用的oauth_consumer_key。如Yahoo该值的注册地址为:https://developer.yahoo.com/dashboard/
oauth_signature_method: 请求串的签名方法,应用每次向OAUTH三个服务地址发送请求时,必须对请求进行签名。签名的方法有:HMAC-SHA1、RSA-SHA1与PLAINTEXT等三种。
oauth_signature: 用上面的签名方法对请求的签名。
oauth_timestamp: 发起请求的时间戳,其值是距1970 00:00:00 GMT的秒数,必须是大于0的整数。本次请求的时间戳必须大于或者等于上次的时间戳。
oauth_nonce: 随机生成的字符串,用于防止请求的重放,防止外界的非法攻击。
oauth_version: OAUTH的版本号,可选,其值必须为1.0。
HTTP 400 Bad Request 请求错误
Unsupported parameter 参数错误
Unsupported signature method 签名方法错误
Missing required parameter 参数丢失
Duplicated OAuth Protocol Parameter 参数重复
HTTP 401 Unauthorized 未授权
Invalid Consumer Key 非法key
Invalid / expired Token 失效或者非法的token
Invalid signature 签名非法
Invalid / used nonce 非法的nonce
OAuth 核心 1.0 版 中文翻译版
Table of Contents
1. 作者
2. 记号与惯例
3. 术语定义
4. 文档与注册
4.1. 请求URL
4.2. 服务提供方
4.3. 消费方
5. 参数
5.1. 参数编码
5.2. 消费方请求参数
5.3. 服务提供方响应参数
5.4. OAuth HTTP认证方案
6. 使用OAuth认证
6.1. 获取未授权的请求令牌
6.2. 获取用户授权
6.3. 获取访问令牌
7. 访问受保护资源
8. 单次值与时间戳
9. 签署请求
9.1. 签署基字符串
9.2. HMAC-SHA1
9.3. RSA-SHA1
10. HTTP响应代码
Appendix A. Appendix A - Protocol Example
Appendix A.1. Documentation and Registration
Appendix A.2. Obtaining a Request Token
Appendix A.3. Requesting User Authorization
Appendix A.4. Obtaining an Access Token
Appendix A.5. Accessing Protected Resources
Appendix B. Security Considerations
Appendix B.1. Credentials and Token Exchange
Appendix B.2. PLAINTEXT Signature Method
Appendix B.3. Confidentiality of Requests
Appendix B.4. Spoofing by Counterfeit Servers
Appendix B.5. Proxying and Caching of Authenticated Content
Appendix B.6. Plaintext Storage of Credentials
Appendix B.7. Secrecy of the Consumer Secret
Appendix B.8. Phishing Attacks
Appendix B.9. Scoping of Access Requests
Appendix B.10. Entropy of Secrets
Appendix B.11. Denial of Service / Resource Exhaustion Attacks
Appendix B.12. Cryptographic Attacks
Appendix B.13. Signature Base String Compatibility
11. References
§ Author's Address
1. 作者
Mark Atwood ([email protected])
Richard M. Conlan ([email protected])
Blaine Cook ([email protected])
Leah Culver ([email protected])
Kellan Elliott-McCrea ([email protected])
Larry Halff ([email protected])
Eran Hammer-Lahav ([email protected])
Ben Laurie ([email protected])
Chris Messina ([email protected])
John Panzer ([email protected])
Sam Quigley ([email protected])
David Recordon ([email protected])
Eran Sandler ([email protected])
Jonathan Sergent ([email protected])
Todd Sieling ([email protected])
Brian Slesinsky ([email protected])
Andy Smith ([email protected])
2. 记号与惯例
本文中的这些关键词“必须”、“不得”、“要求”、“应”、“不应”、“需”、“不可”、“推荐”、“可以”和“可选”在[RFC2119] (Bradner, B., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,” .)中解释。 例子中的域名参考[RFC2606] (Eastlake, D. and A. Panitz, “Reserved Top Level DNS Names,” .)。
3. 术语定义
服务提供方 Service Provider: 一个允许通过OAuth访问的web应用程序。
用户 User: 在服务提供方处拥有帐号的个人。
消费方 Consumer: 一个代表用户以OAuth形式访问服务提供方的网站或应用程序。
受保护资源 Protected Resource(s): 服务提供方所掌控的数据,能被通过用户认证的消费方访问。
消费方开发者 Consumer Developer: 实现消费方的个人或组织。
消费方键值 Consumer Key: 消费方用来向服务提供方标示身份的值。
消费方密钥 Consumer Secret: 消费方用于建立对消费方键值所有权的密钥。
请求令牌 Request Token: 消费方用于从用户处获得授权并换取请求令牌的值。
访问令牌 Access Token: 消费方用于代表用户在没有密码的情况下访问受保护资源的值。
令牌密钥 Token Secret: 消费方用于建立对特定令牌所有权的密钥。
OAuth协议参数 OAuth Protocol Parameters: 参数名称,以oauth_开头。
4. 文档与注册
在OAuth里,服务提供方以一组消费方键值和消费方密钥来鉴定消费方(正如用登录名和密码来鉴定用户)。 这种识别方式使得服务提供方可以向消费方开放不同的访问级别。
4.1. 请求URL
请求令牌URL: 用于获得一个未授权的请求令牌,详见Section 6.1 (获取未授权的请求令牌).
用户授权URL: 用于用户向消费方授权,详见Section 6.2 (获取用户授权).
Access Token URL: 用于将已授权的请求令牌换取访问令牌,详见Section 6.3 (获取访问令牌).
三种URL必须包含方案、授权和路径,可以包含[RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .)第三部分所定义的查询和片段,不得(MUST NOT)包含任何OAuth协议参数。例如:
4.2. 服务提供方
消费方所使用的请求URL (请求URL)、访问请求令牌URL和访问令牌URL所使用的HTTP方法。
4.3. 消费方
5. 参数
5.1. 参数编码
所有参数名称和值都必须根据[RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .)所定义的百分号机制进行转义。 保留字符集([RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .) section 2.3)内的不得被编码,其它的必须被编码,编码后的十六进制字符必须大写。 百分号转换前的参数名称和值的文本必须是UTF-8编码,见[RFC3629] (Yergeau, F., “UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646,” .)。
非保留字符 = 字母, 数字, '-', '.', '_', '~'
5.2. 消费方请求参数
OAuth HTTP认证方案 (OAuth HTTP认证方案)中定义的HTTP Authorization首部。
一个content-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded的HTTP POST请求体内。
作为URL中的查询部分(定义于[RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .)第三部分)。
另外,未来的扩展部分可能增加额外的方式以传送OAuth协议参数。发送其他请求参数的方法不被定义,但不应使用OAuth HTTP 认证方案 (OAuth HTTP认证方案)首部.
5.3. 服务提供方响应参数
服务提供方在HTTP响应体内向消费方返回令牌和其他信息。参数名称和值先按照参数编码 (参数编码)所述进行编码 ,然后按照[RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .) Section 2.1 定义的方式用'&'字符(ASCII代码38)连接起来,例如:
5.4. OAuth HTTP认证方案
本部分定义了[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .)以支持OAuth。使用标准的HTTP Authorization和WWW-Authenticate首部来传送OAuth协议参数。
推荐服务提供方接受HTTP Authorization首部,消费方应当能够以Authorization首部形式发送OAuth参数。
扩展的认证方案(由[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .)定义)是大小写不敏感的OAuth。
5.4.1. Authorization 首部
参数和值按照Parameter Encoding (参数编码)编码。
依照[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .),多个参数以逗号(ASCII代码44)分隔,外加一个可选的换行和空白。
可选参数realm按照[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .), section 1.2 被添加和解释。
Authorization: OAuth realm="http://sp.example.com/",
5.4.2. WWW-Authenticate 首部
消费方请求受保护资源时,服务提供方可以返回OAuth HTTP WWW-Authenticate首部表明对OAuth扩展的支持。 按照[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .) ,回应可以包含附加的WWW-Authenticate头:
WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="http://sp.example.com/"
按照[RFC2617] (Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” .), section 1.2,realm参数定义了受保护区域,
6. 使用OAuth认证
OAuth认证是指用户在不共享其证书(密码)的前提下授权消费方访问其受保护资源的过程。 在请求受保护资源的过程中OAuth使用服务提供方生成的令牌替代了用户的证书。 这一过程使用两种类型的令牌:
请求令牌: 用于消费方向用户请求对访问受保护资源的授权。 经过用户授权的请求令牌可以换取一个访问令牌,只能使用一次,不得用于其他用途。 建议为请求令牌设置一个有限的生命期。
访问令牌: 用于消费方代表用户访问受保护资源。 访问令牌可以被用于限制访问特定资源,可以只有有限的生命期。 服务提供方应当允许用户收回访问令牌。应当只有访问令牌被用于访问受保护资源。
6.1. 获取未授权的请求令牌
消费方向服务提供方的请求令牌URL发起一个HTTP请求,服务提供方的文档指定了可以使用的HTTP方法,推荐使用POST。 请求必须被签署并包含以下参数:
6.1.1. 消费方获取请求令牌
消费方向服务提供方的请求令牌URL发起一个HTTP请求,服务提供方的文档指定了可以使用的HTTP方法,推荐使用POST。 请求必须被签署并包含以下参数:
oauth_consumer_key: 消费方键值。
oauth_signature_method: 消费方签署本请求所用的签名方法。
oauth_signature: 签名,定义于签署请求 (签署请求)。
oauth_timestamp: 定义于Nonce and Timestamp (单次值与时间戳)。
oauth_nonce: 定义于Nonce and Timestamp (单次值与时间戳)。
oauth_version: 可选。如果存在,其值必须为1.0。如果参数不存在,服务提供方必须假定协议版本为1.0。 服务提供方对1.0以外取值的响应尚未定义。
6.1.2. 服务提供方签发未授权的请求令牌
服务提供方校验签名和消费方键值。如果成功则生成一个请求令牌和令牌密钥并在HTTP响应体中返回,见服务提供方响应参数 (服务提供方响应参数)。服务提供方必须确保请求令牌在用户授权成功之前不能被换取访问令牌,见获取用户授权 (获取用户授权).
oauth_token: 请求令牌
oauth_token_secret: 令牌密钥
附加参数: 由服务提供方定义的任意参数。
如果请求验证失败或由于其他原因被拒绝,服务提供方应当回应以适当的响应代码,见HTTP响应代码 (HTTP响应代码)。服务提供方可以在响应体内包含关于被拒绝原因的详细信息,见服务提供方相应参数 (服务提供方响应参数)。
6.2. 获取用户授权
6.2.1. 消费方引导用户至服务提供方
为了能够换取访问令牌,消费方必须引导用户到服务提供方处并获得用户的核准。为此,消费方构造一个指向服务提供方用户授权URL的HTTP GET请求,包含以下参数:
oauth_token: 可选。在前述步骤中获得的请求令牌。服务提供方可以声明此参数为必须,也可以允许不包含在授权URL中并提示用户手工输入。
oauth_callback: 可选。消费方可以指定一个URL,当 获取用户授权 (获取用户授权)成功后,服务提供方将重定向用户到这个URL。
附加参数: 由服务提供方定义的任意参数。
注意:如果服务提供方已知消费方运行于移动设备或机顶盒, 则应保证用户授权URL和请求令牌适于手工输入。
6.2.2. 服务提供方认证用户并获取许可
服务提供方向用户展示消费方访问请求相关的信息,包括访问时限、被访问资源等,也可以包含其他 服务提供方指定的信息。
6.2.3. 服务提供方将用户引导回消费方
如果消费方在oauth_callback中提供了回调URL(在消费方引导用户至服务提供方 (消费方引导用户至服务提供方)中描述),则服务提供方构造一个HTTP GET请求URL,重定向用户浏览器到该URL,并包含如下参数:
oauth_token: 被用户授权或否决的请求令牌
6.3. 获取访问令牌
6.3.1. 消费方请求访问令牌
消费方向服务提供方发起一个HTTP请求以获取访问令牌。服务提供方的文档指定了所使用的HTTP方法,建议使用POST。请求必须按照签署请求 (签署请求)签署, 并包含以下参数:
oauth_consumer_key: 消费方键值。
oauth_token: 之前获取的请求令牌。
oauth_signature_method: 消费方使用的签署方法。
oauth_signature: 签署请求 (签署请求)中定义的签名。
oauth_timestamp: 在单次值与时间戳 (单次值与时间戳)中定义。
oauth_nonce: 在单次值与时间戳 (单次值与时间戳)中定义。
oauth_version: 可选。如果存在,其值必须为1.0。如果参数不存在,服务提供方必须假定协议版本为1.0。 服务提供方对1.0以外取值的响应尚未定义。
6.3.2. 服务提供方授予访问令牌
如果成功,服务提供方生成访问令牌及其密钥,并在HTTP响应体中返回,如服务提供方响应参数 (服务提供方响应参数)之定义。消费方保存访问令牌及其密钥,并用以签署对受保护资源的请求。响应包含如下参数:
oauth_token: 访问令牌。
oauth_token_secret: 令牌密钥。
附加参数: 服务提供方指定的附加参数。
如果请求验证失败或由于其他原因被拒绝,服务提供方应当回应以适当的响应代码,见HTTP响应代码 (HTTP响应代码)。服务提供方可以在响应体内包含关于被拒绝原因的详细信息,见服务提供方响应参数 (服务提供方响应参数)。
7. 访问受保护资源
成功收到访问令牌及其密钥后,消费方即可代表用户访问受保护资源。 请求必须按照签署请求 (签署请求)进行签署,并包含如下参数:
oauth_consumer_key: 消费方键值。
oauth_token: 访问令牌。
oauth_signature_method: 消费方使用的签署方法。
oauth_signature: 签署请求 (签署请求)中定义的签名。
oauth_timestamp: 定义于单次值与时间戳 (单次值与时间戳).
oauth_nonce: 定义于单次值与时间戳 (单次值与时间戳).
oauth_version: 可选。如果存在,其值必须为1.0。如果参数不存在,服务提供方必须假定协议版本为1.0。 服务提供方对1.0以外取值的响应尚未定义。
附加参数: 服务提供方指定的附加参数。
8. 单次值与时间戳
请求时间戳用格林威治时间1970年1月1日0时0分0秒起的秒数表示,除非服务提供方另外指定。 请求时间戳必须是个正整数,并必须不小于上一个请求中的时间戳。
消费方必须为一个时间戳的所有请求的生成不同的单次值。 单次值是一个随机字符串,是为每次请求生成的唯一值。 服务提供方用单次值验证一个请求之前从未被发起过,有助于防止非安全通道(例如HTTP)上的重放攻击。
9. 签署请求
所有对令牌和受保护资源的请求都必须被消费方签署并由服务提供方验证。 对请求进行签署是为了防止未经授权的第三方使用使用消费方键值和令牌请求令牌和受保护资源。 签署的过程是将消费方密钥和令牌密钥编码为可校验的值并包含在请求中。
OAuth不强制要求特定的签署方法,每个实现可以有其特定的要求。 协议定义了三种方法:HMAC-SHA1、RSA-SHA1和PLAINTEXT,服务提供者也可自由实现并在文档中描述其他办法。 对特定签署方法的推荐不在本文表述范围之内。
消费方在oauth_signature_method参数中声明一个签署方法,生成一个签名并存储于oauth_signature参数中。 服务提供方根据指定的方法验证签名。 验证签名时,服务提供方应检查单次值,确保之前的请求中未被使用过。
9.1. 签署基字符串
签署基字符串(Signature Base String)就是将请求元素串接为单个字符串,该过程的结果是一致的、可重复的。 该字符串用于散列或签署算法的输入。 HMAC-SHA1签署方法提供了签署基字符串用于签署算法的一个标准和实例。 生成签署基字符串所有请求参数必须按照参数编码 (参数编码)进行编码。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.1.1. 正常化请求参数
除realm以外OAuth HTTP Authorization 首部 (Authorization 首部)中的参数
HTTP POST请求体中的参数(content-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded)。
HTTP GET URL中的查询部分参数(定义于 [RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .) section 3).
按照参数名字典顺序排序。同名参数按其值排序,例如:a=1, c=hi%20there, f=25, f=50, f=a, z=p, z=t
已排序参数串接为一个字符串。 每个参数名后跟一个“=”字符(ASCII代码61),无论参数值是否为空。 每对参数之间用“&”字符(ASCII代码38)分开。例如: a=1&c=hi%20there&f=25&f=50&f=a&z=p&z=t
9.1.2. 构造请求URL
签署基字符串包含了请求的绝对URL,以确保签名和特定终点的捆绑。 签署基字符串中的URL必须包含方案、授权和路径,必须排除[RFC3986] (Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” .) section 3所定义的查询和片段部分。
如果绝对地址对服务提供方不可用(对消费方总是可用的),则根据当前使用的方案、HTTP Host 首部、相对请求URL组合而成。 如果Host首部不可用,则服务提供方应使用文档中或其他方式下对消费方通讯使用的主机名。
服务提供方应当在文档中说明签署基字符串中所使用URL的形式,以避免URL正常化过程中混淆。 除非特别指定,URL方案和认证都必须小写,并包含端口号;HTTP默认端口80和HTTPS默认端口443必须被排除。
9.1.3. 串接请求字符串
以下项必须被依次串接成为一个字符串。 每一项都按照编码参数 (参数编码)进行编码,无论是否为空都用“&”字符(ASCII代码38)分开。
发送请求所使用的HTTP方法,必须大写,例如: HEAD、GET、POST等。
前述构造请求URL (构造请求URL).
前述请求参数正常化 (正常化请求参数)得到的字符。
参考Appendix A.5.1 (Generating Signature Base String)中的范例。
9.2. HMAC-SHA1
HMAC-SHA1签署方式使用[RFC2104] (Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, “HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,” .)中定义的HMAC-SHA1签署算法,把签署基字符串作为text, key则由先按照参数编码 (参数编码)进行编码再用“&”字符(ASCII代码38)分隔(无论是否为空)的消费方密钥和令牌密钥串接而成。
9.2.1. 生成签名
oauth_signature被设置为digest字节串, 先按照[RFC2045] (Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,” .) section 6.8 base64编码, 再按照参数编码 (参数编码)进行URL编码。
9.2.2. 验证签名
服务提供方使用如下步骤验证请求: 首先生成一个新的请求签名,将消费方提供的签名先按照Parameter Encoding (参数编码)进行请求解码, 再按照 [RFC2045] (Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,” .) section 6.8 进行base64解码,然后将两者进行比较。 服务提供方用于生成签名的是消费方的请求参数及本地存储的消费方密钥和令牌密钥。
9.3. RSA-SHA1
RSA-SHA1签署方式使用[RFC3447] (Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski, “Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography; Specifications Version 2.1,” .) section 8.2 (通常被称为 PKCS#1)中定义的RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5签署算法,使用SHA-1作为EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5的散列算法。假定消费方已通过某种可验证的途径(不在本规范讨论范围之内)向服务提供方提供了RSA公钥。
9.3.1. 生成签名
签署基字符串按照[RFC3447] (Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski, “Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography; Specifications Version 2.1,” .) section 8.2.1 使用消费方的RSA私钥进行签署, K 为消费方的RSA私钥,M为签署基字符串,S为签署结果字节串:
oauth_signature被设置为S,先按照 [RFC2045] (Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,” .) section 6.8 进行base64编码,然后按照 Parameter Encoding (参数编码)进行URL编码。
9.3.2. 验证签名
服务提供方按照[RFC3447] (Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski, “Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography; Specifications Version 2.1,” .)section 8.2.2 验证签名, 其中(n, e) 为消费方RSA公钥, M为签署基字符串, S为oauth_signature代表的字节值:
RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY ((n, e), M, S)
9.4.1. 生成签名
oauth_signature被设置为编码后的消费方密钥和令牌密钥的串接值,用'&'字符(ASCII代码38)分隔,无论密钥是否为空。 结果必须被再次编码。
以下例子给出了在消费方密钥为djr9rjt0jd78jf88, 而令牌密钥分别为三个不同的值时得到的oauth_signature值:
9.4.2. 验证签名
10. HTTP响应代码
本部分仅适用于对请求令牌和访问令牌的请求。一般地说,服务提供方应当使用[RFC2616] (Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, “Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1,” .) Section 10中定义的响应代码。 当服务提供方拒绝一个消费方的请求时,应当返回HTTP 400 Bad Request 或HTTP 401 Unauthorized。
HTTP 400 Bad Request
Unsupported parameter
Unsupported signature method
Missing required parameter
Duplicated OAuth Protocol Parameter
HTTP 401 Unauthorized
Invalid Consumer Key
Invalid / expired Token
Invalid signature
Invalid / used nonce
Appendix A. Appendix A - Protocol Example
In this example, the Service Provider photos.example.net is a photo sharing website, and the Consumer printer.example.com is a photo printing website. Jane, the User, would like printer.example.com to print the private photo vacation.jpg stored at photos.example.net.
When Jane signs-into photos.example.net using her username and password, she can access the photo by going to the URLhttp://photos.example.net/photo?file=vacation.jpg. Other Users cannot access that photo, and Jane does not want to share her username and password with printer.example.com.
The requests in this example use the URL query method when sending parameters. This is done to simplify the example and should not be taken as an endorsement of one method over the others.
Appendix A.1. Documentation and Registration
The Service Provider documentation explains how to register for a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, and declares the following URLs:
Request Token URL:
https://photos.example.net/request_token, using HTTP POST
User Authorization URL:
http://photos.example.net/authorize, using HTTP GET
Access Token URL:
https://photos.example.net/access_token, using HTTP POST
Photo (Protected Resource) URL:
http://photos.example.net/photowith required parameter file and optional parameter size
The Service Provider declares support for the HMAC-SHA1 signature method for all requests, and PLAINTEXT only for secure (HTTPS) requests.
The Consumer printer.example.com already established a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with photos.example.net and advertizes its printing services for photos stored on photos.example.net. The Consumer registration is:
Consumer Key: dpf43f3p2l4k3l03
Consumer Secret: kd94hf93k423kf44
Appendix A.2. Obtaining a Request Token
After Jane informs printer.example.com that she would like to print her vacation photo stored at photos.example.net, the printer website tries to access the photo and receives HTTP 401 Unauthorized indicating it is private. The Service Provider includes the following header with the response:
WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="http://photos.example.net/"
The Consumer sends the following HTTP POST request to the Service Provider:
The Service Provider checks the signature and replies with an unauthorized Request Token in the body of the HTTP response:
Appendix A.3. Requesting User Authorization
The Consumer redirects Jane's browser to the Service Provider User Authorization URL to obtain Jane's approval for accessing her private photos.
The Service Provider asks Jane to sign-in using her username and password and, if successful, asks her if she approves granting printer.example.com access to her private photos. If Jane approves the request, the Service Provider redirects her back to the Consumer's callback URL:
Appendix A.4. Obtaining an Access Token
Now that the Consumer knows Jane approved the Request Token, it asks the Service Provider to exchange it for an Access Token:
The Service Provider checks the signature and replies with an Access Token in the body of the HTTP response:
Appendix A.5. Accessing Protected Resources
The Consumer is now ready to request the private photo. Since the photo URL is not secure (HTTP), it must use HMAC-SHA1.
Appendix A.5.1. Generating Signature Base String
To generate the signature, it first needs to generate the Signature Base String. The request contains the following parameters (oauth_signature excluded) which are ordered and concatenated into a normalized string:
The following inputs are used to generate the Signature Base String:
The Signature Base String is:
Appendix A.5.2. Calculating Signature Value
HMAC-SHA1 produces the following digest value as a base64-encoded string (using the Signature Base String as text and kd94hf93k423kf44&pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00 as key):
Appendix A.5.3. Requesting Protected Resource
All together, the Consumer request for the photo is:
Authorization: OAuth realm="http://photos.example.net/",
And if using query parameters:
photos.example.net checks the signature and responds with the requested photo.
Appendix B. Security Considerations
Appendix B.1. Credentials and Token Exchange
The OAuth specification does not describe any mechanism for protecting Tokens and secrets from eavesdroppers when they are transmitted from the Service Provider to the Consumer in Section 6.1.2 (服务提供方签发未授权的请求令牌) and Section 6.3.2 (服务提供方授予访问令牌). Service Providers should ensure that these transmissions are protected using transport-layer mechanisms such as TLS or SSL.
Appendix B.2. PLAINTEXT Signature Method
When used with PLAINTEXT signatures, the OAuth protocol makes no attempts to protect User credentials from eavesdroppers or man-in-the-middle attacks. The PLAINTEXT signature algorithm is only intended to be used in conjunction with a transport-layer security mechanism such as TLS or SSL which does provide such protection. If transport-layer protection is unavailable, the PLAINTEXT signature method should not be used.
Appendix B.3. Confidentiality of Requests
While OAuth provides a mechanism for verifying the integrity of requests, it provides no guarantee of request confidentiality. Unless further precautions are taken, eavesdroppers will have full access to request content. Service Providers should carefully consider the kinds of data likely to be sent as part of such requests, and should employ transport-layer security mechanisms to protect sensitive resources.
Appendix B.4. Spoofing by Counterfeit Servers
OAuth makes no attempt to verify the authenticity of the Service Provider. A hostile party could take advantage of this by intercepting the Consumer's requests and returning misleading or otherwise incorrect responses. Service providers should consider such attacks when developing services based on OAuth, and should require transport-layer security for any requests where the authenticity of the Service Provider or of request responses is an issue.
Appendix B.5. Proxying and Caching of Authenticated Content
The HTTP Authorization scheme (OAuth HTTP认证方案) is optional. However, [RFC2616] (Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, “Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1,” .) relies on the Authorization and WWW-Authenticate headers to distinguish authenticated content so that it can be protected. Proxies and caches, in particular, may fail to adequately protect requests not using these headers.
For example, private authenticated content may be stored in (and thus retrievable from) publicly-accessible caches. Service Providers not using the HTTP Authorization scheme (OAuth HTTP认证方案) should take care to use other mechanisms, such as the Cache-Control header, to ensure that authenticated content is protected.
Appendix B.6. Plaintext Storage of Credentials
The Consumer Secret and Token Secret function the same way passwords do in traditional authentication systems. In order to compute the signatures used in the non-PLAINTEXT methods, the Service Provider must have access to these secrets in plaintext form. This is in contrast, for example, to modern operating systems, which store only a one-way hash of user credentials.
If an attacker were to gain access to these secrets - or worse, to the Service Provider's database of all such secrets - he or she would be able to perform any action on behalf of any User. Accordingly, it is critical that Service Providers protect these secrets from unauthorized access.
Appendix B.7. Secrecy of the Consumer Secret
In many applications, the Consumer application will be under the control of potentially untrusted parties. For example, if the Consumer is a freely available desktop application, an attacker may be able to download a copy for analysis. In such cases, attackers will be able to recover the Consumer Secret used to authenticate the Consumer to the Service Provider.
Accordingly, Service Providers should not use the Consumer Secret alone to verify the identity of the Consumer. Where possible, other factors such as IP address should be used as well.
Appendix B.8. Phishing Attacks
Wide deployment of OAuth and similar protocols may cause Users to become inured to the practice of being redirected to websites where they are asked to enter their passwords. If Users are not careful to verify the authenticity of these websites before entering their credentials, it will be possible for attackers to exploit this practice to steal Users' passwords.
Service Providers should attempt to educate Users about the risks phishing attacks pose, and should provide mechanisms that make it easy for Users to confirm the authenticity of their sites.
Appendix B.9. Scoping of Access Requests
By itself, OAuth does not provide any method for scoping the access rights granted to a Consumer. A Consumer either has access to Protected Resources or it doesn't. Many applications will, however, require greater granularity of access rights. For example, Service Providers may wish to make it possible to grant access to some Protected Resources but not others, or to grant only limited access (such as read-only access) to those Protected Resources.
When implementing OAuth, Service Providers should consider the types of access Users may wish to grant Consumers, and should provide mechanisms to do so. Service Providers should also take care to ensure that Users understand the access they are granting, as well as any risks that may be involved.
Appendix B.10. Entropy of Secrets
Unless a transport-layer security protocol is used, eavesdroppers will have full access to OAuth requests and signatures, and will thus be able to mount offline brute-force attacks to recover the Consumer's credentials used. Service Providers should be careful to assign Token Secrets and Consumer Secrets which are long enough - and random enough - to resist such attacks for at least the length of time that the secrets are valid.
For example, if Token Secrets are valid for two weeks, Service Providers should ensure that it is not possible to mount a brute force attack that recovers the Token Secret in less than two weeks. Of course, Service Providers are urged to err on the side of caution, and use the longest secrets reasonable.
It is equally important that the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used to generate these secrets be of sufficiently high quality. Many PRNG implementations generate number sequences that may appear to be random, but which nevertheless exhibit patterns or other weaknesses which make cryptanalysis or brute force attacks easier. Implementors should be careful to use cryptographically secure PRNGs to avoid these problems.
Appendix B.11. Denial of Service / Resource Exhaustion Attacks
The OAuth protocol has a number of features which may make resource exhaustion attacks against Service Providers possible. For example, if a Service Provider includes a nontrivial amount of entropy in Token Secrets as recommended above, then an attacker may be able to exhaust the Service Provider's entropy pool very quickly by repeatedly obtaining Request Tokens from the Service Provider.
Similarly, OAuth requires Service Providers to track used nonces. If an attacker is able to use many nonces quickly, the resources required to track them may exhaust available capacity. And again, OAuth can require Service Providers to perform potentially expensive computations in order to verify the signature on incoming requests. An attacker may exploit this to perform a denial of service attack by sending a large number of invalid requests to the Service Provider.
Resource Exhaustion attacks are by no means specific to OAuth. However, OAuth implementors should be careful to consider the additional avenues of attack that OAuth exposes, and design their implementations accordingly. For example, entropy starvation typically results in either a complete denial of service while the system waits for new entropy or else in weak (easily guessable) secrets. When implementing OAuth, Service Providers should consider which of these presents a more serious risk for their application and design accordingly.
Appendix B.12. Cryptographic Attacks
SHA-1, the hash algorithm used in HMAC-SHA1 signatures, has been shown (De Canniere, C. and C. Rechberger, “Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications,” .) [SHA1] to have a number of cryptographic weaknesses that significantly reduce its resistance to collision attacks. Practically speaking, these weaknesses are difficult to exploit, and by themselves do not pose a significant risk to users of OAuth. They may, however, make more efficient attacks possible, and NIST has announced (National Institute of Standards and Technolog, NIST., “NIST Brief Comments on Recent Cryptanalytic Attacks on Secure Hashing Functions and the Continued Security Provided by SHA-1,” .) [NIST] that it will phase out use of SHA-1 by 2010. Service Providers should take this into account when considering whether SHA-1 provides an adequate level of security for their applications.
Appendix B.13. Signature Base String Compatibility
The Signature Base String has been designed to support the signature methods defined in this specification. When designing additional signature methods, the Signature Base String should be evaluated to ensure compatibility with the algorithms used.
The Signature Base String cannot guarantee the order in which parameters are sent. If parameter ordering is important and affects the result of a request, the Signature Base String will not protect against request manipulation.
11. References
[NIST] National Institute of Standards and Technolog, NIST., “NIST Brief Comments on Recent Cryptanalytic Attacks on Secure Hashing Functions and the Continued Security Provided by SHA-1.”
[RFC2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,” RFC 2045.
[RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, “HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,” RFC 2104.
[RFC2119] Bradner, B., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,” RFC 2119.
[RFC2606] Eastlake, D. and A. Panitz, “Reserved Top Level DNS Names,” RFC 2606.
[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, “Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1,” RFC 2616.
[RFC2617] Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, “HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication,” RFC 2617.
[RFC3447] Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski, “Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography; Specifications Version 2.1,” RFC 3447.
[RFC3629] Yergeau, F., “UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646,” RFC 3629.
[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,” RFC 3986.
[SHA1] De Canniere, C. and C. Rechberger, “Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications.”
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