LilyPond 乐谱软件


第 16 章 LilyPond

最近在学习吉他,对制作吉他谱产生了兴趣,由于之前是用过latex 对五线谱制作有所印象,便安装了 LilyPond 做了一个简单的演示给各位

sudo apt-get install lilypond

1. Example


\version "2.14.2"
\relative c'' {
    \new Staff { \clef "treble" c4 }
    \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,,4 }
lilypond --png -o abc.png
lilypond --pdf -o abc

1.2. Latex

    An easy song to learn on the piano is Mary Had a Little Lamb:\\
        \score { % start of musical score
            % beginning of musical staff. the \relative c' means that the
            % notes are an octave higher than the default (ie: notes are
            % notes are relative to middle c)
            \new Staff \relative c' {
                e4 d c d e e e2 d4 d d2 e4 g g2
                e4 d c d e e e e d d e d c1
            } % end of staff
        } % end of musical score
lilypond-book --format=latex --lily-output-dir=lilyfiles mary.lytex
latex mary.tex
pdflatex --shell-escape your.tex
