
永久链接: http://majm.iteye.com/blog/648018
小区切换请求次数   The number of cell handover request
呼叫早释次数        Call the number of early release
振铃早释次数       Ringing frequency of early release
久叫不应次数        Number of years should not be called
被叫忙              Called Busy
导通检测次数        Detection of the number of conduction
导通检测失败次数    Conduction test failures

BID次数            BID Number
占用次数           Occupation times
接通次数           The number of connected
应答次数          Response times
呼叫不应数        Call th number should not be
振铃早释次数      Ringing frequency of early release
过载控制呼损         Overload Control of call loss
网管控制呼损         Network management control of call loss
最后一次路由选择溢出 Final routing overflow
被叫忙              Called Busy
被叫长忙次数        Called long-busy times
被叫市忙次数        Busy times called City
占用话务量          Occupation of telephone traffic
占用话务量辅助量    Telephone traffic volume occupied by
应答话务量          Answer telephone traffic
应答话务量辅助量    Answer telephone traffic supporting capacity
维护态电路数        Cirecuit to maintain the number of states
接通次数率          Connected to the number of rate
应答次数率          The number of rate response
试占次数            Total number of test
资源不可用          Resources not available
外部拥塞            External congestion
接通话务量          Connected to telephone traffic
接通话务量(辅助量)   Connected to telephone traffic(secondary volume)
ADI失败            ADI failure
振铃早释次数       Ringing frequency of early release
久叫不应次数       Number of years should not be called
导通检测次数       Detection Of the number of conduction
导通检测失败次数   Conduction test failures
