包中带过程 要自己定义一个type [t_cursor] is ref cursor游标,返回的时候就直接 PROCEDURE find_scan_diff_date(dept_code tb_bar_recode.dept_code%TYPE,
oper_start_tm varchar2,
oper_end_tm varchar2,
oper_type_code tb_bar_recode.oper_type_code%TYPE,
c_ref OUT t_cursor);
存储过程 用系统默认的 sys_refcursor 游标类型 定义变量就OK了
--生成包 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_bar_scan_diff IS /*TYPE waybillnotype IS RECORD( waybill_no tb_bar_recode.waybill_no%TYPE);*/ TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR /*RETURN waybillnotype*/; PROCEDURE find_scan_diff_date(dept_code tb_bar_recode.dept_code%TYPE, oper_start_tm varchar2, oper_end_tm varchar2, oper_type_code tb_bar_recode.oper_type_code%TYPE, c_ref OUT t_cursor); END pkg_bar_scan_diff;
--生成包体 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_bar_scan_diff IS /** * 1 :根据点部代码,扫描类型,扫描时间 查出所有的扫描单号的母单号 并插入临时表; * 2 :查出所有的 母单和子单; * 3 :业务数据查询功能 可扩展; **/ PROCEDURE find_scan_diff_date(dept_code tb_bar_recode.dept_code%TYPE, oper_start_tm varchar2, oper_end_tm varchar2, oper_type_code tb_bar_recode.oper_type_code%TYPE, c_ref OUT t_cursor) AS str varchar(2000); v_statr_Tm varchar2(19) := oper_start_tm; v_end_Tm varchar2(19) := oper_end_tm; v_i int; v_j int; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate TABLE tl_scan_waybill_record'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate TABLE tl_scan_base_record'; -- 查出所有的扫描单号的 母单号 并插入临时表; str := ' INSERT INTO tl_scan_waybill_record (waybill_no) (SELECT distinct t.waybill_no FROM tb_bar_recode t ' ||' WHERE t.dept_code = '''||dept_code||''' ' ||' AND t.oper_type_code = '''||oper_type_code||''' ' ||' AND to_char(t.oper_tm,''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'') >= '''||v_statr_Tm||''' ' ||' AND to_char(t.oper_tm,''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'') < '''||v_end_Tm||''' ' ||' AND substr(t.waybill_no, 0, 2) <> ''00'' ' ||' union ' ||' SELECT DISTINCT w.waybill_no ' ||' FROM tb_bar_recode T, tb_waybill_child w, tb_waybill bill ' ||' WHERE bill.waybill_id = w.waybill_id AND bill.waybill_type_code = ''1'' ' ||' AND T.waybill_no = w.waybill_child_no ' ||' AND T.dept_code = '''||dept_code||''' ' ||' AND T.oper_type_code = '''||oper_type_code||''' ' ||' AND to_char(T.oper_tm,''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'') >= '''||v_statr_Tm||''' ' ||' AND to_char(T.oper_tm,''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'') < '''||v_end_Tm||''' ' ||' AND substr(T.waybill_no, 0, 2) = ''00'' ) '; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE str; --业务数据查询; str:= ' SELECT a.waybill_no,b.waybill_child_no,b.is_flag,b.WAYBILL_NO_STATE, ' ||' a.cons_name,a.quantity,a.consignor_cont_name, ' ||' a.consignor_phone,a.consignor_mobile,a.addressee_cont_name, ' ||' a.addressee_phone,a.addressee_mobile,a.source_zone_code,a.dest_zone_code ' ||' FROM tb_waybill a,tl_scan_base_record b ' ||'WHERE a.waybill_no = b.waybill_no ' ||' and a.waybill_type_code = ''1'' '; open c_ref for str; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line(SQLERRM); END; END pkg_bar_scan_diff;
public List<BarSurplusWaybill> findAllSurplusDiff(final String deptCode,final String startDate ,final String endDate,final String operType){ Connection conn = this.getSession().connection(); List<BarSurplusWaybill> lst = new ArrayList<BarSurplusWaybill>(); CallableStatement cs; try { cs = conn.prepareCall("{ Call PKG_BAR_SCAN_DIFF.FIND_SCAN_DIFF_DATE(?,?,?,?,?) }"); cs.setString(1, deptCode); cs.setString(2, startDate); cs.setString(3, endDate); cs.setString(4, operType); cs.registerOutParameter(5,OracleTypes.CURSOR); cs.execute(); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(5); while(rs.next()){ BarSurplusWaybill waybill = new BarSurplusWaybill(); waybill.setWaybillNo((String)(rs.getString("waybill_no")==null?"":rs.getString("waybill_no"))); lst.add(waybill); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(int i = 0;i<lst.size();i++){ System.out.println(lst.get(i).getWaybillNo()); } return lst; }