学英语 之 黄健翔激情解说


“点 球,点球,点球!格罗索立功了,格罗索立功了!意大利人不要给澳大利亚人任何的机会。伟大的意大利的左后卫,他继承了意大利的光荣的传统!法切蒂、卡布里 迪、马尔蒂尼在这一刻灵魂附体。格罗索一个人,他代表了意大利足球的悠久的历史传统。在这一刻,他不是一个人在战斗,他不是一个人!……”
Penalty! Penalty! Penalty! Grosso's done it, Grosso's done it! The great Italian left back! He succeeded in the glorious traditions of Italy! Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment! Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian soccer, he's not fighting alone at this moment! He's not alone!
“托蒂!托蒂面对这个点球, 他面对的是全世界意大利球迷的目光和期待。施瓦泽曾经在世界杯决赛的附加赛当中扑出过两个点球。他深知这一个球对于球队有多么重要,他还能够微笑着面对他面前的这个人吗?托蒂!十秒钟以后,他会是怎样的表情?……
Totti! He is about to take the shot.
“球进了,比赛结束了,意大利队获得了胜利,淘汰了澳大利亚队。意大利队没有再一次倒在希丁克的球队面前!伟大的意大利,伟大的意大利左后卫!伟大的马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐,意大利万岁! 他没有辜负意大利人的期望,这个点球是一个绝对理论上的绝杀,绝对的死角。意大利队进入了八强!
Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians!They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Forza Italia!
胜利属于意大利,属于格罗索,属于卡纳瓦罗,属于赞布罗塔,属于布冯,属于马尔蒂尼,属于所有爱意大利足球的人! 让他们滚蛋吧!澳大利亚队也许会后悔的,希丁克在下半场多打一个人的情况,他打得太保守,太沉稳了,他失去了自己的勇气,面对意大利悠久的传统,他没有拿出猛冲猛打的作风,他终于自食其果。他们该回家了,他们不用回遥远的澳大利亚,他们大多数都在欧洲生活,再见!”
The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian soccer! Hiddink ... lost all his courage faced with Italian history and traditions ... He finally reaped fruits which he had sown! They should go home. They don't need to go as far away as Australia as most of them are living in Europe. Farewell!

[after Grosso was tripped over] Huang went: "A penalty kick! A penalty kick! A penalty kick! Grosso has made a great contribution, Grosso has made a great contribution! He doesn’t give Australia any chance at all. The Australian team can go home much earlier now! What an amazing Italian left full back! He has inherited Italy’s honorable tradition. He has been embodied with Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini . Grosso himself represents Italy’s long history and tradition of soccer. At this moment, he is not fighting by himself, he is not alone!"

[After Totti kicked the goal] Huang went: "He kicked the goal! The Australian team can go home now. Italy won’t lose to Australia again. What an amazing Italian left full back! Happy birthday to Maldini! Long live Italy! How great Italy is! This is what Italians hope for. This penalty kick is an absolute one-off! Absolute one-off! Italy has made the final eight! This victory belongs to Italy, Cannavaro, Buffon, Maldini and all the people who love Italian football! Australia may regret it. It’s time for Australia to go home. But maybe they don’t need to go back to faraway Australia because most of them are living in Europe. Goodbye! "[at this time, a background voice could be heard saying “You fuck off!” but we’re not sure whether it is Huang’s voice or not.]

