Maven开发Android指南 1 简介


学习Maven的使用已经3年了,从开始对 Maven有些盲目的崇拜,到现在真正去使用、去理解。《Maven开发Android指南》将记录学习中的心得体会,分享给大家。


文章翻译自《Maven: The Complete Reference》第14章



Maven开发Android指南 1 简介


Maven开发Android指南 2 配置android-maven-plugin


Maven开发Android指南 3 使用Android Maven Archetypes 创建新项目


Maven开发Android指南 4 与Eclipse整合(m2e-android )


Maven开发Android指南 5 调试



Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于便携设备,如智能手机平板电脑2005年由Google收购注资,并组建开放手机联盟开发改良随后,逐渐扩展到平板电脑及其他领域上。Android的中间层基本上用Java 实现,采用Dalvik JAVA虚拟机。在运行时,将Java字节码转换为Dalvik 虚拟机可以识别的.dex文件。JAVA是默认的开发语言,API是基于JAVA



大多数情况下,开发Android应用使用基于EclipseAndroid Development Toolkit ADT也可以使用Apache Ant来代替IDE的编译工作。Android Maven Plugin则可以利用Apache Maven提供的功能,使开发团队完成编译,部署和发布Android应用,还可以使用Maven强大的特性,如依赖管理,报表,代码分析等等。




开放手机联盟:开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance)是美国Google公司与2007115日宣布组建的一个全球性的联盟组织。这一联盟将会支持Google可能发布的手机操作系统或者应用软件,共同开发名为Android开放源代码移动系统。开放手机联盟包括手机制造商、手机芯片厂商和移动运营商几类。


Java字节码(Java bytecode):Java bytecode is the form of instructions that the Java virtual machine executes. Each bytecode opcode is one byte in length, although some require parameters, resulting in some multi-byte instructions. Not all of the possible 256 opcodes are used. 51 are reserved for future use. Beyond that, Sun Microsystems, the original developer of the Java platform, has set aside three values to be permanently unimplemented


opcodeIn computer science, an opcode (operation code) is the portion of a machine language instruction that specifies the operation to be performed. Their specification and format are laid out in the instruction set architecture of the processor in question (which may be a general CPU or a more specialized processing unit). Apart from the opcode itself, an instruction normally also has one or more specifiers for operands (i.e. data) on which the operation should act, although some operations may have implicit operands, or none at all. There are instruction sets with nearly uniform fields for opcode and operand specifiers, as well as others (the x86 architecture for instance) with a more complicated, varied length structure

Android NDKThe NDK is a toolset that allows you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++. For certain types of apps, this can be helpful so you can reuse existing code libraries written in these languages, but most apps do not need the Android NDK.




