
1 hour = 10 point
1 day = 60 point
1 step = 40 point

Test phase
CVT component verification test

Test Plan
118: ***** CVT Plan Iteration 11
包含若干个 Test Cases
Id, Name, State, Owner, Function, Test Phase, Weight, Modified

Test Case Design
Id: 21249
  Define the overall design for the current test case. This can include any background setup information or topologies.

Precondition: environment built
Test steps:
  1. chanege to work directory,and export data to zip by executing .sh file with some parameters
  2. extract them from zip, and change them
  3. zip the changed data and import them to server like step 1
  4. login and check whether to be modified.

In the process, I downloaded it from the server, modifying them and then uploading through ftp because of no zip command in server.

Test Case Execution Records
Id: 26791
Actual Result, Host Name, Owner
Test Plan: ****** CVT Plan Iteration 11
Test Milestone
Test Case: 21249
Weight:   160  (Points)
Weight Distribution: Pass, Fail, Inconclusive, Blocked, Attempted
Test Environment: Browsers, Operating System
Previous Results
Result Details

    请教mentor后,这个weight的点数分配有问题,按上述所算,平均一个step要4个小时,有点多。  另外,这个是根据经验+平均值来计算points
    要严格按照Test steps进行测试,这个手动测试不仅仅是针对测试人员,而是所有人均可用。
