29. 面向对象的LotusScript(五)之ExtDoc

NotesDocument是Lotus Notes的核心对象之一,在开发中会遇到很多与它有关的反复出现的功能需求,可以写成通用的函数,比如针对一个文档,创建回复、取得父文档等等。下面就是一些例子:
	Description: Create a response for the given document.
	Use the given form name. Return the unsaved response.
Public Function CreateResponse(doc As NotesDocument, form As String)As NotesDocument
	Dim response As NotesDocument
	Set response=doc.Parentdatabase.Createdocument()
	Call response.Makeresponse(doc)
	Set CreateResponse=response
End Function
	Description: Description: Replace the given items of the document collection 
	with the given document's items of the same name. 
	@param: itemNames is an array or a string conainting names separated by '^'
	other types provided, an error will occur
Public Function StampCollection(dc As NotesDocumentCollection, doc As NotesDocument, itemNames As Variant) 
	Dim v
	If Not IsArray(itemNames) Then
		v=Split(itemNames, "^")
	End If
	ForAll itemName In v
		Call dc.Stampall(itemName, doc.Getitemvalue(itemName))
	End ForAll
End Function
	Description: Replace the given items of the reponses of the given document with its own items of the same name. 
	@param: itemNames is an array or a string conainting names separated by '^'
	other types provided, an error will occur
Public function StampResponses(doc As NotesDocument, itemNames As Variant)
	Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
	Set dc=doc.Responses
	Call StampCollection(dc, doc, itemNames)
	'Call dc.StampAll(itemName,doc.GetItemValue(itemName))
End Function
	Class ExtDoc
	Description: Comments for Class
Public Class ExtDoc
	Public mdoc As NotesDocument
		Sub New
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub New(doc As NotesDocument)
		Set me.mdoc=doc
	End Sub
		Function ReplaceItemValue
		Description: Replace the given item's value using the given "from" array to "to" array. 
	Public Function ReplaceItemValue(itemName As String, compareArray As Variant, replaceArray As Variant)
		Dim v As Variant
		Call me.mdoc.Replaceitemvalue(itemName, ArrayReplace(v, compareArray, replaceArray))
	End Function
		Function CopyAllTo
		Description: copy the document and all its descendents to
		another db.
	Public Function CopyAllTo(dest As NotesDatabase )
		Call mdoc.Copytodatabase(dest)
		Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
		Dim rdoc As NotesDocument
		Dim rext As ExtDoc
		Set dc=mdoc.Responses
		Set rdoc=dc.Getfirstdocument()
		Do Until rdoc Is Nothing
			Set rext=New ExtDoc(rdoc)
			Call rext.CopyAllTo(dest)
			Set rdoc=dc.Getnextdocument(rdoc)
		Call mdoc.Copytodatabase(dest)
	End Function
		Function RemoveAll
		Description: Remove the document and all its descendents
	Public Function RemoveAll(force As Boolean)
		Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
		Dim docR As NotesDocument, docTmp As NotesDocument
		Dim ed As ExtDoc
		Set dc=mdoc.Responses
		Set docR=dc.Getfirstdocument()
		Do Until docR Is Nothing			
			Set docTmp=dc.Getnextdocument(docR)
			Set ed=New ExtDoc(docR)
			Call ed.RemoveAll(force)
			Set docR=docTmp
		Call mdoc.Remove(force)
	End Function
		Function ComputeAndSave
		Description: Comments for Function
	Public Function ComputeAndSave()
		Call mdoc.Computewithform(False, False )
		Call mdoc.save(True, False)
	End Function
		Function CopyItemsFrom
		Description: Comments for Function
	Public Function CopyItemsFrom(source As NotesDocument, items As Variant)
		If IsArray(items) Then
			ForAll itemName In items
				Call mdoc.Replaceitemvalue(itemName, source.Getitemvalue(itemName))
			End ForAll
			Call mdoc.Replaceitemvalue(items, source.Getitemvalue(items))
		End If
	End Function
		Function CreateResponse
		Description: Comments for Function
	Public Function CreateResponseDoc(form As String ) As NotesDocument
		Set me.CreateResponseDoc=CreateResponse(me.mdoc, form)
	End Function
		Function StampResponses
		Description: Replace the given item of the reponses of the wrapped document with its own item of the same name. 
	Public Function StampResponseDocs(itemName As Variant)
		Call StampResponses(me.mdoc, itemName)
	End Function
		Function GetParentDoc
		Description: Comments for Function
	Public Function GetParentDoc() As NotesDocument
		Dim docResult As NotesDocument
		If me.mdoc.Isresponse Then
			Set docResult=mdoc.Parentdatabase.Getdocumentbyunid(mdoc.Parentdocumentunid)
			Set docResult=Nothing 
		End If
		Set GetParentDoc=docResult
	End Function
		Function IsUnique
		Description: Check if the wrapped document is unique in the given view.
		A document is unique if for the given number -- keyNum -- of sorted columns, there's no other document
		having the same values. That is, if a GetDocumentByKey is called with an array cotaining
		keyNum of keys, no other document is returned.
	Public Function IsUnique(viewName As String, keyNum As Integer) As Boolean
		Dim view As NotesView
		Set view=Me.mdoc.ParentDatabase.GetView(viewName)
		Dim doc As NotesDocument
		Dim keys As New NArray(-1)
		ForAll c In view.Columns
			If c.IsSorted Then
				If keyNum=0 Then
					Exit ForAll 
				End If
			End If
		End ForAll
		Set doc=view.Getdocumentbykey(keys.Container, True)
		If doc Is Nothing Then
			If doc.Universalid=mdoc.Universalid Then
			End If
		End If		
	End Function
		Function IsValueUnique
		Description: Check if the wrapped document is unique in the given column of the given view.
	Public Function IsValueUnique(value As Variant,viewName As String,columnNum As Integer) As Boolean
		Dim s As New NotesSession
		Dim view As NotesView
		Dim doc As NotesDocument	
		Set view=s.CurrentDatabase.GetView(viewName)
		Set doc=view.GetFirstDocument
		Do Until doc Is Nothing
			If doc.ColumnValues(columnNum)=value And doc.Universalid><mdoc.Universalid Then 
				Exit Function
			End If
			Set doc=view.GetNextDocument(doc)
	End Function
		Description: Check if the wrapped document is unique in the given field of the given document collection.
	Public Function IsValueUniqueInDC(Field As String, dc As NotesDocumentCollection) As Boolean
		Dim doc As NotesDocument
		Set doc=dc.Getfirstdocument()
		Do Until doc Is Nothing
			'cannot compare the item value array, compare the first value instead
			If doc.GetItemValue(Field)(0)=mdoc.Getitemvalue(field)(0) And doc.Universalid><mdoc.Universalid Then 
				Exit Function
			End If
			Set doc=dc.GetNextDocument(doc)
	End Function
		Function GetDuplicatedDoc
		Description: Return the first found document in the given view, which has the same value
		with the given document in the given column.
	Public Function GetDuplicatedDoc(value As Variant, viewName As String, columnNum As Integer) As NotesDocument 
		Dim s As New NotesSession
		Dim view As NotesView
		Dim doc As NotesDocument	
		Set view=s.CurrentDatabase.GetView(viewName)
		Set doc=view.GetFirstDocument
		Do Until doc Is Nothing
			If doc.ColumnValues(columnNum)=value And doc.Universalid><mdoc.Universalid Then 
				Set Me.GetDuplicatedDoc=doc
				Exit Function
			End If
			Set doc=view.GetNextDocument(doc)
	End Function
		Obsolete Function ReplicateTo
		Description: Make sure the copied document has the same universal id.
		Direct copied documents will keep the response relations in 8.5. Modifying a document's universal id and saving it will generate another document with still a different OF part of the id.
	Public Function ReplicateTo(dest As NotesDatabase )
		Dim doc As NotesDocument
		Set doc= mdoc.Copytodatabase(dest)
		Call doc.Save(True, False)
		Set me.ReplicateTo=doc
	End Function
		Obsolete Function ReplicateAllTo
		Description: Comments for Function
	Public Function ReplicateAllTo(dest As NotesDatabase)
		Call me.ReplicateTo(dest)
		Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
		Dim rdoc As NotesDocument
		Dim rext As ExtDoc
		Set dc=mdoc.Responses
		Set rdoc=dc.Getfirstdocument()
		Do Until rdoc Is Nothing
			Set rext=New ExtDoc(rdoc)
			Call rext.ReplicateAllTo(dest)
			Set rdoc=dc.Getnextdocument(rdoc)
	End Function
End Class

上面的CreateResponseDoc和StampResponseDocs方法分别调用了CreateResponse和StampResponses函数。当然也可以将这些函数本身包含进类中。大部分方法的作用都一看即知。稍微复杂一些的做了详细的注释,这里再略加说明。GetDuplicatedDoc,IsUnique, IsValueUnique,这些方法提到的Unique, Duplicated的含义都是针对某个视图的某个或某些列;IsUnique可以比较视图的前若干个排序列;IsValueUniqueInDC针对的是文档集合和某个字段。StampResponseDocs使用父文档的域更改子文档,参数中的域名可以是数组或由特殊字符^分隔开的字符串。CopyAllTo和RemoveAll里的All指的是连带所有子文档。ReplicateTo和ReplicateAllTo会修改目的文档的UniversalID,但是在8.5中似乎Notes会自动保持答复关系,故不再需要。

