$arr =New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $i = 1 $pstablelist = @(); $array =get-user do { IF ($array[$i].RecipientType -eq "UserMailbox") { $mbx=Get-CASMailbox $array[$i].name IF($mbx.OWAEnabled) { $arr.add("name:"+$array[$i].name+" title:"+$array[$i].title ); $table = @{"name"=$array[$i].name;"title"=$array[$i].title;}; $pstable = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $table; $pstablelist += $pstable; } } $i++; } while ($i -lt $array.Length) $pstablelist | Export-Csv c:\test.csv -NoTypeInformation
$ob1 = "foo" Try { $ErrorActionPreference1 = "stop" $ErrorActionPreference11 = "stop" $ErrorActionPreference122 = "stop" $ErrorActionPreference221 = "stop" $ob11= 11/0; } Catch [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException] { "invalid object" } Catch [System.Exception] { $_.Exception.Message; "caught a system exception" } Finally { "end of script" }
Get-MessageTrackingLog|?{$_.sourcecontext -eq '*12*'}|fl
Get-MessageTrackingLog|?{$_.sourcecontext -like '*12*'}|fl
Operator | Description | Example | Result |
-eq |
equals |
$a = 5 ; $a -eq 4 |
False |
-ne |
not equal |
$a = 5 ; $a -ne 4 |
True |
-gt |
greater than |
$a = 5 ; $a -gt 4 |
True |
-ge |
greater than or equal to |
$a = 5 ; $a -ge 5 |
True |
-lt |
less than |
$a = 5 ; $a -lt 5 |
False |
-le |
less than or equal to |
$a = 5 ; $a -le 5 |
True |
-like |
wildcard comparison |
$a = "This is Text" ; $a -like "Text" |
False |
-notlike |
wildcard comparison |
$a = "This is Text" ; $a -notlike "Text" |
True |
-match |
regular expression comparison |
$a = "Text is Text" ; $a -match "Text" |
True |
-notmatch |
regular expression comparison |
$a = "This is Text" ; $a -notmatch "Text$" |
False |
Search-MailboxAuditLog js1 -ShowDetails -ResultSize 111/Unlimited | Sort-Object ItemSubject|fl itemsubject,identity -First 30
6, get the compressed folder\files in the path C:\folder by powershell
gci -r C:\folder\ | where {$_.attributes -match "compressed"} | foreach { $_.fullname }
gci -r C:\folder\ | where {$_.attributes -match "enr"} | foreach { $_.fullname }