used for access the current testsuite object, like test case:
3. the interface to access the log object in groovy script:
the log object is the log4j library,access from this class:import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
so here you can soapui had provided us three objects to access soapui context .
4. the interface to access the test case object:
TestCase newcase=testRunner.getTestCase();
for testRunner object ,you can do these things from it’s interface:
Interface TestStep
All Superinterfaces:
ModelItem, PropertyChangeNotifier, ResultContainer, TestModelItem, TestPropertyHolder
All Known Subinterfaces:
HttpRequestTestStep, HttpTestRequestStepInterface, OperationTestStep, RestTestRequestStepInterface, SamplerTestStep
All Known Implementing Classes:
AMFRequestTestStep, HttpTestRequestStep, JdbcRequestTestStep, ManualTestStep, PropertyTransfersTestStep, ProPlaceholderStepFactory.WsdlProPlaceholderTestStep, RestTestRequestStep, WsdlDelayTestStep, WsdlGotoTestStep, WsdlGroovyScriptTestStep, WsdlMockResponseTestStep, WsdlPropertiesTestStep, WsdlRunTestCaseTestStep, WsdlTestRequestStep, WsdlTestStep, WsdlTestStepWithProperties
from above we can see we can access any test step if you need .
soapui had provided these types of test step ,see below:
here i just give some special object we use often in your project:
1.JDBC Request
free version: JdbcRequestTestStep
pro version:ProJdbcRequestTestStep
2.DataSource :WsdlDataSourceTestStep
3.DataSource Loop:WsdlDataSourceLoopTestStep