一个异常捕获后,在 finally
Input input = null; IOException processException = null; try{ input = new FileInputStream(fileName); //...process input stream... } catch (IOException e) { processException = e; } finally { if(input != null){ try { input.close(); } catch(IOException e){ if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, e, "Error message..." + fileName); } else { throw new MyException(e, "Error closing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } } if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, "Error processing InputStream for file " + fileName; }
public abstract class InputStreamProcessingTemplate { public void process(String fileName){ IOException processException = null; InputStream input = null; try{ input = new FileInputStream(fileName); doProcess(input); } catch (IOException e) { processException = e; } finally { if(input != null){ try { input.close(); } catch(IOException e){ if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, e, "Error message..." + fileName); } else { throw new MyException(e, "Error closing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } } if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, "Error processing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } //override this method in a subclass, to process the stream. public abstract void doProcess(InputStream input) throws IOException; }
new InputStreamProcessingTemplate(){ public void doProcess(InputStream input) throws IOException{ int inChar = input.read(); while(inChar !- -1){ //do something with the chars... } } }.process("someFile.txt");
public interface InputStreamProcessor { public void process(InputStream input) throws IOException; } public class InputStreamProcessingTemplate { public void process(String fileName, InputStreamProcessor processor){ IOException processException = null; InputStream input = null; try{ input = new FileInputStream(fileName); processor.process(input); } catch (IOException e) { processException = e; } finally { if(input != null){ try { input.close(); } catch(IOException e){ if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, e, "Error message..." + fileName; } else { throw new MyException(e, "Error closing InputStream for file " + fileName); } } } if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, "Error processing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } }
new InputStreamProcessingTemplate() .process("someFile.txt", new InputStreamProcessor(){ public void process(InputStream input) throws IOException{ int inChar = input.read(); while(inChar !- -1){ //do something with the chars... } } });
public class InputStreamProcessingTemplate { public static void process(String fileName, InputStreamProcessor processor){ IOException processException = null; InputStream input = null; try{ input = new FileInputStream(fileName); processor.process(input); } catch (IOException e) { processException = e; } finally { if(input != null){ try { input.close(); } catch(IOException e){ if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, e, "Error message..." + fileName); } else { throw new MyException(e, "Error closing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } } if(processException != null){ throw new MyException(processException, "Error processing InputStream for file " + fileName; } } }
InputStreamProcessingTemplate.process("someFile.txt", new InputStreamProcessor(){ public void process(InputStream input) throws IOException{ int inChar = input.read(); while(inChar !- -1){ //do something with the chars... } } });