CQRS:When to use CQRS

Now that we are at the end of our journey, we can suggest some of the criteria you should evaluate to determine whether or not you should consider implementing the CQRS pattern in one or more bounded contexts in your application. The more of these questions you can answer positively, the more likely it is that applying the CQRS pattern to a given bounded context will benefit your solution:

  • Does the bounded context implement an area of business functionality that is a key differentiator in your market?
  • Is the bounded context collaborative in nature with elements that are likely to have high levels of contention at run time? In other words, do multiple users compete for access to the same resources?
  • Is the bounded context likely to experience ever-changing business rules?
  • Do you have a robust, scalable messaging and persistence infrastructure already in place?
  • Is scalability one of the challenges facing this bounded context?
  • Is the business logic in the bounded context complex?
  • Are you clear about the benefits that
