local people are enjoying the convenience of commercial business.
commercial 翻成“商”,指非“工”业的经营模式。
business 这里不能翻成“生意”,要翻成“业”,是指事业。
所以commercial business 要翻译成 “商业”
local people are enjoying the convenience of commercial business。
2、to do,简单例子:I have something to do.
3、介宾结构,简单举例:She is wearing a sweater with a flower on it.
eg: There's no security software on this computer - no wonder you've been hacked!
词性有点不一样specialise vt., vi. 既是"及物动词"又是"不及物动词"specialize vt. 只是 "及物动词"
We have to find a specific area to specialise in.
He specializes in archaeology.
abbr.[拉丁语]et cetera(常读作 and so forth);
英 [ˌɪt'setərə]
美 [ˌɪt'setərə]
Since the human species came into being,we have adapted to our changing environment.
She wore casual clothing, prefering not to dress up for this event.
The moon will pass through all of phases in about on month.
Somehow, i must make the baby stop crying.(我得想个办法,让小孩停止哭)
somehow 是副词,跟however很类似,下面是牛津高阶解释
/ ˈsʌmhau; ˋsʌmˏhaʊ/ (US also someway/ ˈsʌmweɪ; ˋsʌmˏwe/) indef adv
in some way; by some means 以某种方式; 通过某种途径:
We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往.
Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去.
for a reason that is unknown or unspecified 由於未知的或未确指的原因:
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. 不知什麽缘故, 我觉得不能信任他.
I always knew I'd get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.
The man shows his faith by getting on his kness and praying.
get on your knees 有跪下的意思 膝盖着地支撑着身体
get your knees 要根据具体的语境来理解 可以是让你跪下 也可以引申为使你屈服
Seeing the sunrise on the mountain top really inspired me.
Those two are always in conflict about something or another.
be in conflict with
be in confict about