
// 创建cat精灵
    CCSprite* cat = CCSprite::create("Image\\grossini.png");
    //change the transform anchor point to 0,0 (optional)
    cat->setAnchorPoint( ccp(0,0) );
    //创建 background 精灵最为背景
    CCSprite* background = CCSprite::create("Image\\background.png");
    // scale the image (optional)
    background->setScale( 2.0f );
    // change the transform anchor point (optional)
    background->setAnchorPoint( ccp(0,0) );

    // 创建一个parallax节点用于储存各种精灵,然后移动parallax节点以展示“视差”效果
    CCParallaxNode* voidNode = CCParallaxNode::create();
    // background的移动速度为 0.4x, 0.5y
    voidNode->addChild(background, -1, ccp(0.4f,0.5f), CCPointZero);
    // cat的移动速度为 3.0x, 2.5y
    voidNode->addChild(cat, 1, ccp(3.0f,2.5f), ccp(200,800) );
    //移动 CCParallaxNode 产生视差效果
    CCActionInterval* goUp = CCMoveBy::create(4, ccp(0,-500) );
    CCActionInterval* goDown = goUp->reverse();
    CCActionInterval* go = CCMoveBy::create(8, ccp(-1000,0) );
    CCActionInterval* goBack = go->reverse();
    CCFiniteTimeAction* seq = CCSequence::create(goUp, go, goDown, goBack, NULL);
    voidNode->runAction( (CCRepeatForever::create((CCActionInterval*) seq) ));
    addChild( voidNode );

