Basic4android v3.00 发布

     这次发布的版本主要是增加了快速debuger. 在运行时,可以在IDE 里面随时修改代码,而不需要重新发布应用。


Basic4android v3.00 is released.

The main new feature in this version is the rapid debugger: Rapid Debugger
The rapid debugger makes it much easier and quicker to test and debug your code.


    • Rapid Debugger - Powerful debugger, hot code swapping, quick deployment and more.
    • Better support for large number of background tasks. This update (together with an update to the Http library) allows you to send hundreds of requests at once.
    • B4A-Bridge - Last 5 IP addresses are stored. F2 connects to the last one. Some other small improvements in the connection process.
    • For loop performance improvement.
    • Activity / Panel.GetAllViewsRecursive. Provides a simple way to iterate over all views.
    • Color picker. Right click in the code editor to show it.
    • List.SortTypeCaseInsensitive method.
    • PhoneSms.Send2 - send sms without notifications.
    • Screenshots tool - Copy to clipboard.
    • Spinner.DropDownTextColor property.
    • Compilation window closes automatically when it loses focus.
    • Bug fixes and other minor improvements (including the fix for Android 4.3 back key issue and the IDE scrolling issue).
