关于适配iphone5,Invalid Launch Image的退信

关于适配iphone5,Invalid Launch Image的退信

本人xcode 4.3,所开发客户端新版本准备提交,应用中做了关于iphone5的适配,然后打包提交。
Invalid Launch Image  
Your app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later.

然后就网上去找答案,网上找到说要支持到ios4.3以后,ios deployment taeget 改为4.3尝试打包提交,结果还是被拒了。
Invalid Launch Image
An example of this rejection email follows:

Your app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later.
This issue results from building your application with iOS SDK 5.1 and earlier and adding a [email protected] image to it in order to support the 4-inch retina display. If you intend to support the 4-inch retina display, then you must build your application against the iOS 6.0 SDK. If you do not intend to build your application against iOS 6 SDK, then remove [email protected] from your project.

Note: iOS SDK 6.0 is only supported by Xcode 4.5 and later.

文档的意思也就是说如果你想添加 [email protected] 图片(支持iphone5),就需要用ios6.0的sdk打包。要不然你就删了[email protected]


于是整个xcode 4.5打包,最后顺利提交。期间也不甘心应用只支持ios4.3以后,虽然找过一些资料说可以打包或者有人说通过了审核,但我们的应用没能解决问题,最后还是无奈了。
