Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 30000K | |
Total Submissions: 1559 | Accepted: 638 |
Sample Input
2 3 C "Arrived at LSU for the contest" 2 3 E "Was devoured by sidewalk ants" GRISLY E "Won the contest. Received glory and nachos." HAPPY 5 C "Saw a peanut" 3 5 E "Made peanut butter sandwich" HAPPY C "Found a hammer" 4 2 E "Hit self on head with hammer, ouch!" GRISLY E "Ate the peanut, choked on it, and died" GRISLY
Sample Output
STORY 1 Arrived at LSU for the contest Won the contest. Received glory and nachos. STORY 2 Saw a peanut Found a hammer Made peanut butter sandwich
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; //定义页,存放输入的行数信息 typedef struct { int next1,next2; char type; string text; string end; }Page; Page page[101]; //标记这个页数是否读过,0表示未读过,1表示已读过 int mark[101]; //存放路径,值0时表示到尾部 int path[101]; void init() { for(int i = 0;i < 101; i++) { page[i].end = ""; page[i].text = ""; page[i].next1 = 0; page[i].next2 = 0; mark[i] = 0; path[i] = 0; } } //深度搜索,p表示下一页要读的页码索引,k表示路径长度,读到了第几页,每加一页k+1 bool dfs(int p,int k) { //如果读过,就直接返回上级 if(mark[p]==1) return false; //记录路径,第k路径是第P页 path[k] = p; //标记这一页读过 mark[p] = 1; //读到故事结尾了,返回true if(page[p].type=='E'&&page[p].end.compare("HAPPY")==0) return true; if(page[p].type == 'C') { //此条路径成功返回true,因为每组数据只有一个结局,所以找到后即返回,不用再搜索了。 if(dfs(page[p].next1,k+1)) return true; if(dfs(page[p].next2,k+1)) return true; } //这条路径没有成功的完美故事结局,这条路径返回初始值,标记为未读,路径复位0 path[k] = 0; mark[p] = 0; return false; } //打印 void print() { int i = 1; while(path[i]!=0) { cout<<page[path[i]].text<<endl; i++; } } int main() { //测试数据组数 int n; //页数 int x; //页码 int page1,page2; //内容 string text,end; //行数 string line; cin>>n; for(int m = 1; m <= n; m++) { cin>>x; //回车符 getchar(); //初始化 init(); for(int i = 1; i <= x; i++) { //一次读一行 getline(cin,line); //如果是C则按照C行格式初始化,先截取字符串,放在一个结构体中 if(line[0] == 'C') { page1 = atoi(line.substr(line.find_last_of("\"")+2,1).c_str()); page2 = atoi(line.substr(line.find_last_of("\"")+4,1).c_str()); text = line.substr(line.find_first_of("\"")+1,line.find_last_of("\"")-line.find_first_of("\"")-1); page[i].next1 = page1; page[i].next2 = page2; page[i].text = text; page[i].type = 'C'; }else if(line[0] == 'E') { //如果是E则按照E行格式初始化,先截取字符串,放在一个结构体中 text = line.substr(line.find_first_of("\"")+1,line.find_last_of("\"")-line.find_first_of("\"")-1); end = line.substr(line.find_last_of("\"")+2,line.length()-line.find_last_of("\"")); page[i].end = end; page[i].text = text; page[i].type = 'E'; } //把流和内容清空,注意,不然下次读完之后,内容有重复 line = ""; cin.clear(); } //从书的第一页开始搜索 mark[1] = 1; path[1] = 1; cout<<"STORY "<<m<<endl; if(dfs(page[1].next1,2)) print(); else { if(dfs(page[1].next2,2)) print(); } } return 0; }