Spoken English(013)

  • When is the store closing
  • Are you sure you can come by at nine
  • Am I allowed to stay out past 10
  • The meeting is scheduled for two hours,but it is not over yet
  • Tom’s birthday is this week
  • Would you care to see it/sit down for a while
  • Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there
  • Could you do me a big favor
  • He is crazy about Crazy English
  • Can you imagine how much he paid for that car
  • Can you believe that i bought a TV for $25
  • Did you know he was having a affair/cheating on his wife
  • Did you hear about the new project
  • Did you realize that all of these shirts are half off
  • Do you mind if i take tomorrow off
  • I enjoy working with you very much
  • Did ou know that Stone ended up with marrying his secretary
  • Let’s get together for lunch
  • How did you do on your test
  • Do you think you can come
  • How was your weekend
  • Here is my card
