Spoken English(023)

  • screw up==cause to fail or be spoiled
  • Having the car stolen completely screwed up our holiday plan
  • We really screwd up when we invited Jane to the party
  • Have you finished the monthly report?
  • Yes,here it is.Do you approve (of) the way I typed this report
  • Well,Can I be frank of you
  • By all means,please
  • Well,to be honest,I find it unsatisfactory
  • Oh,I’m sorry,Could you be a little more specific?
  • Yes,I’m not particularly happy about the layout.
  • I see the problem now.I’ll retype it
  • I’d appreciate that
  • We had to wait months for the council to approve (of) our plan to extend our house
  • If the directors approve (of) it,we’ll buy the new computer system
  • I made a mistake
  • it’s my fault
  • I screwed up
  • What ‘s holding things up?
  • what have you done to correct the situation

An employee must inform the employer before starting the leave that he or she will be taking a personal leave of absence,Next day,a small dialogue will be used to show how to ask for a leave.
