其中, y 表示标记的one-hot向量表示,只有标记对应的位置上值为1,其余位置为0的向量。
当有多个训练样本时,无论是前向过程还是反向过程,都应该采用矩阵计算,而不应该循环对每个样本分别处理。这是因为矩阵计算的效率更高。假设现在输入为 X∈RN×2 ,标记为 Y∈RN×2 ,其中 N 表示有 N 个样本。
""" Author: Victoria Created on 2017.9.22 9:00 """
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xlrd
def sigmoid(x):
f = 1.0 / (1+np.exp(-x))
return f
def softmax(x):
if len(x.shape)==2:
x = x - np.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
exp_x = np.exp(x)
f = exp_x / np.sum(exp_x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
x = x - np.max(x)
exp_x = np.exp(x)
f = exp_x / np.sum(exp_x)
return f
class Net():
def __init__(self):
self.hidden_num = 4
self.output_num = 2
self.W1 = np.random.rand(2, self.hidden_num)
self.b1 = np.zeros((1, self.hidden_num))
self.W2 = np.random.rand(self.hidden_num, self.output_num)
self.b2 = np.zeros((1, self.output_num))
def forward(self, X):
""" Forward process of this simple network. Input: X: np.array with shape [N, 2] """
self.X = X
self.z1 = X.dot(self.W1) + self.b1
self.h = sigmoid(self.z1)
self.z2 = self.h.dot(self.W2) + self.b2
self.y = softmax(self.z2)
def grad(self, Y):
""" Compute gradient of parameters for training data (X, Y). X is saved in self.X. """
grad_z2 = self.y - Y
self.grad_W2 = self.h.T.dot(grad_z2)
self.grad_b2 = np.sum(grad_z2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
grad_h = grad_z2.dot(self.W2.T)
grad_z1 = grad_h * self.h * (1-self.h)
self.grad_W1 = self.X.T.dot(grad_z1)
self.grad_b1 = np.sum(grad_z1, axis=0, keepdims=True)
#used for grad_check()
self.grads = [self.grad_W1, self.grad_W2, self.grad_b1, self.grad_b2]
def update(self, lr=0.1):
""" Update parameters with gradients. """
self.W1 -= lr*self.grad_W1
self.b1 -= lr*self.grad_b1
self.W2 -= lr*self.grad_W2
self.b2 -= lr*self.grad_b2
def bp(self, Y):
""" BP algorithm on data (X, Y) Input: Y: np.array with shape [N, 2] """
def loss(self, X, Y):
""" Compute loss on X with current model. Input: X: np.array with shape [N, 2] Y: np.array with shape [N, 2] Return: cost: float """
cost = np.sum(-np.log(self.y) * Y)
return cost
def grad_check(self, X, Y):
""" Check gradient in bp() is right or not. Input: X: Y: """
#W1, W2, b1, b2
epsilon = 1e-5
params = [self. W1, self.W2, self.b1, self.b2]
for k in range(len(params)):
m, n = params[k].shape
param = params[k]
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
param[i, j] = param[i, j] + epsilon
max_loss = self.loss(X, Y)
param[i, j] = param[i, j] - 2*epsilon
min_loss = self.loss(X, Y)
num_grad = (max_loss - min_loss) / (2*epsilon)
ana_grad = self.grads[k][i, j]
if np.abs( num_grad-ana_grad ) > 1e-5:
print "grad error! {} {} {}".format(k, i, j)
print "grad checking successful"
if __name__=="__main__":
#read data from xls file
train_X = []
train_Y = []
book = xlrd.open_workbook("../../3.0alpha.xlsx")
sheet = book.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
X1 = sheet.row_values(0)
X2 = sheet.row_values(1)
y = sheet.row_values(3)
N = len(X1)
for i in range(N):
train_X.append(np.array([X1[i], X2[i]]))
train_y = np.array([0, 0])
train_y[int(y[i])] = 1
#check grads
net = Net()
net.grad_check(train_X[0].reshape(1, 2), train_Y[0].reshape(1, 2))
iterations = 10000
train_Xs = np.vstack(train_X)
train_Ys = np.vstack(train_Y)
#training network with standard BP
standard_net = Net()
train_losses = []
for iter in range(iterations):
for i in range(N):
standard_net.forward(train_X[i].reshape(1, 2))
standard_net.bp(train_Y[i].reshape(1, 2))
loss = standard_net.loss(train_Xs, train_Ys)
line1, = plt.plot(range(iterations), train_losses, "r-")
#training network with accumulated BP
accumulated_net = Net()
train_losses = []
for iter in range(iterations):
loss = accumulated_net.loss(train_Xs, train_Ys)
line2, = plt.plot(range(iterations), train_losses, "b-")
plt.legend([line1, line2], ["BP", "Accumulated BP"])