
前提:安装:已安好hadoop,环境已经配好 java 7.X 及其以上 scala有对应版本
单机: 下载、解压、 需要注意:flink与hadoop版本要对应
Check the JobManager’s web frontend at http://localhost:8081 and make sure everything is up and running.
Instead of starting Flink with bin/start-local.sh you can also start Flink in an streaming optimized mode, using bin/start-local-streaming.sh.


集群:passwordless SSH免登陆
1. Copy the unpacked flink directory from the downloaded archive to the same file system path on each node of your setup.
2. Choose a master node (JobManager) and set the jobmanager.rpc.address key in conf/flink-conf.yaml to its IP or hostname. Make sure that all nodes in your cluster have the same jobmanager.rpc.address configured.
3. Add the IPs or hostnames (one per line) of all worker nodes (TaskManager) to the slaves files in conf/slaves.
4. You can now start the cluster at your master node with bin/start-cluster.sh. If you are planning to run only streaming jobs with Flink, you can also an optimized streaming mode: start-cluster-streaming.sh.

the amount of available memory per TaskManager (taskmanager.heap.mb),
the number of available CPUs per machine (taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots),
the total number of CPUs in the cluster (parallelism.default) and
the temporary directories (taskmanager.tmp.dirs)


on yarn

