源代码: http://www.pudn.com/downloads343/sourcecode/windows/opengl/detail1500968.html
typedef struct _QNode_{
unsigned int *m_tri_indexes; //地形的索引序列
unsigned int m_num_triangles; //该节点含有的三角面片数,可能为0
Vector3 m_min, m_max; //X Z 平面的包围盒
struct _QNode_ *m_children[4]; //所包含的子节点
创建一个Row*Col的网格,毋庸置疑,他包含了(Row-1)* (Col-1)个有效的三维顶点,包含(Row-1) * (Col-1) * 2个三角形一个网格由两个三角形来表示,要表示这些三角形,则需要 (Row-1) * (Col-1) * 2 * 3 个索引来表示。
三角形索引序列为: 以一个网格为例 右上角三角形(i,j),(i+1,j+1) , (i+1,j+0),依次类推…..
1 四叉树由上到下建立,从根节点开始,通过遍历顶点的X,Z,将整张地形的大小赋值给根节点。
3 如果包围四个顶点到到视点的方向与视点方向的夹角超过82度,则退出渲染
void QuadTree::ClosestPointOnLine(Vector3 *start, Vector3 *end, Vector3 *point, Vector3 *result)
Vector3 c, // vector from a->p
ev, // vector from a->b
pv; // projection of a->p onto a->b
float d, // length of vector from a->b (distance from start to end of line)
t; // amount of c that projects onto ev
// Get vector from point to start of line
c.x = point->x - start->x;
//c.y = point->y - start->y; //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
c.z = point->z - start->z;
// Get edge vector
ev.x = end->x - start->x;
//ev.y = end->y - start->y; //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
ev.z = end->z - start->z;
// find length of ev
d = sqrtf(ev.x*ev.x + ev.z*ev.z); //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
// Normalise ev
ev.x /= d;
//ev.y /= d; //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
ev.z /= d;
// Calculate projection of vector from start to point (c) onto line (ev)
t = (ev.x*c.x) + (ev.z*c.z); //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
// Check that projection amount (t) is within range 0 < t < d
// n.b. 0 = start of line, d = length of line
if (t < 0)
// closest point is start of line
*result = *start;
if (t > d)
// closest point is end of line
*result = *end;
// Closest point is somewhere on the line
// Calculate projected vector using amount & normalised edge vector
pv.x = ev.x * t;
//pv.y = ev.y * t; //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
pv.z = ev.z * t;
// Closest point on line is start + projected vector
result->x = start->x + pv.x;
//result->y = start->y + pv.y; //quick speedup. Quadtrees ignore Y!
result->y = 0.0f;
result->z = start->z + pv.z;
bool QuadTree::NodeIsBehind(QNode *node, Vector3 *pos, Vector3 *at)
//Calculate the angle from at, to node corners.
Vector3 points[4], v;
points[0].x = node->m_min.x;
points[0].z = node->m_min.z;
points[1].x = node->m_max.x;
points[1].z = node->m_min.z;
points[2].x = node->m_min.x;
points[2].z = node->m_max.z;
points[3].x = node->m_max.x;
points[3].z = node->m_max.z;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
v.x = points[i].x - pos->x;
v.z = points[i].z - pos->z;
float mag = (v.x * v.x) + (v.z * v.z);
mag = 1.0f / sqrtf(mag);
v.x *= mag;
v.z *= mag;
//do dot product.
float dot = (v.x * at->x) + (v.z * at->z);
float angle = (float) acos(dot);
angle *= 180.0f / 3.14592f;
if(angle < 82.0f)
return false;
return true;
float QuadTree::DistFromPoint(QNode *node, Vector3 *pos)
{//This function calcs the distance between pos, and the node, at the closest point, checks all 4 lines aroun
//bounding box of node.
Vector3 v, points[4], p;
float distance[4], ret_dist;
int i;
//Get the 4 points of the bounding box.
points[0].x = node->m_min.x; points[0].z = node->m_min.z;
points[1].x = node->m_max.x; points[1].z = node->m_max.z;
points[2].x = node->m_min.x; points[2].z = node->m_max.z;
points[3].x = node->m_max.x; points[3].z = node->m_min.z;
// speedup hacks here, by ignoring Y.
ClosestPointOnLine(&points[0], &points[3], pos, &p);
v.x = p.x - pos->x;
v.z = p.z - pos->z;
distance[0] = (v.x * v.x) + (v.z * v.z);
ClosestPointOnLine(&points[0], &points[2], pos, &p);
v.x = p.x - pos->x;
v.z = p.z - pos->z;
distance[1] = (v.x * v.x) + (v.z * v.z);
ClosestPointOnLine(&points[1], &points[3], pos, &p);
v.x = p.x - pos->x;
v.z = p.z - pos->z;
distance[2] = (v.x * v.x) + (v.z * v.z);
ClosestPointOnLine(&points[2], &points[1], pos, &p);
v.x = p.x - pos->x;
v.z = p.z - pos->z;
distance[3] = (v.x * v.x) + (v.z * v.z);
ret_dist = distance[0];
for(i=1; i<4; i++)
if(distance[i] < ret_dist)
ret_dist = distance[i];
ret_dist = sqrtf(ret_dist); //Square root it.
/*printf("\n distance to camera = %f ", ret_dist);*/
return ret_dist;
1 以四叉树结构来组织顶点数据,三角数据
2 通过视点与四叉树的包围盒进行数据筛选,优化加载