Is there any way to make an anonymous function call itself?
这个 g 就是 f 的不动点(Fixed Point)。
A fixed point of a function g , is a value that is mapped to itself by the function f.
Y 组合子(The Y combinator) , discovered by Haskell B. Curry, is defined as:
λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))
Let’s see that in action:
X = (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))
X = f (x x) [x := λx. f (x x)]
X = f ((λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x)))
X = f X
In functional programming, the Y combinator can be used to formally define recursive functions in a programming language that does not support recursion.
It turns out that for any λ-expression f,
(λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))
is a fixed-point of f.
比如平方函数 sqr (x) = x * x ,在lambda演算中写成:
lambda x . x * x
表明对参数 x 执行自己乘以自己的操作。任何用到 sqr (x) 的地方,直接用这个lambda式子替换就可以。
λx. x is known as the identity function
That is, it takes in some input x, and outputs the same x.
You might ask, “Isn’t λy. y also the identity function?” Indeed it is! λx. x and λy. y are α-equivalent (alpha-equivalent). In fact, all of the following are α-equivalent:
λx. x
λy. y
λz. z
λ☃. ☃
And what about
λx. y
constant function! it ignores the input x and returns y no matter what.
For example:
x is a bound variable in λx.x
but x is a free variable in (λy. y) x.
(λx. x) y
上面的表达式:以 y
为入参调用函数 λx. x
, 得到的结果就是 y。
The rules of β-reduction say that a term
(λx. t) s
can be reduced to
t [x := s]
Line by line, it looks like this:
(λx. x) s
x [x := s]
For example, take a look at the following term:
λy.(λx. x) y
… and feed it two inputs, a and b:
(λy.(λx. x) y) a b
((λx. x) y) [y := a]) b
(λx. x) a b
(x [x := a]) b
a b
Now take a look at the following λ-term:
(λx. x x)(λx. x x)
What happens when you apply β-reduction to it?
(λx. x x)(λx. x x)
(x x) [x := (λx. x x)]
(λx. x x)(λx. x x)
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1 * 1
factorial 2 = 2 * 1 = 2
factorial 3 = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6
factorial 4 = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24
factorial(0) = 1
factorial(n) = n*factorial(n-1) (n>0)
用 Lisp 实现代码如下:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= 0 n) 1
(* n (factorial (- n 1))))
(factorial 4)
这个函数在内部递归调用了自身,调用自身需要函数本体的名字,这个函数叫 factorial 。
BUT, λ-calculus does not allow this kind of self-reference, at least not directly.
但是当需要定义的函数含有递归时,比如阶乘 factorial,我们习惯的方式是 (Kotlin 语言):
package com.light.sword.ycombinator
fun factorial(n: Int): Int {
return when (n) {
0 -> 1
else -> n * factorial(n - 1)
fun main() {
val a = factorial(4)
println(a) // 24
上面的阶乘函数 factorial 直接写成lambda演算则是
factorial (x) = lambda x. (x == 0) ? 1 :
x * factorial (x - 1)
λf. (λx.f (x x))(λx.f(x x))
现在让我们回到阶乘函数 factorial . 如果函数可以引用自身,那么递归就很简单:
f := λx.(if x == 0 then 1 else x * f (x–1))
但是,我们知道 λ 演算中不许这么做。
我们来定义一个高阶函数 F , 入参是函数 f :
F := λf. λx.(if x == 0 then 1 else x * f (x–1))
然后,我们想求解 F 的不动点:
F(f) = f
这样我们就可以使用 F(f) 进行“间接自引用” 来实现递归。
我们已经知道,对任意 λ-expression f
(λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))
is a fixed-point of f.
Let’s see that in action again:
X = (λx.f (x x))(λx.f (x x))
X = f (x x) [x := λx. f (x x)]
X = f ((λx. f (x x)) (λx. f *(x x)))
X = f X
As you can see, for any arbitrary function f, the input X remains unchanged.
Given this, we can build a function that returns a fixed-point for any function f by taking the function in as an argument:
λf. (λx.f (x x))(λx.f (x x))
And that right there is the Y combinator.
在常用的编程语言中,C,C ++和Java是静态类型的,Perl,Python和Ruby是动态类型的。Scheme(我们将用于示例的语言)也是动态类型的。(也有跨越静态类型和动态类型之间边界的语言)
人们经常听到静态类型,称为强类型和动态类型,称为弱类型,但这是滥用术语。强类型只是意味着语言中的每个值都只有一种类型,而弱类型意味着某些值可以有多种类型。因此,动态类型的Scheme也是强类型的,而静态类型的C是弱类型的(因为您可以将指向一种对象的指针转换为指向另一种类型的对象而不改变指针的值) 。
实现 Y 组合子:
(defun Y (f)
((lambda (g) (funcall g g))
(lambda (g)
(funcall f (lambda (&rest a)
(apply (funcall g g) a))))))
用 Y 组合子实现阶乘与斐波那契数列:
(defun fac (n)
(Y (lambda (f)
(lambda (n)
(if (zerop n)
(* n (funcall f (1- n)))))))
(defun fib (n)
(Y (lambda (f)
(lambda (n a b)
(if (< n 1)
(funcall f (1- n) b (+ a b))))))
n 0 1))
(mapcar #'fac '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880 3628800))
(mapcar #'fib '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
C doesn’t have first class functions, so we demote everything to second class to match.
/* func: our one and only data type; it holds either a pointer to
a function call, or an integer. Also carry a func pointer to
a potential parameter, to simulate closure */
typedef struct func_t func;
typedef struct func_t {
func (fn) (func, func);
func _;
int num;
} func_t;
func new(func(f)(func, func), func ) {
func x = malloc(sizeof(func_t));
x->fn = f;
x-> = _; /* closure, sort of */
x->num = 0;
return x;
func call(func f, func n) {
return f->fn(f, n);
func Y(func(*f)(func, func)) {
func g = new(f, 0);
g->_ = g;
return g;
func num(int n) {
func x = new(0, 0);
x->num = n;
return x;
func fac(func self, func n) {
int nn = n->num;
return nn > 1 ? num(nn * call(self->_, num(nn - 1))->num)
: num(1);
func fib(func self, func n) {
int nn = n->num;
return nn > 1
? num( call(self->, num(nn - 1))->num +
call(self->, num(nn - 2))->num )
: num(1);
void show(func n) { printf(" %d", n->num); }
int main() {
int i;
func f = Y(fac);
printf("fac: ");
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
show( call(f, num(i)) );
f = Y(fib);
printf("fib: ");
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
show( call(f, num(i)) );
return 0;
fac: 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880
fib: 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
var Y = f => (x => x(x))(y => f(x => y(y)(x)));
var fac = Y(f => n => n > 1 ? n * f(n-1) : 1);
package com.light.sword.ycombinator
* FP: Y Combinator
* lambda f. (lambda x. (f(x x)) lambda x. (f(x x)))
* Created by jack on 2017/7/9.
typealias G<T, R> = (T) -> R
interface F<T, R> : Function1<F<T, R>, G<T, R>>
fun <T, R> f(block: (F<T, R>) -> G<T, R>) = object : F<T, R> {
// 调用函数自身
override fun invoke(g: F<T, R>) = block(g)
typealias E<T, R> = Function1<G<T, R>, G<T, R>>
* Y 组合子函数
* @param e :E 入参,是一个函数类型 Function1, G>
fun <T, R> Y(e: E<T, R>) = ({ g: F<T, R> -> g(g) })(f { g ->
e { x -> g(g)(x) }
* 用 Y 组合子实现 factorial 阶乘函数
val factorial: (Int) -> Int = Y { f ->
{ x ->
if (x == 0) 1 else x * f(x - 1)
* 用 Y 组合子实现 fibonacci 数列函数 fib: (T)->R
* Y(fib) = fib
* 可以推断: Y(Y(fib)) = Y(fib) = fib
val fib: (Int) -> Int = Y { f ->
{ x ->
if (x == 1 || x == 2) 1 else f(x - 1) + f(x - 2)
fun main() {
println(fib(10)) // 55
println(factorial(10)) // 3628800
The Y Combinator (no, not that one) A crash-course on lambda calculus:
The Y Combinator (Slight Return):
Y combinator: