聊聊Flame Graph(火焰图)的那些事


  • 前言
  • 什么是Flame Graph
  • Flame Graph的工作原理
  • 附:Profile的页面快速执行构建工具
  • 引用


当我们很多时候在分析定位一个比较隐秘的问题时,我们马上能脱口而出好几种方法,查日志找异常,再细致一点的,jmap,jstack分析stack trace。但是一般如果到了分析stack trance的阶段时,说明这个很可能已经是performance的问题了。但其实很多时候,jstack这种默认的命令工具对于开发者来说还不够直观与好理解。它所展现的只是一堆的当前stack trance的展现,没有汇聚的阶段性的调用占比。jstack的结果还需要人工进行二次分析。因此,本文笔者来聊聊在这方面比较适用的一个工具:Flame Graph(火焰图)。

什么是Flame Graph


This visualization of software execution is a new necessity for performance profiling and debugging.

以下是flame graph的一张呈现效果图

聊聊Flame Graph(火焰图)的那些事_第1张图片

Flame Graph的工作原理

在Flame Graph在呈现出整个最终结果之前,其中主要的工作并不是图形的展现,而是前面profile数据的采集


  • CPU的profile分析,那需要进行的stack trace的采集,可以借助于Linux的perf命令
  • Memory的profile,那我们需要sample一些malloc类似的系统调用。
  • Off-CPU的profile,那些没有消耗CPU的线程的profile,可以理解为被block住的线程。

以上不同类型的profile需要依赖不同的采集工具,比较常见的还是CPU profile,对于CPU的profile,它要做的其实就是进程stack trace的收集。这个收集可以按照采集总时间,采集频率来进行。


sudo perf record -F 99 -p 1234 -g --sleep 60

上述生成的stack trace全部展现出来会相当的庞大,补过perf命令可以帮助对此进行折叠,汇总统计,然后将结果文件交由Flame Graph进行最后展示。展现效果如上小节图中所示。

上述图中,y轴高度表示的stack trace的调用深度,从上往下为从child–>parent的关系,x轴宽度表示调用的频率,所以我们在观察flame Graph的时候,要观察最顶部的那些宽度比较宽的stack信息

Flame Graph通过图形的方式能够帮助开发者迅速定位出明显消耗资源的调用,唯一可能不足的地方在于上面每个小格子的显示空间有限,没有办法显示全操作方法名,需要再次点进去进行更一步的查看。



 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.hadoop.hdds.server;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Servlet that runs async-profiler as web-endpoint.

* Source: https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/master/common/src/java/org * /apache/hive/http/ProfileServlet.java *

* Following options from async-profiler can be specified as query paramater. * // -e event profiling event: cpu|alloc|lock|cache-misses etc. * // -d duration run profiling for seconds (integer) * // -i interval sampling interval in nanoseconds (long) * // -j jstackdepth maximum Java stack depth (integer) * // -b bufsize frame buffer size (long) * // -t profile different threads separately * // -s simple class names instead of FQN * // -o fmt[,fmt...] output format: * summary|traces|flat|collapsed|svg|tree|jfr * // --width px SVG width pixels (integer) * // --height px SVG frame height pixels (integer) * // --minwidth px skip frames smaller than px (double) * // --reverse generate stack-reversed FlameGraph / Call tree * Example: * - To collect 30 second CPU profile of current process (returns FlameGraph * svg) * curl "http://localhost:10002/prof" * - To collect 1 minute CPU profile of current process and output in tree * format (html) * curl "http://localhost:10002/prof?output=tree&duration=60" * - To collect 30 second heap allocation profile of current process (returns * FlameGraph svg) * curl "http://localhost:10002/prof?event=alloc" * - To collect lock contention profile of current process (returns * FlameGraph svg) * curl "http://localhost:10002/prof?event=lock" * Following event types are supported (default is 'cpu') (NOTE: not all * OS'es support all events) * // Perf events: * // cpu * // page-faults * // context-switches * // cycles * // instructions * // cache-references * // cache-misses * // branches * // branch-misses * // bus-cycles * // L1-dcache-load-misses * // LLC-load-misses * // dTLB-load-misses * // mem:breakpoint * // trace:tracepoint * // Java events: * // alloc * // lock */ public class ProfileServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfileServlet.class); private static final String ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"; private static final String ALLOWED_METHODS = "GET"; private static final String ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"; private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; private static final String ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME_ENV = "ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME"; private static final String ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "async.profiler.home"; private static final String PROFILER_SCRIPT = "/profiler.sh"; private static final int DEFAULT_DURATION_SECONDS = 10; private static final AtomicInteger ID_GEN = new AtomicInteger(0); static final Path OUTPUT_DIR = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), "prof-output"); private Lock profilerLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Integer pid; private String asyncProfilerHome; private transient Process process; public ProfileServlet() { this.asyncProfilerHome = getAsyncProfilerHome(); this.pid = getPid(); LOG.info("Servlet process PID: {} asyncProfilerHome: {}", pid, asyncProfilerHome); try { Files.createDirectories(OUTPUT_DIR); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error( "Can't create the output directory for java profiler: " + OUTPUT_DIR, e); } } private Integer getPid() { // JVM_PID is exported by bin/ozone String pidStr = System.getenv("JVM_PID"); // in case if it is not set correctly used fallback from mxbean which is // implementation specific if (pidStr == null || pidStr.trim().isEmpty()) { String name = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); if (name != null) { int idx = name.indexOf("@"); if (idx != -1) { pidStr = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("@")); } } } try { if (pidStr != null) { return Integer.valueOf(pidStr); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // ignore } return null; } public Process runCmdAsync(List<String> cmd) { try { LOG.info("Running command async: " + cmd); return new ProcessBuilder(cmd).inheritIO().start(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } @Override protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { // make sure async profiler home is set if (asyncProfilerHome == null || asyncProfilerHome.trim().isEmpty()) { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); setResponseHeader(resp); resp.getWriter().write("ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME env is not set."); return; } //download the finished file if (req.getParameter("file") != null) { doGetDownload(req.getParameter("file"), req, resp); return; } // if pid is explicitly specified, use it else default to current process pid = getInteger(req, "pid", pid); // if pid is not specified in query param and if current process pid // cannot be determined if (pid == null) { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); setResponseHeader(resp); resp.getWriter().write( "'pid' query parameter unspecified or unable to determine PID of " + "current process."); return; } final int duration = getInteger(req, "duration", DEFAULT_DURATION_SECONDS); final Output output = getOutput(req); final Event event = getEvent(req); final Long interval = getLong(req, "interval"); final Integer jstackDepth = getInteger(req, "jstackdepth", null); final Long bufsize = getLong(req, "bufsize"); final boolean thread = req.getParameterMap().containsKey("thread"); final boolean simple = req.getParameterMap().containsKey("simple"); final Integer width = getInteger(req, "width", null); final Integer height = getInteger(req, "height", null); final Double minwidth = getMinWidth(req); final boolean reverse = req.getParameterMap().containsKey("reverse"); if (process == null || !process.isAlive()) { try { int lockTimeoutSecs = 3; if (profilerLock.tryLock(lockTimeoutSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { try { File outputFile = OUTPUT_DIR.resolve("async-prof-pid-" + pid + "-" + event.name().toLowerCase() + "-" + ID_GEN.incrementAndGet() + "." + output.name().toLowerCase()).toFile(); List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<>(); cmd.add(asyncProfilerHome + PROFILER_SCRIPT); cmd.add("-e"); cmd.add(event.getInternalName()); cmd.add("-d"); cmd.add("" + duration); cmd.add("-o"); cmd.add(output.name().toLowerCase()); cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add(outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (interval != null) { cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(interval.toString()); } if (jstackDepth != null) { cmd.add("-j"); cmd.add(jstackDepth.toString()); } if (bufsize != null) { cmd.add("-b"); cmd.add(bufsize.toString()); } if (thread) { cmd.add("-t"); } if (simple) { cmd.add("-s"); } if (width != null) { cmd.add("--width"); cmd.add(width.toString()); } if (height != null) { cmd.add("--height"); cmd.add(height.toString()); } if (minwidth != null) { cmd.add("--minwidth"); cmd.add(minwidth.toString()); } if (reverse) { cmd.add("--reverse"); } cmd.add(pid.toString()); process = runCmdAsync(cmd); // set response and set refresh header to output location setResponseHeader(resp); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_ACCEPTED); String relativeUrl = "/prof?file=" + outputFile.getName(); resp.getWriter().write( "Started [" + event.getInternalName() + "] profiling. This page will automatically redirect to " + relativeUrl + " after " + duration + " seconds.\n\ncommand:\n" + Joiner.on(" ").join(cmd)); resp.getWriter().write( "\n\n\nPlease make sure that you enabled the profiling on " + "kernel level:\n" + "echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid\n" + "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict\n\n" + "See https://github" + ".com/jvm-profiling-tools/async-profiler#basic-usage" + " for more details."); // to avoid auto-refresh by ProfileOutputServlet, refreshDelay // can be specified via url param int refreshDelay = getInteger(req, "refreshDelay", 0); // instead of sending redirect, set auto-refresh so that browsers // will refresh with redirected url resp.setHeader("Refresh", (duration + refreshDelay) + ";" + relativeUrl); resp.getWriter().flush(); } finally { profilerLock.unlock(); } } else { setResponseHeader(resp); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().write( "Unable to acquire lock. Another instance of profiler might be " + "running."); LOG.warn( "Unable to acquire lock in {} seconds. Another instance of " + "profiler might be running.", lockTimeoutSecs); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while acquiring profile lock.", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } else { setResponseHeader(resp); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter() .write("Another instance of profiler is already running."); } } protected void doGetDownload(String fileName, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { File requestedFile = ProfileServlet.OUTPUT_DIR.resolve(fileName).toAbsolutePath() .toFile(); // async-profiler version 1.4 writes 'Started [cpu] profiling' to output // file when profiler is running which // gets replaced by final output. If final output is not ready yet, the // file size will be <100 bytes (in all modes). if (requestedFile.length() < 100) { LOG.info("{} is incomplete. Sending auto-refresh header..", requestedFile); resp.setHeader("Refresh", "2," + req.getRequestURI() + "?file=" + fileName); resp.getWriter().write( "This page will auto-refresh every 2 second until output file is " + "ready.."); } else { if (fileName.endsWith(".svg")) { resp.setContentType("image/svg+xml"); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".tree")) { resp.setContentType("text/html"); } try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(requestedFile)) { IOUtils.copy(input, resp.getOutputStream()); } } } private Integer getInteger(final HttpServletRequest req, final String param, final Integer defaultValue) { final String value = req.getParameter(param); if (value != null) { try { return Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } return defaultValue; } private Long getLong(final HttpServletRequest req, final String param) { final String value = req.getParameter(param); if (value != null) { try { return Long.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return null; } private Double getMinWidth(final HttpServletRequest req) { final String value = req.getParameter("minwidth"); if (value != null) { try { return Double.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return null; } private Event getEvent(final HttpServletRequest req) { final String eventArg = req.getParameter("event"); if (eventArg != null) { Event event = Event.fromInternalName(eventArg); return event == null ? Event.CPU : event; } return Event.CPU; } private Output getOutput(final HttpServletRequest req) { final String outputArg = req.getParameter("output"); if (req.getParameter("output") != null) { try { return Output.valueOf(outputArg.trim().toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return Output.SVG; } } return Output.SVG; } private void setResponseHeader(final HttpServletResponse response) { response.setHeader(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, ALLOWED_METHODS); response.setHeader(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*"); response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT); } static String getAsyncProfilerHome() { String asyncProfilerHome = System.getenv(ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME_ENV); // if ENV is not set, see if -Dasync.profiler // .home=/path/to/async/profiler/home is set if (asyncProfilerHome == null || asyncProfilerHome.trim().isEmpty()) { asyncProfilerHome = System.getProperty(ASYNC_PROFILER_HOME_SYSTEM_PROPERTY); } return asyncProfilerHome; } enum Event { CPU("cpu"), ALLOC("alloc"), LOCK("lock"), PAGE_FAULTS("page-faults"), CONTEXT_SWITCHES("context-switches"), CYCLES("cycles"), INSTRUCTIONS("instructions"), CACHE_REFERENCES("cache-references"), CACHE_MISSES("cache-misses"), BRANCHES("branches"), BRANCH_MISSES("branch-misses"), BUS_CYCLES("bus-cycles"), L1_DCACHE_LOAD_MISSES("L1-dcache-load-misses"), LLC_LOAD_MISSES("LLC-load-misses"), DTLB_LOAD_MISSES("dTLB-load-misses"), MEM_BREAKPOINT("mem:breakpoint"), TRACE_TRACEPOINT("trace:tracepoint"); private String internalName; Event(final String internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; } public String getInternalName() { return internalName; } public static Event fromInternalName(final String name) { for (Event event : values()) { if (event.getInternalName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return event; } } return null; } } enum Output { SUMMARY, TRACES, FLAT, COLLAPSED, SVG, TREE, JFR } }


