算法 - 图的实例 - 拓扑排序与关键路径 (Topological Sort and Critical Path)

算法 - 图的实例 - 拓扑排序与关键路径 (Topological Sort and Critical Path)

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本文将介绍活动网络的基础知识,并用C++实现拓扑排序(Topological Sort)和关键路径(Critical Path)。




  • 算法 - 图的实例 - 拓扑排序与关键路径 (Topological Sort and Critical Path)
    • 1 拓扑排序与关键路径简述 (Introduction)
    • 2 拓扑排序 (Topological Sort)
    • 3 拓扑排序C++代码 (Topological Sort C++ Code)
    • 4 关键路径 (Critical Path)
    • 5 关键路径C++代码 (Critical Path C++ Code)
    • 5 主函数与测试 (Main Method and Testing)
      • 5.1 主函数 (Main Method)
      • 4.2 打印结果 (Print Output)

1 拓扑排序与关键路径简述 (Introduction)

  • AOV网络(Activity on Vertices):用有向图表示一个工程,每一个顶点表示活动,用边表示活动方向,边开始的顶点是结束顶点的前置条件。

    • AOV网络不能有有向回路,即不能有有向环;
    • 将各个顶点排列成一个线性有序序列的运算,称为拓扑排序;
    • 如果网络存在有向环,则表示此工程不可行。
  • AOE网络(Activity on Edges):用有向图表示一个工程,每一条边表示活动,用边上权值表示活动时间,顶点表示事件。

    • AOE网络不能有有向回路,即不能有有向环;
    • 完成整个工程所需的时间取决于从源点到汇点的最长路径长度,这条最长路径称为关键路径;
    • 关键路径上的活动称为关键活动。

2 拓扑排序 (Topological Sort)


  • (1)输入AOV网络;

  • (2)从AOV网路中选择一个没有直接前驱的顶点,输出;

  • (3)从图中删除该点,同时删除它所有的边;

  • (4)重复步骤(2)和(3),直到所有顶点均输出;或者还剩下顶点,表明此图存在有向环。

例如下图:没有前驱的顶点,只能是 V2 和 V4



  • V2,V4,V0,……

  • V4,V2或V0, ……

3 拓扑排序C++代码 (Topological Sort C++ Code)

// Author: https://blog.csdn.net/DarkRabbit
// Activity Network
// 获取首批没有直接前驱的顶点和计算所有入度
// params:
//      graph:          图
//      vertexStack:    起始顶点栈
//      indegrees:      输出的入度
// return:
//      bool:           是否有起始点,图是否不是环
bool GetBeginVertexesAndIndegrees(AMGraphInt* graph,
                                  std::stack<int>& vertexStack,
                                  std::vector<int>& indegrees)
    double infinity = graph->GetDefaultWeight(); // 无边权值,即正无穷
    int size = graph->GetVertexCount(); // 顶点数量
    indegrees.assign(size, 0);
    double weight;
    for (int c = 0; c < size; c++) // 对列循环,即终点
        bool hasEdge = false;

        for (int r = 0; r < size; r++) // 对行循环,即起始点
            graph->TryGetWeight(r, c, weight); // 获取权重
            if (weight != infinity) // 如果有边
                hasEdge = true; 
                indegrees[c]++; // 入度+1

        if (!hasEdge) // 如果顶点没有直接前驱
            vertexStack.push(c); // 加入起始顶点

    return !vertexStack.empty(); // 没有起始点,说明图是个环

// 拓扑排序
// params:
//      graph:      需要排序的图
//      paths:      输出的顺序
// return:
//      bool:       是否出错
bool TopologicalSort(AMGraphInt* graph, 
                     std::vector<int>& paths)
    if (graph == nullptr || !graph->IsOriented()) // 无向图返回
        return false;

    int size = graph->GetVertexCount(); // 顶点数量
    if (size == 0) // 没有顶点
        return true;

    double infinity = graph->GetDefaultWeight(); // 无边权值,即正无穷
    std::stack<int> vertexStack; // 顶点栈
    std::vector<int> indegrees; // 顶点入度

    // 获取首批没有直接前驱的顶点和计算所有入度
    if (!GetBeginVertexesAndIndegrees(graph, vertexStack, indegrees))
        return false; // 没有顶点,说明起始图就是个环

    double weight;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (vertexStack.empty()) // 没有入度为0的顶点了
            return false; // 有环
            int vertex = vertexStack.top();

            paths.push_back(vertex); // 输出路径

            // 将此顶点连接的顶点入度-1
            for (int c = 0; c < size; c++)
                graph->TryGetWeight(vertex, c, weight);
                // 入度-1,如果没有入度了入栈
                if (weight != infinity && --indegrees[c] == 0)

    return true;

4 关键路径 (Critical Path)



我们假设带权有向图中,顶点为 { v0, v1, …, vi, …, vn-1 } ,边为 { e0, e1, …, ej,… } 。

  • 事件最早开始时间:顶点 vi 最早发生的时间;

  • 事件最迟开始时间:顶点 vi 最迟发生的时间,如果超过这个时间,工程将延误;

  • 活动的最早开始时间:边 ej 最早发生的时间;

  • 活动的最迟开始时间:边 ej 最迟发生的时间,如果超过这个时间,工程将延误。


e0 = 9
e1 = 13
e2 = 15
e3 = 9
e4 = 29
e6 = 6
e5 = 7
e7 = 18
e8 = 6
e9 = 12


  • 事件最早活动时间 VE (Vertex Earliest Time) :

    V E ( v 0 ) = 0 V E ( v 1 ) = v 0 + e 0 = 0 + 9 = 9 V E ( v 2 ) = v 0 + e 1 = 0 + 13 = 13 V E ( v 3 ) = max ⁡ ( v 1 + e 2 , v 2 + e 3 ) = max ⁡ ( 9 + 15 , 13 + 9 ) = 24 V E ( v 4 ) = v 3 + e 6 = 24 + 6 = 30 V E ( v 5 ) = max ⁡ ( v 2 + e 4 , v 3 + e 5 ) = max ⁡ ( 13 + 29 , 24 + 7 ) = 42 V E ( v 6 ) = max ⁡ ( v 4 + e 7 , v 5 + e 8 ) = max ⁡ ( 30 + 18 , 42 + 6 ) = 48 V E ( v 7 ) = v 6 + e 9 = 48 + 12 = 60 \begin{array}{rlll} VE(v_0) &&&= 0 \\ VE(v_1) &= v_0 + e_0 &= 0 + 9 &= 9 \\ VE(v_2) &= v_0 + e_1 &= 0 + 13 &= 13 \\ VE(v_3) &= \max(v_1 + e_2, v_2 + e_3) &= \max(9 + 15, 13 + 9) &= 24 \\ VE(v_4) &= v_3 + e_6 &= 24 + 6 &= 30 \\ VE(v_5) &= \max(v_2 + e_4, v_3 + e_5) &= \max(13 + 29, 24 + 7) &= 42 \\ VE(v_6) &= \max(v_4 + e_7, v_5 + e_8) &= \max(30 + 18, 42 + 6) &= 48 \\ VE(v_7) &= v_6 + e_9 &= 48 + 12 &= 60 \end{array} VE(v0)VE(v1)VE(v2)VE(v3)VE(v4)VE(v5)VE(v6)VE(v7)=v0+e0=v0+e1=max(v1+e2,v2+e3)=v3+e6=max(v2+e4,v3+e5)=max(v4+e7,v5+e8)=v6+e9=0+9=0+13=max(9+15,13+9)=24+6=max(13+29,24+7)=max(30+18,42+6)=48+12=0=9=13=24=30=42=48=60

  • 事件最迟活动时间 VL (Vertex Lastest Time) :

    V L ( v 7 ) = V E ( v 7 ) = 60 V L ( v 6 ) = V E ( v 7 ) − e 9 = 60 − 12 = 48 V L ( v 5 ) = V E ( v 6 ) − e 8 = 48 − 6 = 42 V L ( v 4 ) = V E ( v 6 ) − e 7 = 48 − 18 = 30 V L ( v 3 ) = min ⁡ ( V E ( v 5 ) − e 5 , V E ( v 4 ) − e 6 ) = min ⁡ ( 42 − 7 , 30 − 6 ) = 24 V L ( v 2 ) = min ⁡ ( V E ( v 5 ) − e 4 , V E ( v 3 ) − e 3 ) = min ⁡ ( 42 − 29 , 24 − 9 ) = 13 V L ( v 1 ) = V E ( v 3 ) − e 2 = 24 − 15 = 9 V L ( v 0 ) = min ⁡ ( V E ( v 2 ) − e 1 , V E ( v 1 ) − e 0 ) = min ⁡ ( 13 − 13 , 9 − 9 ) = 0 \begin{array}{rlll} VL(v_7) &= VE(v_7) &&= 60 \\ VL(v_6) &= VE(v_7) - e_9 &= 60 - 12 &= 48 \\ VL(v_5) &= VE(v_6) - e_8 &= 48 - 6 &= 42 \\ VL(v_4) &= VE(v_6) - e_7 &= 48 - 18 &= 30 \\ VL(v_3) &= \min(VE(v_5) - e_5, VE(v_4) - e_6) &= \min(42 - 7, 30 - 6) &= 24 \\ VL(v_2) &= \min(VE(v_5) - e_4, VE(v_3) - e_3) &= \min(42 - 29, 24 - 9) &= 13 \\ VL(v_1) &= VE(v_3) - e_2 &= 24 - 15 &= 9 \\ VL(v_0) &= \min(VE(v_2) - e_1, VE(v_1) - e_0) &= \min(13 - 13, 9 - 9) &= 0 \end{array} VL(v7)VL(v6)VL(v5)VL(v4)VL(v3)VL(v2)VL(v1)VL(v0)=VE(v7)=VE(v7)e9=VE(v6)e8=VE(v6)e7=min(VE(v5)e5,VE(v4)e6)=min(VE(v5)e4,VE(v3)e3)=VE(v3)e2=min(VE(v2)e1,VE(v1)e0)=6012=486=4818=min(427,306)=min(4229,249)=2415=min(1313,99)=60=48=42=30=24=13=9=0

  • 活动的最早开始时间 WE (Weight Earliest Time) :

    W E ( e 0 ) = V E ( v 0 ) = 0 W E ( e 1 ) = V E ( v 0 ) = 0 W E ( e 2 ) = V E ( v 1 ) = 9 W E ( e 3 ) = V E ( v 2 ) = 13 W E ( e 4 ) = V E ( v 2 ) = 13 W E ( e 5 ) = V E ( v 3 ) = 24 W E ( e 6 ) = V E ( v 3 ) = 24 W E ( e 7 ) = V E ( v 4 ) = 30 W E ( e 8 ) = V E ( v 5 ) = 42 W E ( e 9 ) = V E ( v 6 ) = 48 \begin{array}{rllrll} WE(e_0) &= VE(v_0) &= 0 \\ WE(e_1) &= VE(v_0) &= 0 \\ WE(e_2) &= VE(v_1) &= 9 \\ WE(e_3) &= VE(v_2) &= 13 \\ WE(e_4) &= VE(v_2) &= 13 \\ WE(e_5) &= VE(v_3) &= 24 \\ WE(e_6) &= VE(v_3) &= 24 \\ WE(e_7) &= VE(v_4) &= 30 \\ WE(e_8) &= VE(v_5) &= 42 \\ WE(e_9) &= VE(v_6) &= 48 \\ \end{array} WE(e0)WE(e1)WE(e2)WE(e3)WE(e4)WE(e5)WE(e6)WE(e7)WE(e8)WE(e9)=VE(v0)=VE(v0)=VE(v1)=VE(v2)=VE(v2)=VE(v3)=VE(v3)=VE(v4)=VE(v5)=VE(v6)=0=0=9=13=13=24=24=30=42=48

  • 活动的最迟开始时间 WL (Weight Lastest Time) :

    W L ( e 0 ) = V L ( v 1 ) − e 0 = 9 − 9 = 0 W L ( e 1 ) = V L ( v 2 ) − e 1 = 13 − 13 = 0 W L ( e 2 ) = V L ( v 3 ) − e 2 = 24 − 15 = 9 W L ( e 3 ) = V L ( v 3 ) − e 3 = 24 − 9 = 15 W L ( e 4 ) = V L ( v 5 ) − e 4 = 42 − 29 = 13 W L ( e 5 ) = V L ( v 5 ) − e 5 = 42 − 7 = 35 W L ( e 6 ) = V L ( v 4 ) − e 6 = 30 − 6 = 24 W L ( e 7 ) = V L ( v 6 ) − e 7 = 48 − 18 = 30 W L ( e 8 ) = V L ( v 6 ) − e 8 = 48 − 6 = 42 W L ( e 9 ) = V L ( v 7 ) − e 9 = 60 − 12 = 48 \begin{array}{rlll} WL(e_0) &= VL(v_1) - e_0 &= 9 - 9 &= 0 \\ WL(e_1) &= VL(v_2) - e_1 &= 13 - 13 &= 0 \\ WL(e_2) &= VL(v_3) - e_2 &= 24 - 15 &= 9 \\ WL(e_3) &= VL(v_3) - e_3 &= 24 - 9 &= 15 \\ WL(e_4) &= VL(v_5) - e_4 &= 42 - 29 &= 13 \\ WL(e_5) &= VL(v_5) - e_5 &= 42 - 7 &= 35 \\ WL(e_6) &= VL(v_4) - e_6 &= 30 - 6 &= 24 \\ WL(e_7) &= VL(v_6) - e_7 &= 48 - 18 &= 30 \\ WL(e_8) &= VL(v_6) - e_8 &= 48 - 6 &= 42 \\ WL(e_9) &= VL(v_7) - e_9 &= 60 - 12 &= 48 \\ \end{array} WL(e0)WL(e1)WL(e2)WL(e3)WL(e4)WL(e5)WL(e6)WL(e7)WL(e8)WL(e9)=VL(v1)e0=VL(v2)e1=VL(v3)e2=VL(v3)e3=VL(v5)e4=VL(v5)e5=VL(v4)e6=VL(v6)e7=VL(v6)e8=VL(v7)e9=99=1313=2415=249=4229=427=306=4818=486=6012=0=0=9=15=13=35=24=30=42=48


Activity(Weight) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WE 0 0 9 13 13 24 24 30 42 48
WL 0 0 9 15 13 35 24 30 42 48

你会看到,其中表格中 W E ( e 3 ) ≠ W L ( e 3 ) WE(e_3) \neq WL(e_3) WE(e3)̸=WL(e3) W E ( e 5 ) ≠ W L ( e 5 ) WE(e_5) \neq WL(e_5) WE(e5)̸=WL(e5) ,这表明了 e3 和 e5 不是关键活动。

则我们将 e3 和 e5 删除后,得到两条关键路径:

  • { v0, v1, v3, v4, v6, v7 }

  • { v0, v2, v5, v6, v7 }


5 关键路径C++代码 (Critical Path C++ Code)

// Author: https://blog.csdn.net/DarkRabbit
// Activity Network

struct CriticalEdge
    int firstVertex;
    int secondVertex;
    double weight;

// 获取删除边后的矩阵
// params:
//      graph:                  图
//      disableEdgesMatrix:     新的矩阵
void GetDisableEdges(AMGraphInt* graph, 
                     std::vector<std::vector<double>>& disableEdgesMatrix)
    double infinity = graph->GetDefaultWeight(); // 无边权值,即正无穷
    int size = graph->GetVertexCount(); // 顶点数量

    std::vector<CriticalEdge> edges;
    disableEdgesMatrix.assign(size, std::vector<double>(size, infinity));

    double weight;
    for (int r = 0; r < size; r++) // Edge
        for (int adj = graph->FirstNeighbor(r);
                adj != -1;
                adj = graph->NextNeighbor(r, adj))
            CriticalEdge edge;
            edge.firstVertex = r;
            edge.secondVertex = adj;
            graph->TryGetWeight(r, adj, edge.weight);
            disableEdgesMatrix[r][adj] = edge.weight;

    std::vector<double> vertexEarliest(size, 0.0);
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) // VE
        vertexEarliest[edges[i].secondVertex] = 
                     vertexEarliest[edges[i].firstVertex] + edges[i].weight);

    std::vector<double> vertexLastest(vertexEarliest);
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) // VL
        vertexLastest[edges[i].firstVertex] =
                     vertexEarliest[edges[i].secondVertex] - edges[i].weight);

    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) // WE WL
        if (vertexEarliest[edges[i].firstVertex]
            != vertexLastest[edges[i].secondVertex] - edges[i].weight)
            // 不是关键活动,断开边
            disableEdgesMatrix[edges[i].firstVertex][edges[i].secondVertex] = infinity;

// 获取关键路径的回溯递归
// params:
//      matrix:         邻接矩阵
//      loopStack:      路径
//      mark:           顶点标识,如果为真,则有环
//      infinity:       无穷符号
//      vertex:         当前递归的顶点
//      paths:          输出的关键路径
// return:
//      bool:           是否有环
bool CriticalPathRecursion(const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& matrix,
                           std::stack<int>& loopStack,
                           std::vector<bool>& mark,
                           const double& infinity,
                           int vertex,
                           std::vector<std::stack<int>>& paths)
    if (mark[vertex])
        return false; // 再次到达此顶点,证明有环

    mark[vertex] = true;

    int outdegree = 0; // 记录出度数量,在拓扑排序中,一定有出度为0的顶点
    for (int c = 0; c < matrix.size(); c++)
        if (matrix[vertex][c] != infinity)
            if (!CriticalPathRecursion(matrix, loopStack, mark, infinity, c, paths))
                return false; // 有环

    mark[vertex] = false;

    if (outdegree == 0) // 找到没有出度的顶点,加入路径

    return true;

// 关键路径
// params:
//      graph:      需要排序的图
//      paths:      输出的关键路径
// return:
//      bool:       是否出错
bool CriticalPath(AMGraphInt* graph,
                    std::vector<std::stack<int>>& paths)
    if (graph == nullptr || graph->GetVertexCount() == 0)
        return false;

    std::vector<std::vector<double>> matrix;
    GetDisableEdges(graph, matrix);
    double infinity = graph->GetDefaultWeight(); // 无边权值,即正无穷
    int size = graph->GetVertexCount(); // 顶点数量
    std::stack<int> vertexStack; // 初始顶点栈
    std::vector<int> indegrees; // 顶点入度

    // 获取首批没有直接前驱的顶点和计算所有入度
    if (!GetBeginVertexesAndIndegrees(graph, vertexStack, indegrees))
        return false; // 没有顶点,说明起始图就是个环

    std::stack<int> loopStack;
    std::vector<bool> marks(size, false);

    while (!vertexStack.empty()) // 从没有前驱的顶点开始寻找关键路径
        if (!CriticalPathRecursion(matrix, 
                                   paths)) // 寻找关键路径
            return false; // 有环

    return true;

5 主函数与测试 (Main Method and Testing)

5.1 主函数 (Main Method)

#include "abstract_graph.h"
#include "adjacency_matrix.h"

#include "minimum_spanning_tree.h"
#include "shortest_path.h"
#include "activity_network.h"


using namespace std;

typedef Graphs::AMVertexNode<int> AMVertexInt;
typedef Graphs::AdjacencyMatrix<int> AMGraphInt;

void TestAdjacencyMatrix();

void TestKruskal();
void TestPrim();

void TestDujkstra();
void TestFloyed();

void TestTopologicalSort();
void TestCriticalPath();

int main()



    return 0;

// 打印邻接矩阵
template<class TGraph>
void PrintMatrix(TGraph& graph);

// 拓扑排序 Topological Sort
void TestTopologicalSort()
    AMGraphInt* graph = new AMGraphInt({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, true); // 有向图 0-5
        { {0, 1}, {0, 3}, {1, 5}, {2, 1}, {2, 5}, {4, 0}, {4, 1}, {4, 5} },
        1.0); // 初始化边

    cout << "----------拓扑排序 Topological Sort----------" << endl;
    cout << "有向图:" << endl;
    cout << "邻接矩阵:" << endl;
    cout << endl;

    std::vector<int> paths;

    if (Graphs::ActivityNetwork::TopologicalSort(graph, paths))
        cout << "拓扑排序:";
        for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++)
            cout << (char)(paths[i] + 'A') << "(V" << paths[i] << ") ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "拓扑排序失败,有环" << endl;

    delete graph;
    cout << endl;

// 关键路径 Critical Path
void TestCriticalPath()
    AMGraphInt* graph = new AMGraphInt({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, true); // 有向图 0-7
        { {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 5}, {3, 4}, {4, 6}, {5, 6}, {6, 7} },
        { 9, 13, 15, 9, 29, 7, 6, 18, 6, 12 }); // 初始化边

    cout << "----------关键路径 Critical Path----------" << endl;
    cout << "有向图:" << endl;
    cout << "邻接矩阵:" << endl;
    cout << endl;

    vector<stack<int>> paths;
    if (Graphs::ActivityNetwork::CriticalPath(graph, paths))
        string str;
        string strAlpha;
        for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++)
            str = "";
            strAlpha = "";
            while (!paths[i].empty())
                str = "v" + to_string(paths[i].top()) + " " + str;
                strAlpha.insert(strAlpha.begin(), (char)(paths[i].top() + 'A'));

            cout << "关键路径 " << (i + 1) << ": " << str;
            cout << " (" << strAlpha << ")" << endl;
        cout << "关键路径失败,有环" << endl;

    delete graph;
    cout << endl;

4.2 打印结果 (Print Output)

----------拓扑排序 Topological Sort----------
     A  B  C  D  E  F
  A  .  1  .  1  .  .
  B  .  .  .  .  .  1
  C  .  1  .  .  .  1
  D  .  .  .  .  .  .
  E  1  1  .  .  .  1
  F  .  .  .  .  .  .

拓扑排序:E(V4) A(V0) D(V3) C(V2) B(V1) F(V5)

----------关键路径 Critical Path----------
     A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H
  A  .  9 13  .  .  .  .  .
  B  .  .  . 15  .  .  .  .
  C  .  .  .  9  . 29  .  .
  D  .  .  .  .  6  7  .  .
  E  .  .  .  .  .  . 18  .
  F  .  .  .  .  .  .  6  .
  G  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
  H  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

关键路径 1: v0 v1 v3 v4 v6 v7  (ABDEGH)
关键路径 2: v0 v2 v5 v6 v7  (ACFGH)

请按任意键继续. . .
