

3D Point Clouds

  • Autodesk Research - Digital 210 King
    Sample scan and image data of the Autodesk Research office.
  • Autonomous Systems Lab (ETH)
    Laser and Kinect data from structured and unstructured environments. This group has a list of useful related links as well as a similar set of links to data.
  • Canadian Planetary Emulation Terrain 3D Mapping Dataset
    Laser scans of unstructured terrains from rover platforms. Includes Matlab code for data parsing.
  • Leica Geosystems (projected data)
    Example databases of laser scan data.
  • Point Cloud Classification (Lomonosov Moscow State university)
    Aerial lidar data with class labeling.
  • Pointools
    Sample data sets for pointools evaluation.
  • Pseudo-Simulated LiDAR
    Pseudo-simulated lidar data created for change detection experiments.
  • Robotic 3D Scan Repository
    Registered 3D scans of indoor and outdoor environments. Some data sets include thermal and color information.
  • SmartMultiMedia LiDAR Software and Point Cloud Sample Data
    Sample LiDAR scan data sets, including links to commercial point cloud software.
Localization and Mapping
  • KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
    Mono and stereo camera data, including calibration, odometry and more.
  • MIT DARPA Grand Challenge Team
    Camera, lidar and log files, including source code for parsing logs.
  • NAVVIS Indoor Dataset
    LIDAR scans of the interiors of the corridors of the TU Munich main campus, acquired slice-by-slice by a mapping trolley and aggregated into a big point cloud. The site also includes registered imagery, camera calibration, occupancy grid maps and more.
  • The New College Vision and Laser Data Set 
    Stereo and omni-directional imagery, lidar and pose data.
  • PeRL: Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Dataset
    Camera and lidar data, including source code and more.
  • Radish: The Robotics Data Set Repository
    Odometry, laser and sonar data, including log files and generated maps.
  • SLAM-related robotics data sets (University of Freiburg)
    Compilation of 2D maps in the form of raw and correct log files.
  • The Digital Michelangelo Project
    Data is free but must be ordered as it is quite large.
  • Large Geometric Models Archive (Georgia Tech)
    Collection of standard models.
  • Stanford 3D Scanning Repository
    Collection of standard models (bunny, dragon, etc) including range data and zippered reconstructions.
Heightmaps (DEM and similar)
    Global DEM.
  • GNet
    Large aerial lidar data set.
  • ISPRS Test On Extracting DEMs From Point Clouds
    First and last pulse laser data from overhead scans of urban and natural environments.
  • http://www.lidardata.com/
    Large database of aerial lidar. Data sets must be ordered and may not be free.
  • National Land Survey of Finland
    Elevation and similar data of Finland.
  • OpenTopography
    Aerial lidar data.
  • USGS DEMs, geocomm
    Data sets must be ordered and may not be free.
  • USGS Historic DEMs
    Mount St. Helens DEMs before and after 1980 eruption. Possibly other free data sets.
  • USGS Seamless Data Warehouse
    Large database of topographic data from USGS and NGA. Data sets must be ordered and may not be free.
Face Scans
  • Cyberware Head & Face Color 3D Scanner
    Sample head and face data including original data, merged ply files and uv/color data.
Volume Data (MRI and similar)
  • The Chapel Hill Volume Rendering Test Data Set
    Head, knee and cadaver MRI data.
Object Detection
  • B3DO: Berkeley 3D Object Dataset
    Indoor object detection data sets.
  • NYU Depth Datasets
    Indoor object detection data sets.
  • RGB-D Object Dataset
    Indoor object detection data sets with many common household objects.
  • Semantic Database of 3D Objects (Technische Universität München)
    Stereo camera and lidar scans of typical household objects.
  • Computer Vision Group (Technische Universität München)
    Kinect RGB-D data for visual SLAM, multiview 3D reconstruction data and other image based data sets.
  • Virtual Terrain Project
    3D LiDAR data, topographic and other data. This site also has many useful links.
