说明:该系列博客源码链接为:https://github.com/bilylee/SiamFC-TensorFlow,是实验室同小组的师兄用TensorFlow实现SiameseFC算法的最终公开版本,经过了长时间的打磨,各个模块功能明确,整体可读性和可移植性极好,我相信这对做Tracking的小伙伴来说,是个入门SiameseFC Tracker的特别好的选择。哈哈,觉得代码很棒的小伙伴们可以点个Star哦,也欢迎交流学习和指教。
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import os.path as osp
import sys
import zipfile
import six.moves.urllib as urllib # 数据下载相关库 , urllib
CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__) # 返回当前.py脚本文件的路径
ROOT_DIR = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..')
sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR) # 增加模块的搜索路径
from utils.misc_utils import mkdir_p # 自己编写的makir_p函数,生成路径
def download_or_skip(download_url, save_path): # 数据下载函数
if not osp.exists(save_path): # 判断数据是否已经下载,避免重复下载
print('Downloading: {}'.format(download_url))
opener = urllib.request.URLopener()
opener.retrieve(download_url, save_path)
print('File {} exists, skip downloading.'.format(save_path))
if __name__ == '__main__': # 数据下载准备 主函数
assets_dir = osp.join(ROOT_DIR, 'assets') # 添加数据资源保存的路径assets_dir
# Make assets directory
mkdir_p(assets_dir) # 生成路径,存储数据资源
# Download the pretrained color model # 下载SiameseFC-color pretrained 模型
download_base = 'https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~luca/stuff/siam-fc_nets/'
model_name = '2016-08-17.net.mat'
download_or_skip(download_base + model_name, osp.join(assets_dir, model_name))
# Download the pretrained gray model # 下载SiameseFC-color-gray pretrained 模型
download_base = 'https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~luca/stuff/siam-fc_nets/'
model_name = '2016-08-17_gray025.net.mat'
download_or_skip(download_base + model_name, osp.join(assets_dir, model_name))
# Download one test sequence # 下载一个测试视频,供测试和显示
download_base = "http://cvlab.hanyang.ac.kr/tracker_benchmark/seq_new/"
seq_name = 'KiteSurf.zip'
download_or_skip(download_base + seq_name, osp.join(assets_dir, seq_name))
# Unzip the test sequence # 将下载的视频.zip文件解压缩
with zipfile.ZipFile(osp.join(assets_dir, seq_name), 'r') as zip_ref:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Load pretrained color model in the SiamFC paper and save it in the TensorFlow format"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path as osp
import sys
CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..'))
print( osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..')) # 添加搜索路径
from configuration import LOG_DIR # 从配置文件中导入log存储的路径
from scripts.convert_pretrained_model import ex # 导入对应的experiment
# 这里只是实验的表皮,具体实验还得看scripts.convert_pretrained_model详细内容
if __name__ == '__main__':
RUN_NAME = 'SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained'
ex.run(config_updates={'model_config': {'embed_config': {'embedding_checkpoint_file': '/workspace/czx/Projects/SiamFC-TensorFlow/assets/2016-08-17.net.mat',
'train_embedding': False, },
'train_config': {'train_dir': osp.join(LOG_DIR, 'track_model_checkpoints', RUN_NAME), },
'track_config': {'log_dir': osp.join(LOG_DIR, 'track_model_inference', RUN_NAME), }
}, # 实验运行管理,这里的话就是根据需要更新一些配置文件中的参数
options={'--name': RUN_NAME,
'--force': True,
'--enforce_clean': False,
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Convert the matlab-pretrained model into TensorFlow format"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..')) # 添加搜索路径
import configuration
import siamese_model
from utils.misc_utils import auto_select_gpu, save_cfgs
# Set GPU
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = auto_select_gpu() # 自动选择GPU
from sacred import Experiment # 更好地进行实验管理
ex = Experiment(configuration.RUN_NAME)
@ex.config # 加载参数配置
def configurations():
# Add configurations for current script, for more details please see the documentation of `sacred`.
model_config = configuration.MODEL_CONFIG
train_config = configuration.TRAIN_CONFIG
track_config = configuration.TRACK_CONFIG
@ex.automain # 主函数
def main(model_config, train_config, track_config):
# Create training directory
train_dir = train_config['train_dir'] # 创建训练路径
if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(train_dir):
tf.logging.info('Creating training directory: %s', train_dir)
# Build the Tensorflow graph
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default(): # 默认graph
# Set fixed seed
# 实际上单纯地转换这样的一个预训练模型格式是不需要在这里调用siameseFC构建的,但是整份代码,将这样的
# 一种预训练模型加载看成是模型训练的一个初始化,而模型转换根据配置参数进行的一个初始化方式。
model = siamese_model.SiameseModel(model_config, train_config, mode='inference')
# Save configurations for future reference
save_cfgs(train_dir, model_config, train_config, track_config)
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(),
# Dynamically allocate GPU memory
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)
sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)
sess = tf.Session(config=sess_config)
model_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(train_config['train_dir'])
if not model_path:
# Initialize all variables
start_step = 0
# 因为在这里我们转换预训练模型的格式的话只需要设置if后面的参数即可
# Load pretrained embedding model if needed
if model_config['embed_config']['embedding_checkpoint_file']:
model.init_fn(sess) # 这是模型初始化的一个方法,后面的给出具体调用了啥函数
logging.info('Restore from last checkpoint: {}'.format(model_path))
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
start_step = tf.train.global_step(sess, model.global_step.name) + 1
checkpoint_path = osp.join(train_config['train_dir'], 'model.ckpt')
saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=start_step) # 保存为.ckpt
def setup_embedding_initializer(self):
"""Sets up the function to restore embedding variables from checkpoint."""
embed_config = self.model_config['embed_config']
if embed_config['embedding_checkpoint_file']: # 上面说过模型转换的时候是有设置matlab文件路径的
# Restore Siamese FC models from .mat model files # 这才是加载.mat model的函数
initialize = load_mat_model(embed_config['embedding_checkpoint_file'],
'convolutional_alexnet/', 'detection/')
def restore_fn(sess): # 初始化方式,下面赋值给self.init_fn了
tf.logging.info("Restoring embedding variables from checkpoint file %s",
self.init_fn = restore_fn
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Utilities for model construction"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy import io as sio
from utils.misc_utils import get_center
# 在训练过程中构建groudtruth用到,用返回的结果和siamese网络得到的score map计算loss
def construct_gt_score_maps(response_size, batch_size, stride, gt_config=None):
"""Construct a batch of groundtruth score maps
response_size: A list or tuple with two elements [ho, wo]
batch_size: An integer e.g., 16
stride: Embedding stride e.g., 8
gt_config: Configurations for groundtruth generation
A float tensor of shape [batch_size] + response_size
with tf.name_scope('construct_gt'):
ho = response_size[0]
wo = response_size[1]
y = tf.cast(tf.range(0, ho), dtype=tf.float32) - get_center(ho)
x = tf.cast(tf.range(0, wo), dtype=tf.float32) - get_center(wo)
[Y, X] = tf.meshgrid(y, x)
def _logistic_label(X, Y, rPos, rNeg): # 构建一个高斯的二值groundtruth响应图
# dist_to_center = tf.sqrt(tf.square(X) + tf.square(Y)) # L2 metric
dist_to_center = tf.abs(X) + tf.abs(Y) # Block metric
Z = tf.where(dist_to_center <= rPos,
tf.where(dist_to_center < rNeg,
0.5 * tf.ones_like(X),
return Z
# 且先留意这里构建的groundtruth和siamese网络的stride有关
rPos = gt_config['rPos'] / stride
rNeg = gt_config['rNeg'] / stride
gt = _logistic_label(X, Y, rPos, rNeg)
# Duplicate a batch of maps
gt_expand = tf.reshape(gt, [1] + response_size)
gt = tf.tile(gt_expand, [batch_size, 1, 1])
return gt
# 从matlab模型文件存储路径读取模型参数
def get_params_from_mat(matpath):
"""Get parameter from .mat file into parms(dict)"""
def squeeze(vars_):
# Matlab save some params with shape (*, 1)
# However, we don't need the trailing dimension in TensorFlow.
if isinstance(vars_, (list, tuple)):
return [np.squeeze(v, 1) for v in vars_]
return np.squeeze(vars_, 1)
netparams = sio.loadmat(matpath)["net"]["params"][0][0]
params = dict() # 将模型数据以dict形式存储起来
# 既然看到了这里,自己也不防单独将matlab模型加载起来,看看里面都是什么样的形式
for i in range(netparams.size):
param = netparams[0][i]
name = param["name"][0]
value = param["value"]
value_size = param["value"].shape[0]
match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)([a-z]+)", name, re.I)
if match:
items = match.groups()
elif name == 'adjust_f':
params['detection/weights'] = squeeze(value)
elif name == 'adjust_b':
params['detection/biases'] = squeeze(value)
raise Exception('unrecognized layer params')
op, layer, types = items
layer = int(layer)
if layer in [1, 3]:
if op == 'conv': # convolution
if types == 'f':
params['conv%d/weights' % layer] = value
elif types == 'b':
value = squeeze(value)
params['conv%d/biases' % layer] = value
elif op == 'bn': # batch normalization
if types == 'x':
m, v = squeeze(np.split(value, 2, 1))
params['conv%d/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % layer] = m
params['conv%d/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % layer] = np.square(v)
elif types == 'm':
value = squeeze(value)
params['conv%d/BatchNorm/gamma' % layer] = value
elif types == 'b':
value = squeeze(value)
params['conv%d/BatchNorm/beta' % layer] = value
raise Exception
elif layer in [2, 4]:
if op == 'conv' and types == 'f':
b1, b2 = np.split(value, 2, 3)
b1, b2 = np.split(value, 2, 0)
if op == 'conv':
if types == 'f':
params['conv%d/b1/weights' % layer] = b1
params['conv%d/b2/weights' % layer] = b2
elif types == 'b':
b1, b2 = squeeze(np.split(value, 2, 0))
params['conv%d/b1/biases' % layer] = b1
params['conv%d/b2/biases' % layer] = b2
elif op == 'bn':
if types == 'x':
m1, v1 = squeeze(np.split(b1, 2, 1))
m2, v2 = squeeze(np.split(b2, 2, 1))
params['conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % layer] = m1
params['conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % layer] = m2
params['conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % layer] = np.square(v1)
params['conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % layer] = np.square(v2)
elif types == 'm':
params['conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/gamma' % layer] = squeeze(b1)
params['conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/gamma' % layer] = squeeze(b2)
elif types == 'b':
params['conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/beta' % layer] = squeeze(b1)
params['conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/beta' % layer] = squeeze(b2)
raise Exception
elif layer in [5]:
if op == 'conv' and types == 'f':
b1, b2 = np.split(value, 2, 3)
b1, b2 = squeeze(np.split(value, 2, 0))
assert op == 'conv', 'layer5 contains only convolution'
if types == 'f':
params['conv%d/b1/weights' % layer] = b1
params['conv%d/b2/weights' % layer] = b2
elif types == 'b':
params['conv%d/b1/biases' % layer] = b1
params['conv%d/b2/biases' % layer] = b2
return params
# .mat模型数据加载转换为.ckpt格式进行存储
def load_mat_model(matpath, embed_scope, detection_scope=None):
"""Restore SiameseFC models from .mat model files"""
params = get_params_from_mat(matpath)
assign_ops = []
def _assign(ref_name, params, scope=embed_scope):
var_in_model = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
scope + ref_name)[0]
var_in_mat = params[ref_name]
op = tf.assign(var_in_model, var_in_mat)
for l in range(1, 6):
if l in [1, 3]:
_assign('conv%d/weights' % l, params)
# _assign('conv%d/biases' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/BatchNorm/beta' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/BatchNorm/gamma' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % l, params)
elif l in [2, 4]:
# Branch 1
_assign('conv%d/b1/weights' % l, params)
# _assign('conv%d/b1/biases' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/beta' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/gamma' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b1/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % l, params)
# Branch 2
_assign('conv%d/b2/weights' % l, params)
# _assign('conv%d/b2/biases' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/beta' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/gamma' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/moving_mean' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b2/BatchNorm/moving_variance' % l, params)
elif l in [5]:
# Branch 1
_assign('conv%d/b1/weights' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b1/biases' % l, params)
# Branch 2
_assign('conv%d/b2/weights' % l, params)
_assign('conv%d/b2/biases' % l, params)
raise Exception('layer number must below 5')
if detection_scope:
_assign(detection_scope + 'biases', params, scope='')
initialize = tf.group(*assign_ops)
return initialize
核心功能:输入同一张图片01.jpg,SiameseFC-TensorFlow代码加载.mat和转换后的.ckpt模型时运算得到01.jpg的feature map均和原作者matlab版本代码计算得到的feature map相同(差异及其的微小),如此一来既验证了网络设计没问题,同时也验证了.mat模型转换为.ckpt模型时没有问题。
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Tests for track model"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.misc import imread # Only pillow 2.x is compatible with matlab 2016R
CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__)
PARENT_DIR = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..')
import siamese_model
import configuration
from utils.misc_utils import load_cfgs
# 直接通过model.init_fn加载.mat格式的模型数据计算01.jpg的feature map
# 用这个feature map和作者matlab的结果
def test_load_embedding_from_mat():
"""Test if the embedding model loaded from .mat
produces the same features as the original MATLAB implementation"""
matpath = osp.join(PARENT_DIR, 'assets/2016-08-17.net.mat')
test_im = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '01.jpg')
gt_feat = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'result.mat')
model_config = configuration.MODEL_CONFIG
model_config['embed_config']['embedding_name'] = 'convolutional_alexnet'
model_config['embed_config']['embedding_checkpoint_file'] = matpath # For SiameseFC
model_config['embed_config']['train_embedding'] = False
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
model = siamese_model.SiameseModel(model_config, configuration.TRAIN_CONFIG, mode='inference')
model.build() # 模型的构建,这里不用深究,后续博客会细说
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Initialize models
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Load model here
# Load image
im = imread(test_im)
im_batch = np.expand_dims(im, 0)
# Feed image
feature = sess.run([model.exemplar_embeds], feed_dict={model.examplar_feed: im_batch})
# Compare with features computed from original source code
ideal_feature = sio.loadmat(gt_feat)['r']['z_features'][0][0]
diff = feature - ideal_feature
diff = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(diff)))
print('Feature computation difference: {}'.format(diff))
print('You should get something like: 0.00892720464617')
def test_load_embedding_from_converted_TF_model():
"""Test if the embedding model loaded from converted TensorFlow checkpoint
produces the same features as the original implementation"""
checkpoint = osp.join(PARENT_DIR, 'Logs/SiamFC/track_model_checkpoints/SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained')
test_im = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '01.jpg')
gt_feat = osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'result.mat')
if not osp.exists(checkpoint):
raise Exception('SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained is not generated yet.')
model_config, train_config, track_config = load_cfgs(checkpoint)
# Build the model
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
model = siamese_model.SiameseModel(model_config, train_config, mode='inference')
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Load model here
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
if osp.isdir(checkpoint):
model_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
model_path = checkpoint
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
# Load image
im = imread(test_im)
im_batch = np.expand_dims(im, 0)
# Feed image
feature = sess.run([model.exemplar_embeds], feed_dict={model.examplar_feed: im_batch})
# Compare with features computed from original source code
ideal_feature = sio.loadmat(gt_feat)['r']['z_features'][0][0]
diff = feature - ideal_feature
diff = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(diff)))
print('Feature computation difference: {}'.format(diff))
print('You should get something like: 0.00892720464617')
def test():
if __name__ == '__main__':
这份代码涉及到后面的视频测试,这里先只需要会用该脚本就好,你只要会到对应的log 路径下找到你对应视频测试的一些保存结果就好,因为这些结果都是后面可视化的数据,至于保存的数据是什么,保存数据的这个代码在哪个文件里后面自然会涉及到。
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
r"""Generate tracking results for videos using Siamese Model"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import sys
from glob import glob
import tensorflow as tf
from sacred import Experiment
CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..'))
from inference import inference_wrapper
from inference.tracker import Tracker
from utils.infer_utils import Rectangle
from utils.misc_utils import auto_select_gpu, mkdir_p, sort_nicely, load_cfgs
ex = Experiment()
@ex.config # 模型和测试视频
def configs():
checkpoint = '/workspace/czx/Projects/SiamFC-TensorFlow/Logs/SiamFC/track_model_checkpoints/SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained'
input_files = '/workspace/czx/Projects/SiamFC-TensorFlow/assets/KiteSurf'
def main(checkpoint, input_files):
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = auto_select_gpu()
model_config, _, track_config = load_cfgs(checkpoint)
track_config['log_level'] = 1
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default(): # 模型测试时候需要构建的,且先不要深究
model = inference_wrapper.InferenceWrapper()
restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(model_config, track_config, checkpoint)
# 这一块就是你存储测试视频结果数据的路径,记得去看看都有哪些数据。
if not osp.isdir(track_config['log_dir']):
logging.info('Creating inference directory: %s', track_config['log_dir'])
video_dirs = []
for file_pattern in input_files.split(","):
logging.info("Running tracking on %d videos matching %s", len(video_dirs), input_files)
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)
sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)
with tf.Session(graph=g, config=sess_config) as sess:
tracker = Tracker(model, model_config=model_config, track_config=track_config)
for video_dir in video_dirs:
if not osp.isdir(video_dir):
logging.warning('{} is not a directory, skipping...'.format(video_dir))
video_name = osp.basename(video_dir)
video_log_dir = osp.join(track_config['log_dir'], video_name)
filenames = sort_nicely(glob(video_dir + '/img/*.jpg'))
first_line = open(video_dir + '/groundtruth_rect.txt').readline()
bb = [int(v) for v in first_line.strip().split(',')]
init_bb = Rectangle(bb[0] - 1, bb[1] - 1, bb[2], bb[3]) # 0-index in python
# 返回的跟踪结果
trajectory = tracker.track(sess, init_bb, filenames, video_log_dir)
with open(osp.join(video_log_dir, 'track_rect.txt'), 'w') as f:
for region in trajectory:
rect_str = '{},{},{},{}\n'.format(region.x + 1, region.y + 1,
region.width, region.height)
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import os.path as osp
import sys
from sacred import Experiment
ex = Experiment()
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import imread, Rectangle
CURRENT_DIR = osp.abspath(osp.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.append(osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, ".."))
from utils.videofig import videofig
def readbbox(file):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
bboxs = [[float(val) for val in line.strip().replace(' ', ',').replace('\t', ',').split(',')] for line in lines]
return bboxs
def create_bbox(bbox, color):
return Rectangle((bbox[0], bbox[1]), bbox[2], bbox[3],
fill=False, # remove background\n",
def set_bbox(artist, bbox):
artist.set_xy((bbox[0], bbox[1]))
def configs():
videoname = 'KiteSurf'
runname = 'SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained'
data_dir = '/workspace/czx/Projects/SiamFC-TensorFlow/assets/'
track_log_dir = '/workspace/czx/Projects/SiamFC-TensorFlow/Logs/SiamFC/track_model_inference/{}/{}'.format(runname, videoname)
def main(videoname, data_dir, track_log_dir):
track_log_dir = osp.join(track_log_dir)
video_data_dir = osp.join(data_dir, videoname)
te_bboxs = readbbox(osp.join(track_log_dir, 'track_rect.txt'))
gt_bboxs = readbbox(osp.join(video_data_dir, 'groundtruth_rect.txt'))
num_frames = len(gt_bboxs)
def redraw_fn(ind, axes):
ind += 1
input_ = imread(osp.join(track_log_dir, 'image_cropped{}.jpg'.format(ind)))
response = np.load(osp.join(track_log_dir, 'response{}.npy'.format(ind)))
org_img = imread(osp.join(data_dir, videoname, 'img', '{:04d}.jpg'.format(ind + 1)))
gt_bbox = gt_bboxs[ind]
te_bbox = te_bboxs[ind]
bbox = np.load(osp.join(track_log_dir, 'bbox{}.npy'.format(ind)))
if not redraw_fn.initialized:
ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes
redraw_fn.im1 = ax1.imshow(input_)
redraw_fn.im2 = ax2.imshow(response)
redraw_fn.im3 = ax3.imshow(org_img)
redraw_fn.bb1 = create_bbox(bbox, color='red')
redraw_fn.bb2 = create_bbox(gt_bbox, color='green')
redraw_fn.bb3 = create_bbox(te_bbox, color='red')
redraw_fn.text = ax3.text(0.03, 0.97, 'F:{}'.format(ind), fontdict={'size': 10, },
ha='left', va='top',
bbox={'facecolor': 'red', 'alpha': 0.7},
redraw_fn.initialized = True
set_bbox(redraw_fn.bb1, bbox)
set_bbox(redraw_fn.bb2, gt_bbox)
set_bbox(redraw_fn.bb3, te_bbox)
redraw_fn.text.set_text('F: {}'.format(ind))
redraw_fn.initialized = False
videofig(int(num_frames) - 1, redraw_fn,
grid_specs={'nrows': 2, 'ncols': 2, 'wspace': 0, 'hspace': 0},
layout_specs=['[0, 0]', '[0, 1]', '[1, :]'])
(3)在不需要深入了解模型设计、训练、测试和评估的基础上 能够利用已有脚本对单个视频进行测试和可视化分析。