
demon has the same pronunciation as daemon.

demon  = devil
/ ˈdiːmən; ˋdimən/ n
wicked or cruel spirit 恶魔; 魔鬼: medieval carvings of demons 中世纪的魔鬼雕像.
( infml口) ( a) person thought to be wicked, mischievous, etc 恶人; 恶棍; 调皮鬼: Your son's a little demon.你儿子是个小调皮鬼. ( b) ~ (for sth) energetic person 精力充沛的人: She's a demon for work, ie works very hard. 她工作起来精力充沛. * [attrib 作定语] a demon worker 精力过人的工作者. ( c) fierce or aggressive player 勇猛的运动员; 攻击型的运动员: [attrib 作定语] a demon bowler 勇猛的投球手.
(idm 习语) the demon `drink( joc 谑) alcoholic drink, esp when it is the cause of wild noisy behaviour 含酒精的饮料(尤指饮後使人撒酒疯者): He's very violent: it's the demon drink, you know.他大撒酒疯, 你要知道就是因为喝了那种酒. > demonic / diːˈmɔnɪk; diˋmɑnɪk/ adj: demonic energy 过人的精力.

de·mon     n.
Variant:            or dae·mon
Pronunciation:     'dē-mən
Function:           noun
Etymology:          Middle English demon, from Late Latin &Latin; Late Latin daemon evil spirit, from Latin, divinity, spirit, from Greekdaimōn, probably fromdaiesthai to distribute ― more at TIDE
Date:               13th century

1 a : an evil spirit b : a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin
2 usually daemon : an attendant power or spirit : GENIUS
3 usually daemon : a supernatural being of Greek mythology intermediate between gods and men
4 : one that has exceptional enthusiasm, drive, or effectiveness demon for work>
  –de·mo·ni·an \di- 'mō-nē-ən\ adjective
  –de·mon·i·za·tion \ ˌdē-mə-nə- 'zā-shən\ noun
  –de·mon·ize \ 'dē-mə- ˌnīz\ transitive verb

/ ˈdiːmən; ˋdimən/ n
(esp in Greek mythology) supernatural being that is half god, half man (尤指希腊神话中的)半人半神的精灵.
spirit that inspires sb to action or creativity 守护神.

daemon     n.
variant of demon
de·mon     n.
Variant:            or dae·mon
Pronunciation:     'dē-mən
Function:           noun
Etymology:          Middle English demon, from Late Latin &Latin; Late Latin daemon evil spirit, from Latin, divinity, spirit, from Greekdaimōn, probably fromdaiesthai to distribute ― more at TIDE
Date:               13th century

1 a : an evil spirit b : a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin
2 usually daemon : an attendant power or spirit : GENIUS
3 usually daemon : a supernatural being of Greek mythology intermediate between gods and men
4 : one that has exceptional enthusiasm, drive, or effectiveness
demon for work>
  –de·mo·ni·an \di- 'mō-nē-ən\ adjective
  –de·mon·i·za·tion \ ˌdē-mə-nə- 'zā-shən\ noun
  –de·mon·ize \ 'dē-mə- ˌnīz\ transitive verb
linux 或者 unix 操作系统中,守护进程(Daemon)是一种运行在后台的特殊进程,它独立于控制终端并且周期性的执行某种任务或等待处理某些发生的事件。由于在linux中,每个系统与用户进行交流的界面称为终端,每一个从此终端开始运行的进程都会依附于这个终端,这个终端被称为这些进程的控制终端,当控制终端被关闭的时候,相应的进程都会自动关闭。但是守护进程却能突破这种限制,它脱离于终端并且在后台运行,并且它脱离终端的目的是为了避免进程在运行的过程中的信息在任何终端中显示并且进程也不会被任何终端所产生的终端信息所打断。它从被执行的时候开始运转,直到整个系统关闭才退出。(from 百度百科“守护进程”)

Devil 和 Demon 的区别是什么?
