
1. 构造测试数据

SQL> create table t(id int,name varchar2(32));

Table created.

SQL> insert into t values(1,'AAAAA');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> update t set name='BBBBB' where id=1; # update事务

1 row updated.

2. dump操作的数据块

SQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) file#,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) block# from t;

     FILE#     BLOCK#
---------- ----------
         1      94897

SQL> alter system dump datafile 1 block 94897;

System altered.

3. trace文件内容分析


 Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
0x01   0x0003.00a.00000405  0x00c00a85.00a1.27  C---    0  scn 0x0000.00137a59
0x02   0x0005.010.00000401  0x00c00d6c.00bf.3b  ----    1  fsc 0x0000.00000000
Xid:Transaction identifiers (XID) uniquely identify a transaction within the system. They are used
within the ITL of a data or index block.

A transaction identifier consists of:

  * Rollback/undo segment number  # 回滚段编号

  * Transaction table slot number  # 事务槽编号

  * Sequence number or wrap# # 事务所在的这一行被重用的次数

XID = usn#.slot#.warp#


data_block_dump,data header at 0x7f001dd9da5c
tsiz: 0x1fa0
hsiz: 0x14
pbl: 0x7f001dd9da5c
0xe:pti[0]      nrow=1  offs=0
0x12:pri[0]     offs=0x1f94
tab 0, row 0, @0x1f94
tl: 12 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 2
col  0: [ 2]  c1 02
col  1: [ 5]  42 42 42 42 42 #即BBBBB

4. 根据ITL槽上的XID找出对应的Undo回滚段段头的信息


dump 5号回滚段的段头信息:

SQL> select * from v$rollname;

       USN NAME
---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         0 SYSTEM
         1 _SYSSMU1_3724004606$
         2 _SYSSMU2_2996391332$
         3 _SYSSMU3_1723003836$
         4 _SYSSMU4_1254879796$
         5 _SYSSMU5_898567397$
         6 _SYSSMU6_1263032392$
         7 _SYSSMU7_2070203016$
         8 _SYSSMU8_517538920$
         9 _SYSSMU9_1650507775$
        10 _SYSSMU10_1197734989$

11 rows selected.
SQL> alter system dump undo header '_SYSSMU5_898567397$';

System altered.


 index  state cflags  wrap#    uel         scn            dba            parent-xid    nub     stmt_num    cmt
   0x00    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0002  0x0000.00137873  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x01    9    0x00  0x0401  0xffff  0x0000.001379fe  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904857
   0x02    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0020  0x0000.00137883  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x03    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0005  0x0000.0013780c  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x04    9    0x00  0x0401  0x000c  0x0000.001378db  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x05    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0016  0x0000.00137820  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x06    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0008  0x0000.00137928  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x07    9    0x00  0x0401  0x0000  0x0000.00137868  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x08    9    0x00  0x0401  0x001d  0x0000.00137934  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x09    9    0x00  0x0400  0x0003  0x0000.001377fb  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x0a    9    0x00  0x0400  0x0019  0x0000.00137737  0x00c00d6b  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904545
   0x0b    9    0x00  0x0400  0x000e  0x0000.001374ba  0x00c00d6b  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904111
   0x0c    9    0x00  0x0401  0x000d  0x0000.001378ef  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x0d    9    0x00  0x0400  0x0013  0x0000.00137900  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904694
   0x0e    9    0x00  0x0400  0x000f  0x0000.00137514  0x00c00d6b  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904171
   0x0f    9    0x00  0x03fe  0x0012  0x0000.001375a3  0x00c00d6b  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1489904280
   0x10   10    0x80  0x0401  0x0002  0x0000.00137a79  0x00c00d6c  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  0


state: 表示事务状态,9代表不活动的事务,10代表事务正在活动







5. 根据事务表中dba即undo数据块的地址,结合数据块中的uba,查找事务修改前的值


SQL> select to_number('d6c','xxxxxxxxxx') from dual;

SQL> alter system dump datafile 3 block 3436;

System altered.

xid: 0x0005.010.00000401  seq: 0xbf  cnt: 0x3b  irb: 0x3b  icl: 0x0   flg: 0x0000 # 与数据块和事务表上的xid一致

 Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset
0x01 0x1f38     0x02 0x1e88     0x03 0x1e0c     0x04 0x1d90     0x05 0x1ce0
0x06 0x1c64     0x07 0x1bf8     0x08 0x1b8c     0x09 0x1adc     0x0a 0x1a70
0x0b 0x19e8     0x0c 0x1988     0x0d 0x18d8     0x0e 0x186c     0x0f 0x17bc
0x10 0x1740     0x11 0x16d4     0x12 0x1668     0x13 0x15fc     0x14 0x1590
0x15 0x1524     0x16 0x1474     0x17 0x1408     0x18 0x138c     0x19 0x1320
0x1a 0x1270     0x1b 0x1204     0x1c 0x1198     0x1d 0x10e8     0x1e 0x107c
0x1f 0x100c     0x20 0x0fa0     0x21 0x0f34     0x22 0x0ec8     0x23 0x0e5c
0x24 0x0dac     0x25 0x0d40     0x26 0x0cd4     0x27 0x0c68     0x28 0x0bb8
0x29 0x0b4c     0x2a 0x0a9c     0x2b 0x0a30     0x2c 0x09c4     0x2d 0x0914
0x2e 0x0864     0x2f 0x07f8     0x30 0x0748     0x31 0x06dc     0x32 0x062c
0x33 0x05b0     0x34 0x0534     0x35 0x04ac     0x36 0x0450     0x37 0x03a0
0x38 0x0324     0x39 0x0288     0x3a 0x0218     0x3b 0x0170

* Rec #0x3b  slt: 0x10  objn: 88682(0x00015a6a)  objd: 88682  tblspc: 0(0x00000000)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x00
Undo type:  Regular undo    Begin trans    Last buffer split:  No
Temp Object:  No
Tablespace Undo:  No
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 0
flg2: 0
uba: 0x00c00d6c.00bf.3a ctl max scn: 0x0000.0013732f prv tx scn: 0x0000.00137343
txn start scn: scn: 0x0000.00137a79 logon user: 0
 prev brb: 12586347 prev bcl: 0
KDO undo record:
KTB Redo
op: 0x03  ver: 0x01
compat bit: 4 (post-11) padding: 1
op: Z
Array Update of 1 rows:
tabn: 0 slot: 0(0x0) flag: 0x2c lock: 0 ckix: 12
ncol: 2 nnew: 1 size: 0
KDO Op code:  21 row dependencies Disabled
  xtype: XAxtype KDO_KDOM2 flags: 0x00000080  bdba: 0x004172b1  hdba: 0x004172b0
itli: 2  ispac: 0  maxfr: 4863
vect = 3
col  1: [ 5]  41 41 41 41 41 # 事务的前映像
