log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

Qt 之中出现了 :

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.

log4cplus:ERROR No appenders could be found for logger (AdSyncNamespace).

log4cplus:ERROR Please initialize the log4cplus system properly.


我安装了 autodesk 360 , 只要你把他卸载了就行。真是有趣...

Actually in my case, the issue resolved itself fter uninstalling 'AutoDesk 360' for some reason.

Thanks for confirming my doubt.
I started observing this error after installing Autodesk 360.
But I thought it was just a co-incidence.
Now confirmed that Autodesk is that culprit.
But still it feels strange how another software can throw Qt internal errors?

看来这个等到必须解决的时候再去看看,到底怎么回事吧; 现在好像对程序运行并没有干扰;
