

ERROR: Service adapter card1_svc on network net_ether_01 is on the same
 subnet as at least one of the boot adapters on this network.
Service labels must be on a different subnet when the network is configured
 to use IP aliasing for IP address takeover.

1.共享的vg,需要在建立的时候选择concurrent 兼容模式。建立完成后,需要能使用varyonvg -c oravg在两边同时能挂载。否则会出现哪边ha先启动,vg就被后启动的ha里面的varyonvg命令踢掉的情况。
2.cardoravg在card1创建后,在card2上import时,需要制定和card1上一样的major number。否则同步时会报错。
ERROR: Service adapter card1_serv on network net_ether_01 is on the same subnet as at least one of the communication interfaces on this network.Service labels must be on a different subnet when the network is configured
根据错误提示,boot ip和service ip不能在同一个网段。
google之,发现使用IP Aaddress Takeover via alias方式时,boot和service不能在同一个网段;而使用5.1以前的传统方式IPAT va Rep,boot和service就没有这个限制。
在smitty hacmp--->Extended Configuration--->Extended Topology Configuration--->Configure Hacmp Networks--->Change/Show a Network in the Hacmp Cluster选项里,把Enable IP Address Takeover via IP Aliases改成no,再同步就没问题了。
