Higher-level mechanisms introduced to Java 5 in the java.util.concurrent package, such as Executors, atomic wrapper classes, locking constructs, and concurrent collections, are also available for use in Android applications.
java.util.concurrent包中引入Java 5的高级机制(如Executors,原子包装类,锁定构造和并发集合)也可用于Android应用程序。
We can start new threads of execution in our Android applications just as we would in any other Java application, and the operating system will schedule some CPU time for those threads.
To do some work off the main thread, we can simply create a new instance of java. lang.Thread, override its run() method with the code we want it to execute, and invoke its start() method.
要在主线程上做一些工作,我们可以简单地创建一个新的 java.lang.Thread实例,通过覆盖其run()方法来执行我们的代码,并调用其start()方法。
While starting new threads is easy, concurrency is actually a very difficult thing to do well. Concurrent software faces many issues that fall into the two broad categories: correctness (producing consistent and correct results) and liveness (making progress towards completion).
虽然启动新线程很容易,但并发实际上是一件非常困难的事情。 并发软件面临许多问题,这些问题分为两大类:正确性(产生一致和正确的结果)和活跃性(向完成方向取得进展)。
A common example of a correctness problem occurs when two threads need to modify the value of the same variable based on its current value. Let’s imagine that we have an integer variable myInt with the current value of 2.
当两个线程需要根据其当前值修改同一变量的值时,会出现正确性问题的常见示例。 让我们假设我们有一个整数变量 myInt,当前值为2。
In order to increment myInt, we first need to read its current value and then add 1 to it. In a single threaded world, the two increments would happen in a strict sequence—we read the initial value 2, add 1 to it, set the new value back to the variable, then repeat the sequence. After the two increments, myInt holds the value 4.
为了增加myInt,我们首先需要读取它的当前值然后再加1。 在单线程中,两个增量将以严格的顺序发生 - 我们读取初始值2,向其添加1,将新值设置回变量,然后重复序列。 在两个增量之后,myInt保持值4。
In a multithreaded environment, we run into potential timing issues. It is possible that two threads trying to increment the variable would both read the same initial value (2), add 1 to it, and set the result (in both cases, 3) back to the variable.
在多线程环境中,我们遇到了潜在的时序问题。 尝试增加变量的两个线程可能都会读取相同的初始值(2),向它添加1,并将结果(两个线程都为中值都为3)都设置回变量。
Both threads have behaved correctly in their localized view of the world, but in terms of the overall program, we clearly have a correctness problem; 2 + 2 should not equal 3! This kind of timing issue is known as a race condition.
两个线程在其自身的代码中都表现正确,但就整体计划而言,我们显然存在正确性问题; 2 + 2不应该等于3! 这种计时问题被称为竞争条件。
A common solution to correctness problems such as race conditions is mutual exclusion—preventing multiple threads from accessing certain resources at the same time. Typically, this is achieved by ensuring that threads acquire an exclusive lock before reading or updating shared data.
正确性问题(例如竞争条件)的常见解决方案是互斥 - 防止多个线程同时访问某些资源。 通常,这是通过确保线程在读取或更新共享数据之前获得独占锁来实现的。
Liveness can be thought of as the ability of the application to do useful work and make progress towards goals. Liveness problems tend to be an unfortunate side effect of the solution to correctness problems. By locking access to data or system resources, it is possible to create bottlenecks where many threads are contending for access to a single lock, leading to potentially significant delays.
Worse, where multiple locks are used, it is possible to create a situation where no thread can make progress because each requires exclusive access to a lock that another thread currently owns—a situation known as a deadlock.
更糟糕的是,在使用多个锁的情况下,可能会创建一个没有线程可以进行的情况,因为每个线程都需要对另一个线程当前拥有的锁的独占访问 - 这种情况称为死锁。
There are two additional problems facing developers of concurrent Android applications which are specific to Android.
Android applications are typically composed of one or more subclasses of android. app.Activity. An Activity instance has a very well-defined lifecycle that the system manages through the execution of lifecycle method callbacks, all of which are executed on the main thread.
Android应用程序通常由b android.app.Activity 的一个或多个子类组成。 Activity实例有一个非常明确定义的生命周期,系统通过执行生命周期方法回调来管理,所有这些都在主线程上执行。
An Activity instance that has been completed should be eligible for garbage collection, but background threads that refer to the Activity or part of its view hierarchy can prevent garbage collection and create a memory leak.
Similarly, it is easy to waste CPU cycles (and battery life) by continuing to do background work when the result can never be displayed because Activity has finished.
Finally, the Android platform is free at any time to kill processes that are not the user’s current focus. This means that if we have long-running operations to complete, we need some way of letting the system know not to kill our process yet!
All of this complicates the do-not-block–the-main-thread rule because we need to worry about canceling background work in a timely fashion or decoupling it from the Activity lifecycle where appropriate.
The other Android-specific problem lies not in what you can do from the UI thread, but in what you cannot do:
You cannot manipulate the user interface from any thread other than the main thread.
This is because the user-interface toolkit is not thread-safe, that is, accessing it from multiple threads may cause correctness problems. In fact, the user-interface toolkit protects itself from potential problems by actively denying access to user-interface components from threads other than the one that originally created those components.
这是因为用户界面工具包不是线程安全的,也就是说,从多个线程访问它可能会导致正确性问题。 实际上,用户界面工具包通过主动拒绝从最初创建这些组件的线程以外的线程访问用户界面组件来保护自己免受潜在问题的影响。
The final challenge then lies in safely synchronizing background threads with the main thread so that the main thread can update the user interface with the results of the background work.
The good news is that the Android platform provides specific constructs to address the general issues of concurrency, and to solve the specific problems presented by Android.
There are constructs that allow us to defer tasks to run later on the main thread, to communicate easily between cooperating threads, and to issue work to managed pools of worker threads and re-integrate the results.
There are solutions to the constraints of the Activity lifecycle both for medium-term operations that closely involve the user-interface and for longer-term work that must be completed even if the user leaves the application.
While some of these constructs were only introduced with newer releases of the Android platform, all are available through the support libraries and, with a few exceptions, the examples in this book target devices that run API level 7 (Android 2.1) and above.
虽然其中一些结构仅在Android平台的较新版本中引入,但所有这些都可以通过支持库获得,除了少数例外,本书中的示例针对运行API级别7(Android 2.1)及更高版本的设备。
The rest of this book discusses these Android-specific constructs and their usage and applications