1. dip/dp
是Density independent pixel的缩写,指的是抽象意义上的像素。跟设备的屏幕密度有关系。它是Android里的一个单位,dip和dp是一样的。
2. sp
scale-independent pixel,安卓开发用的字体大小单位。
是dot per inch的缩写,就是每英寸的像素数,也叫做屏幕密度。这个值越大,屏幕就越清晰。iPhone5S的dpi是326; Samsung Note3 的dpi是386
是指屏幕上垂直方向和水平方向上的像素个数。比如iPhone5S的分辨率是1136*640;Samsung Note3的分辨率是1920*1080;
6.屏幕尺寸(screen size)
public static float applyDimension(int unit, float value,
DisplayMetrics metrics)
switch (unit) {
return value;
case COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP://1.dp转换为px
return value * metrics.density;
case COMPLEX_UNIT_SP://2.sp转换为px
return value * metrics.scaledDensity;
return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/72);
return value * metrics.xdpi;
return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/25.4f);
return 0;
由上知px = dp * metrics.density和px = sp * metrics.scaledDensity。根据google官方建议,我们主要都是用dp和sp,而这两个单位,最后都会转化为px(像素),在不同的设备中,决定px转化的大小是metrics.density和metrics.scaledDensity,所以这里我们具体来看看这两个变量,具体我们来看看DisplayMetrics源码:
public class DisplayMetrics {
public static final int DENSITY_LOW = 120;
public static final int DENSITY_MEDIUM = 160;
public static final int DENSITY_TV = 213;
public static final int DENSITY_HIGH = 240;
public static final int DENSITY_280 = 280;
public static final int DENSITY_XHIGH = 320;
public static final int DENSITY_360 = 360;
public static final int DENSITY_400 = 400;
public static final int DENSITY_420 = 420;
public static final int DENSITY_XXHIGH = 480;
public static final int DENSITY_560 = 560;
public static final int DENSITY_XXXHIGH = 640;
public static final int DENSITY_DEFAULT = DENSITY_MEDIUM;
public static final float DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.0f / DENSITY_DEFAULT;
* The device's density.
* @hide because eventually this should be able to change while
* running, so shouldn't be a constant.
* @deprecated There is no longer a static density; you can find the
* density for a display in {@link #densityDpi}.
public static int DENSITY_DEVICE = getDeviceDensity();
* The absolute width of the display in pixels.
public int widthPixels;
* The absolute height of the display in pixels.
public int heightPixels;
* The logical density of the display. This is a scaling factor for the
* Density Independent Pixel unit, where one DIP is one pixel on an
* approximately 160 dpi screen (for example a 240x320, 1.5"x2" screen),
* providing the baseline of the system's display. Thus on a 160dpi screen
* this density value will be 1; on a 120 dpi screen it would be .75; etc.
* This value does not exactly follow the real screen size (as given by
* {@link #xdpi} and {@link #ydpi}, but rather is used to scale the size of
* the overall UI in steps based on gross changes in the display dpi. For
* example, a 240x320 screen will have a density of 1 even if its width is
* 1.8", 1.3", etc. However, if the screen resolution is increased to
* 320x480 but the screen size remained 1.5"x2" then the density would be
* increased (probably to 1.5).
public float density;
* The screen density expressed as dots-per-inch. May be either
* {@link #DENSITY_LOW}, {@link #DENSITY_MEDIUM}, or {@link #DENSITY_HIGH}.
public int densityDpi;
* A scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display. This is the same
* as {@link #density}, except that it may be adjusted in smaller
* increments at runtime based on a user preference for the font size.
public float scaledDensity;
public void setToDefaults() {
widthPixels = 0;
heightPixels = 0;
density = DENSITY_DEVICE / (float) DENSITY_DEFAULT;//1.desity的赋值
densityDpi = DENSITY_DEVICE;
scaledDensity = density;
private static int getDeviceDensity() {
// qemu.sf.lcd_density can be used to override ro.sf.lcd_density
// when running in the emulator, allowing for dynamic configurations.
// The reason for this is that ro.sf.lcd_density is write-once and is
// set by the init process when it parses build.prop before anything else.
return SystemProperties.getInt("qemu.sf.lcd_density",
SystemProperties.getInt("ro.sf.lcd_density", DENSITY_DEFAULT));
由上面的代码知,默认情况下,metrics.density和metrics.scaledDensity是相等的,并且有metrics.density = DENSITY_DEVICE / (float) DENSITY_DEFAULT,其中DENSITY_DEVICE = getDeviceDensity(),DENSITY_DEFAULT = DENSITY_MEDIUM = 160,我们来看看一下获取设备Density方法getDeviceDensity():
private static int getDeviceDensity() {
// qemu.sf.lcd_density can be used to override ro.sf.lcd_density
// when running in the emulator, allowing for dynamic configurations.
// The reason for this is that ro.sf.lcd_density is write-once and is
// set by the init process when it parses build.prop before anything else.
return SystemProperties.getInt("qemu.sf.lcd_density",
SystemProperties.getInt("ro.sf.lcd_density", DENSITY_DEFAULT));
此方法通过调用原生方法SystemProperties.getInt(“qemu.sf.lcd_density”,SystemProperties.getInt(“ro.sf.lcd_density”, DENSITY_DEFAULT))从而获得设备Density,通过研究分析知,这里是调用底层C的代码,我们继续来看:
void hwLcd_setBootProperty(int density)
char temp[8];
/* Map density to one of our five bucket values.
The TV density is a bit particular (and not actually a bucket
value) so we do only exact match on it.
if (density != LCD_DENSITY_TVDPI) {
else if (density < (LCD_DENSITY_MDPI + LCD_DENSITY_HDPI)/2)
else if (density < (LCD_DENSITY_HDPI + LCD_DENSITY_XHDPI)/2)
snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "%d", density);
boot_property_add("qemu.sf.lcd_density", temp);
加载本地资源图片方法有getDrawable()和decodeResource(Resources res, int id),我们先来分析第一个方法,我们知道getDrawable()是Resources类中的方法,所以我们来看看此类
public class Resources {
public Drawable getDrawable(int id) throws NotFoundException {
synchronized (mTmpValue) {
TypedValue value = mTmpValue;
getValue(id, value, true);
return loadDrawable(value, id);
Drawable loadDrawable(TypedValue value, int id)
throws NotFoundException {
if (file.endsWith(".xml")) {//xml中获取图片
try {
XmlResourceParser rp = loadXmlResourceParser(
file, id, value.assetCookie, "drawable");
dr = Drawable.createFromXml(this, rp);
} catch (Exception e) {
NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException(
"File " + file + " from drawable resource ID #0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(id));
throw rnf;
} else {//代码中获取图片
try {
InputStream is = mAssets.openNonAsset(
value.assetCookie, file, AssetManager.ACCESS_STREAMING);
// System.out.println("Opened file " + file + ": " + is);
dr = Drawable.createFromResourceStream(this, value, is,
file, null);//核心代码
// System.out.println("Created stream: " + dr);
} catch (Exception e) {
NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException(
"File " + file + " from drawable resource ID #0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(id));
throw rnf;
return dr;
我们主要来看从代码中获取图片,我们继续来看看核心代码Drawable.createFromResourceStream(this, value, is,file, null):
public static Drawable createFromResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value,
InputStream is, String srcName, BitmapFactory.Options opts) {
if (opts == null) opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inScreenDensity = res != null
? res.getDisplayMetrics().noncompatDensityDpi : DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEVICE;
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, pad, opts);//核心代码
if (bm != null) {
byte[] np = bm.getNinePatchChunk();
if (np == null || !NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk(np)) {
np = null;
pad = null;
final Rect opticalInsets = new Rect();
return drawableFromBitmap(res, bm, np, pad, opticalInsets, srcName);
return null;
由上我们,继续来看看 BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, pad, opts)方法:
public static Bitmap decodeResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value,
InputStream is, Rect pad, Options opts) {
if (opts == null) {
opts = new Options();
if (opts.inDensity == 0 && value != null) {
final int density = value.density;
if (density == TypedValue.DENSITY_DEFAULT) {
opts.inDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT;
} else if (density != TypedValue.DENSITY_NONE) {
opts.inDensity = density;
if (opts.inTargetDensity == 0 && res != null) {
opts.inTargetDensity = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;//Android设备的densityDpi
return decodeStream(is, pad, opts);
public static Bitmap decodeStream(InputStream is, Rect outPadding, Options opts) {
// we don't throw in this case, thus allowing the caller to only check
// the cache, and not force the image to be decoded.
if (is == null) {
return null;
Bitmap bm = null;
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS, "decodeBitmap");
try {
if (is instanceof AssetManager.AssetInputStream) {
final long asset = ((AssetManager.AssetInputStream) is).getNativeAsset();
bm = nativeDecodeAsset(asset, outPadding, opts);
} else {
bm = decodeStreamInternal(is, outPadding, opts);
if (bm == null && opts != null && opts.inBitmap != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problem decoding into existing bitmap");
setDensityFromOptions(bm, opts);
} finally {
return bm;
2.decodeResource(Resources res, int id)方法
public static Bitmap decodeResource(Resources res, int id) {
return decodeResource(res, id, null);
public static Bitmap decodeResource(Resources res, int id, Options opts) {
Bitmap bm = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
final TypedValue value = new TypedValue();
is = res.openRawResource(id, value);
bm = decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, null, opts);//核心代码
} catch (Exception e) {
/* do nothing.
If the exception happened on open, bm will be null.
If it happened on close, bm is still valid.
} finally {
try {
if (is != null) is.close();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
if (bm == null && opts != null && opts.inBitmap != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problem decoding into existing bitmap");
return bm;
public static Bitmap decodeResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value,
InputStream is, Rect pad, Options opts) {
if (opts == null) {
opts = new Options();
if (opts.inDensity == 0 && value != null) {
final int density = value.density;
if (density == TypedValue.DENSITY_DEFAULT) {
opts.inDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT;
} else if (density != TypedValue.DENSITY_NONE) {
opts.inDensity = density;
if (opts.inTargetDensity == 0 && res != null) {
opts.inTargetDensity = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
return decodeStream(is, pad, opts);
通过实际Demo测试,一张分辨率为60x60的图片,如果放在drawable-xhdpi中,测试机的密度值为480,在其测试机上显示的图片分辨率为90x90,其缩放比值为480/320=1.5;如果在测试机密度为240,在其测试机上的显示图片分辨率为45x45,其缩放比值为240/320 = 0.75;
* Describe: 屏幕适配方案
* 1.设计以1080*1920(px)为标准,换成dp为360*640(dp)
* 2.其他分辨率按宽为360dp为标准,density = displayWidth/360,保证所有机型宽都能铺满屏幕
* Created by AwenZeng on 2018/6/14.
public class AutoScreenUtils {
private static float originalScaledDensity;
private static final int DEFAULT_STANDARD = 360;//默认标准
public static void AdjustDensity(final Application application) {
final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
final float originalDensity = displayMetrics.density;
originalScaledDensity = displayMetrics.scaledDensity;
application.registerComponentCallbacks(new ComponentCallbacks() {
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
if (newConfig != null && newConfig.fontScale > 0) {
originalScaledDensity = application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity;
public void onLowMemory() {
float targetDensity = (float)displayMetrics.widthPixels / DEFAULT_STANDARD;
float targetScaledDensity = targetDensity * (originalScaledDensity / originalDensity);
int targetDensityDpi = (int) (160 * targetDensity);
displayMetrics.density = targetDensity;
displayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity;
displayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi;
DisplayMetrics activityDisplayMetrics = application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
activityDisplayMetrics.density = targetDensity;
activityDisplayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity;
activityDisplayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi;
application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new CreateActivityLifecycle() {
public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
float targetDensity = (float)displayMetrics.widthPixels / DEFAULT_STANDARD;
float targetScaledDensity = targetDensity * (originalScaledDensity / originalDensity);
int targetDensityDpi = (int) (160 * targetDensity);
displayMetrics.density = targetDensity;
displayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity;
displayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi;
DisplayMetrics activityDisplayMetrics = activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
activityDisplayMetrics.density = targetDensity;
activityDisplayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity;
activityDisplayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi;
private static abstract class CreateActivityLifecycle implements Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {
public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) {
public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {
public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) {
public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {
public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {
dpi 、 dip 、分辨率、屏幕尺寸、px、density 关系以及换算