Machine Learning-Andrew Ng 课程第六周——Advice for Applying Machine Learning


1. Learning Curve和Validation Curve

所谓的Learning Curve就是指参数theta分别在training set和validation set上的error随训练集规模变化的曲线,其他的不多说,就说一点在编程时需要注意的地方:在计算training error和validation error时, λ \lambda λ值需要设置为0。也就是说,在计算这两个error的时候,是不加正则项的,用社区助教的话来说,就是:

We want to measure the error in the hypothesis, without including any additional penalties for the theta values.
Regularization is built-in to theta when you train the system. We do not need to include it twice. When we measure J t r a i n J_{train} Jtrain, J c v J_{cv} Jcv, and J t e s t J_{test} Jtest, we want to measure the true error, without any additional penalties.

2. quiz的一道题


It is okay to use data from the test set to choose the regularization parameter λ, but not the model parameters.


模型参数和正则化参数 λ \lambda λ都是通过validation set选出来的。
