Jacob 操作MSProject - 文件操作工具类

package ext.mpxj;

import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;

import ext.mpxj.dao.Assignment;
import ext.mpxj.dao.Resource;
import ext.mpxj.dao.Task;

public class MPPFileOperation {
	private ActiveXComponent msProjApp = null;
	private boolean isSave = true;
	private Dispatch activeProject = null;
	public ActiveXComponent getMsProjApp() {
		return msProjApp;

	public void setMsProjApp(ActiveXComponent msProjApp) {
		this.msProjApp = msProjApp;

	public boolean isSave() {
		return isSave;

	public void setSave(boolean isSave) {
		this.isSave = isSave;

	public Dispatch getActiveProject() {
		return activeProject;

	public void setActiveProject(Dispatch activeProject) {
		this.activeProject = activeProject;

	public Dispatch getTasks() {
		return tasks;

	public void setTasks(Dispatch tasks) {
		this.tasks = tasks;

	public Dispatch getResources() {
		return resources;

	public void setResources(Dispatch resources) {
		this.resources = resources;

	private Dispatch tasks = null;
	private Dispatch resources = null;
	 * Create MPP File, by exising one or new one
	 * @param path
	 * @param isSave
	public MPPFileOperation(String path, boolean isSave) {
		msProjApp = new ActiveXComponent("MSPROJECT.Application");
		this.isSave = isSave;
		if (isSave) {
			Dispatch.call(msProjApp, "FileNew", Dispatch.Method);
			Dispatch.call(msProjApp, "SaveAs", new Variant(path));
		} else {
			Dispatch.invoke(msProjApp, "FileOpen", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{path}, new int[]{1});
		// Select current Active Project
		activeProject = msProjApp.getProperty("ActiveProject").toDispatch();
		tasks = Dispatch.get(activeProject, "Tasks").toDispatch();
		resources = Dispatch.get(activeProject, "Resources").toDispatch();
		isSave = false;
	 * Do mpp file save
	public void save() {
		Dispatch.call(msProjApp, "FileSave");
	 * close mpp, if exist one, update, otherwise save a new one
	public void close() {
		if (isSave) {
		} else {
		Dispatch.call(msProjApp, "Quit");
	 * Create task according to Name
	 * @param taskName
	 * @return
	public Task createTask(String taskName) {
		Task task = null;
		if (tasks != null) {
			task = new Task(Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{taskName}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch(), msProjApp);
		return task;
	 * Create Summary Task over subtask
	 * @param taskName
	 * @param childTasks
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception 
	public Task createSummaryTask(String taskName, String nextTaskName, String... childTasks) throws Exception {
		Task sumTask = null;
		if (nextTaskName == null || "".equals(nextTaskName)) {
			throw new Exception("Next Taskname can't be null or empty string!");
		if (tasks != null) {
			Dispatch sumTaskDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{taskName}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
			for (int i = 0; i < childTasks.length;i++) {
				Dispatch childTaskDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{childTasks[i]}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
				if (i == 0) {
					Dispatch.invoke(childTaskDispatch, "OutlineIndent", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{}, new int[]{1});
			sumTask = new Task(sumTaskDispatch, msProjApp);
			Dispatch newTaskDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{nextTaskName}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
			Dispatch.invoke(newTaskDispatch, "OutlineOutdent", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{}, new int[]{1});
		return sumTask;
	 * Iterate all task and find the task equal to given name
	 * @param taskName
	 * @return
	public Task findTaskByName(String taskName) {
		Task task = null;
		int count = Dispatch.get(tasks, "Count").getInt();
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			Dispatch curTask = Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Item", Dispatch.Get, new Object[]{i+1}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
			String curTaskName = Dispatch.get(curTask, "Name").getString();
			if (taskName.equals(curTaskName)) {
				task = new Task(curTask, msProjApp);;
		return task;
	 * Create resource by given name
	 * @param resourceName
	 * @return
	public Resource createResource(String resourceName) {
		Resource resource = null;
		Dispatch sumTaskDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(resources, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{resourceName}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
		resource = new Resource(sumTaskDispatch, msProjApp);
		return resource;
	 * Iterate all resource and find the resource matches
	 * @param resourceName
	 * @return
	public Resource findResourceByName(String resourceName) {
		Resource resource = null;
		int count = Dispatch.get(resources, "Count").getInt();
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			Dispatch curResource = Dispatch.invoke(resources, "Item", Dispatch.Get, new Object[]{i+1}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
			String curResourceName = Dispatch.get(curResource, "Name").getString();
			if (resourceName.equals(curResourceName)) {
				resource = new Resource(curResource, msProjApp);
		return resource;
	 * Create assignments combines task and resource
	 * @param task
	 * @param resourceName
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception 
	public Assignment createAssignment(Task task, Resource resc) throws Exception {
		return task.addAssignment(resc);
	 * find assignment by resourceName and given task
	 * @param task
	 * @param resourceName
	 * @return
	public Assignment findAssignmentByName(Task task, String resourceName) {
		Assignment assignment = null;
		Dispatch assignmentsDispatch = Dispatch.get(task.getTask(), "Assignments").toDispatch();
		int count = Dispatch.get(assignmentsDispatch, "Count").getInt();
		for (int i = 0;i < count;i++) {
			Dispatch curAssignment = Dispatch.invoke(assignmentsDispatch, "Item", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{i+1}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
			String curAssignmentName = Dispatch.get(curAssignment, "Name").getString();
			if (resourceName.equals(curAssignmentName)) {
				assignment = new Assignment(task, msProjApp, curAssignment);
		return assignment;
	public void promoteToSummaryTask(Task task, String... subTasks) {
		boolean isSummary = Dispatch.get(task.getTask(), "Summary").getBoolean();
		if (!isSummary) {
			for (int i=subTasks.length;i>0;i--) {
				String subTask = subTasks[i-1];
				Dispatch subTaskDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tasks, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{subTask, task.getTaskID() + 1}, new int[]{1}).getDispatch();
				if (i == subTasks.length) {
					Dispatch.invoke(subTaskDispatch, "OutlineIndent", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{}, new int[]{1});
		} else {
	public void addCustomField(int tableIdx, String fieldName, int pjField) {
		Dispatch tablesDispatch = Dispatch.get(activeProject, "TaskTables").getDispatch();
		Dispatch tableDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tablesDispatch, "Item", Dispatch.Get, new Object[]{tableIdx}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
		System.out.println(Dispatch.get(tableDispatch, "Name").getString());
		Dispatch tableFieldsDispatch = Dispatch.invoke(tableDispatch, "TableFields", Dispatch.Get, new Object[]{}, new int[]{1}).toDispatch();
		Variant specifiedVar = new Variant();
		Dispatch.invoke(tableFieldsDispatch, "Add", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{pjField,specifiedVar,specifiedVar,fieldName}, new int[]{1});
