SLAM_Karto 学习(四) 深入理解 ScanMatch 过程

SLAM_Karto 学习(四) 深入理解 ScanMatch 过程

  • ScanMatch 调用过程
    • process函数UML
    • process函数源码
    • ScanMatch 过程UML
    • ScanMatch函数源码
    • FindPossibleLoopClosure函数 UML
    • FindPossibleLoopClosure 函数源码
    • TryCloseLoop 函数 UML
    • TryCloseLoop 函数源码
  • 问题与思考
    • 哪些节点可以成为回环检测的 Candidate?
    • 减少 Candidate 数目是否会降低CPU运算量? 怎样减少Candidate数目?

ScanMatch 调用过程


  process 函数是整个图优化的入口函数,包括激光的处理,图的构建及优化,其工作流程如下:

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 输入激光数据 激光 Validate? 地图初始化 ? 获得lastScan ? 利用LastScan和ODOM里程计初始化scan位姿 HaveMovedEnough? 第一束激光? 将scan 加入 scanBuffer, 分配id UseScanMatching 参数为true? 将scan加入GraphAddVertex, AddEdges, AddRunningScan DoLoopClosing 参数为true? TryCloseLoop 回环检测优化 将 scan 设置为 lastScan 结束 MatchScan利用RunningScan纠正位姿 结束 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no


  kt_bool Mapper::Process(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)
    if (pScan != NULL)
      karto::LaserRangeFinder* pLaserRangeFinder = pScan->GetLaserRangeFinder();

      // validate scan
      if (pLaserRangeFinder == NULL || pScan == NULL || pLaserRangeFinder->Validate(pScan) == false)
        return false;

      if (m_Initialized == false)
        // initialize mapper with range threshold from device 地图的范围

      // get last scan
      LocalizedRangeScan* pLastScan = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetLastScan(pScan->GetSensorName());

      // update scans corrected pose based on last correction
      if (pLastScan != NULL)
        Transform lastTransform(pLastScan->GetOdometricPose(), pLastScan->GetCorrectedPose());

      // test if scan is outside minimum boundary or if heading is larger then minimum heading
      if (!HasMovedEnough(pScan, pLastScan))
        return false;

      Matrix3 covariance;

      // correct scan (if not first scan) 从running scan 上开始增加 MatchScan
      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue() && pLastScan != NULL)
        Pose2 bestPose;

      // add scan to buffer and assign id

      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue())
        // add to graph
        m_pGraph->AddEdges(pScan, covariance);


        if (m_pDoLoopClosing->GetValue())
          std::vector<Name> deviceNames = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetSensorNames();
          const_forEach(std::vector<Name>, &deviceNames)
            m_pGraph->TryCloseLoop(pScan, *iter);


      return true;

    return false;

 这就是 Process 的主要流程,对应于源代码的 2217-2291行. 其中最主要的计算步骤时 ScanMatch 和 TryCloseLoop 两个过程。
接下来分析 ScanMatch 过程

ScanMatch 过程UML

  在ScanMatch类中, MatchScan(363) 时整个处理过程的入口函数,其中引入的参量是

实例化 2258:
m_pSequentialScanMatcher->MatchScan(pScan, m_pMapperSensorManager->GetRunningScans(pScan->GetSensorName()), bestPose, covariance);

定义处 363:
kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const LocalizedRangeScanVector& rBaseScans, Pose2& rMean, Matrix3& rCovariance, kt_bool doPenalize, kt_bool doRefineMatch)
* Match given scan against set of scans
* @param pScan scan being scan-matched 此次激光数据
* @param rBaseScans set of scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied 使用runningScan的device
* @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match 最好的位姿(刚初始化)
* @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match 协方差矩阵(刚初始化)
* @param doPenalize whether to penalize matches further from the search center 是否做补偿
* @param doRefineMatch whether to do finer-grained matching if coarse match is good (default is true) 重新做精匹配
* @return strength of response 返回响应值
//1、 新建了一个矫正位姿用的栅格图,以当前激光位姿为中心,根据offset设置的值计算出这个栅格图的边界
///其中, 栅格图的大小是 rangeThreshold / resolution, 即激光的范围除以解析度。

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 开始 得到scan的位置 存在激光数据 获得矫正位姿栅格图的size CorrelationGrid( rangeThreshold / resolution) 考虑补偿,计算出一个有效范围(将激光位置放在 CorrelationGrid的中心,加入补偿,计算出grid左下角位置) 设置矫正位姿图(加入runningScan,此次Scan的中心) 设置粗匹配在 x,y方向上的范围和解析度 调用 CorrelateScan( ) 函数进行 scan-matching, 得到 bestResponse. 参数UseResponseExpansion 为True? 如果 bestResponse == 0.0 ? 扩大匹配角度补偿20度,在60度范围内进行搜索CorrelateScan() 参数doRefineMatch 为 True? 解析度设置为粗匹配的 0.5, 再次进行CorrelateScan() 返回bestResponse 结束 rCovariance(0, 0) rCovariance(1, 1)设置为最大500, rCovariance(2, 2) =4 * math::Square(CoarseAngleResolution) 返回 response=0.0 结束 yes no yes no yes no yes no


源码 363:
kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const LocalizedRangeScanVector& rBaseScans, Pose2& rMean,
                                   Matrix3& rCovariance, kt_bool doPenalize, kt_bool doRefineMatch)
    // set scan pose to be center of grid

    // 1. get scan position
    Pose2 scanPose = pScan->GetSensorPose();

    // scan has no readings; cannot do scan matching
    // best guess of pose is based off of adjusted odometer reading
    if (pScan->GetNumberOfRangeReadings() == 0)
      rMean = scanPose;

      // maximum covariance
      rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // XX
      rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // YY
      rCovariance(2, 2) = 4 * math::Square(m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue());  // TH*TH

      return 0.0;

    // 2. get size of grid
    Rectangle2<kt_int32s> roi = m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI();

    // 3. compute offset (in meters - lower left corner)
    Vector2<kt_double> offset;
    offset.SetX(scanPose.GetX() - (0.5 * (roi.GetWidth() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));
    offset.SetY(scanPose.GetY() - (0.5 * (roi.GetHeight() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));

    // 4. set offset


    // set up correlation grid
    AddScans(rBaseScans, scanPose.GetPosition());

    // compute how far to search in each direction
    Vector2<kt_double> searchDimensions(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetWidth(), m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetHeight());
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchOffset(0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetX() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                          0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetY() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // a coarse search only checks half the cells in each dimension
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchResolution(2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                              2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // actual scan-matching
    kt_double bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,
                                           doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

    if (m_pMapper->m_pUseResponseExpansion->GetValue() == true)
      if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0))
        std::cout << "Mapper Info: Expanding response search space!" << std::endl;
        // try and increase search angle offset with 20 degrees and do another match
        kt_double newSearchAngleOffset = m_pMapper->m_pCoarseSearchAngleOffset->GetValue();
        for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          newSearchAngleOffset += math::DegreesToRadians(20);

          bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,
                                       newSearchAngleOffset, m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                       doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

          if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0) == false)

        if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0))
          std::cout << "Mapper Warning: Unable to calculate response!" << std::endl;

    if (doRefineMatch)
      Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchOffset(coarseSearchResolution * 0.5);
      Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchResolution(m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());
      bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, rMean, fineSearchOffset, fineSearchResolution,
                                   0.5 * m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                   doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, true);

    std::cout << "  BEST POSE = " << rMean << " BEST RESPONSE = " << bestResponse << ",  VARIANCE = "
              << rCovariance(0, 0) << ", " << rCovariance(1, 1) << std::endl;
    assert(math::InRange(rMean.GetHeading(), -KT_PI, KT_PI));

    return bestResponse;

FindPossibleLoopClosure函数 UML

Mapper.cpp 第1552行
LocalizedRangeScanVector MapperGraph::FindPossibleLoopClosure(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan,const Name& rSensorName,
kt_int32u& rStartNum)

函数调用: tryClosedLoop 中
FindPossibleLoopClosure(pScan, rSensorName, scanIndex);
//其中 scanIndex = 0
// LoopMatchMinimumChainSize 参数不是对 candidate的要求,而是对结果的限制,防止candidate太多,而我们就需要很多candidate,不然没法做,所以应该增大这个参数,保留更多的可能性。

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 输入激光数据,device,激光ID 调用FindNearLinkedScans 函数,找到相邻的nearLinkedScans 得到所有的 scans数目 nScans rStartNum < nScans ? 是否遍历完所有scans 结束 返回chain 找到激光,求出与当前scan几何距离 在LoopSearchMaximumDistance范围内且足够长 将CandidateScan推到chain中 CandatecChain要大于LoopMatchMinimumChainSize参数 清空该数据 chain.clear() yes no yes no yes no

FindPossibleLoopClosure 函数源码

Mapper.cpp 第1552行

 LocalizedRangeScanVector MapperGraph::FindPossibleLoopClosure(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan,
                                                                const Name& rSensorName,
                                                                kt_int32u& rStartNum)
    LocalizedRangeScanVector chain;  // return value 想得到的 chain

    Pose2 pose = pScan->GetReferencePose(m_pMapper->m_pUseScanBarycenter->GetValue()); // 应该是得到参考点的中心位置坐标

    // possible loop closure chain should not include close scans that have a
    // path of links to the scan of interest
    const LocalizedRangeScanVector nearLinkedScans =
          FindNearLinkedScans(pScan, m_pMapper->m_pLoopSearchMaximumDistance->GetValue()); // 简单的 VISIT 周围的节点

    kt_int32u nScans = static_cast<kt_int32u>(m_pMapper->m_pMapperSensorManager->GetScans(rSensorName).size()); // 得到目前节点的总数目
    for (; rStartNum < nScans; rStartNum++) // rStartNum = 0 就是说这里会从序号0开始遍历所有的节点
      LocalizedRangeScan* pCandidateScan = m_pMapper->m_pMapperSensorManager->GetScan(rSensorName, rStartNum); // 得到 参考点对象

      Pose2 candidateScanPose = pCandidateScan->GetReferencePose(m_pMapper->m_pUseScanBarycenter->GetValue()); // 得到参考点的位置

      kt_double squaredDistance = candidateScanPose.GetPosition().SquaredDistance(pose.GetPosition()); // 查找两者的距离
      if (squaredDistance < math::Square(m_pMapper->m_pLoopSearchMaximumDistance->GetValue()) + KT_TOLERANCE) // 是否在规定距离之内
        // a linked scan cannot be in the chain
        if (find(nearLinkedScans.begin(), nearLinkedScans.end(), pCandidateScan) != nearLinkedScans.end()) // find 是 std 标准函数, 在 nearlinkedScan 中查找是否有这个scan
          chain.clear(); // 如果存在清空这个
          chain.push_back(pCandidateScan); // 推入
      else // 不在规定的距离内
        // return chain if it is long "enough"
        if (chain.size() >= m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMinimumChainSize->GetValue()) // 大于最大的 candidate 数目
          return chain;

    return chain;

TryCloseLoop 函数 UML

  • 函数定义:1228
    kt_bool MapperGraph::TryCloseLoop(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const Name& rSensorName)
  • 函数调用部分
    m_pGraph->TryCloseLoop(pScan, *iter)
    // 其中iter是在 Macros.h中定义的迭代器。
    输入 : 激光数据, 此次的device
Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 开始 !candidateChain.empty() 调用LoopScanMatcher->MatchScan()函数 粗匹配成功协方差够小 精匹配 MatchScan() 精匹配小于最小值阈值 FireLoopClosureCheck("REJECTED!") 重新查找 FireEndLoopClosure 返回bestResponse 结束 FireBeginLoopClosure("Closing loop...") CorrectPoses() yes no yes no yes no

TryCloseLoop 函数源码

Mapp.cpp 1228行

 kt_bool MapperGraph::TryCloseLoop(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const Name& rSensorName)
    kt_bool loopClosed = false;

    kt_int32u scanIndex = 0;

    LocalizedRangeScanVector candidateChain = FindPossibleLoopClosure(pScan, rSensorName, scanIndex);

    while (!candidateChain.empty())
      Pose2 bestPose;
      Matrix3 covariance;
      kt_double coarseResponse = m_pLoopScanMatcher->MatchScan(pScan, candidateChain,
                                                               bestPose, covariance, false, false);

      std::stringstream stream;
      stream << "COARSE RESPONSE: " << coarseResponse
             << " (> " << m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMinimumResponseCoarse->GetValue() << ")"
             << std::endl;
      stream << "            var: " << covariance(0, 0) << ",  " << covariance(1, 1)
             << " (< " << m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMaximumVarianceCoarse->GetValue() << ")";


      if ((coarseResponse > m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMinimumResponseCoarse->GetValue()) &&
          (covariance(0, 0) < m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMaximumVarianceCoarse->GetValue()) &&
          (covariance(1, 1) < m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMaximumVarianceCoarse->GetValue()))
        LocalizedRangeScan tmpScan(pScan->GetSensorName(), pScan->GetRangeReadingsVector());
        tmpScan.SetSensorPose(bestPose);  // This also updates OdometricPose.
        kt_double fineResponse = m_pMapper->m_pSequentialScanMatcher->MatchScan(&tmpScan, candidateChain,
                                                                                bestPose, covariance, false);

        std::stringstream stream1;
        stream1 << "FINE RESPONSE: " << fineResponse << " (>"
                << m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMinimumResponseFine->GetValue() << ")" << std::endl;

        if (fineResponse < m_pMapper->m_pLoopMatchMinimumResponseFine->GetValue())
          m_pMapper->FireBeginLoopClosure("Closing loop...");

          LinkChainToScan(candidateChain, pScan, bestPose, covariance);

          m_pMapper->FireEndLoopClosure("Loop closed!");

        // initialize mapper with range threshold from device 地图的范围

      // get last scan
      LocalizedRangeScan* pLastScan = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetLastScan(pScan->GetSensorName());

      // update scans corrected pose based on last correction
      if (pLastScan != NULL)
        Transform lastTransform(pLastScan->GetOdometricPose(), pLastScan->GetCorrectedPose());

      // test if scan is outside minimum boundary or if heading is larger then minimum heading
      if (!HasMovedEnough(pScan, pLastScan))
        return false;

      Matrix3 covariance;

      // correct scan (if not first scan) 从running scan 上开始增加 MatchScan
      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue() && pLastScan != NULL)
        Pose2 bestPose;

      // add scan to buffer and assign id

      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue())
        // add to graph
        m_pGraph->AddEdges(pScan, covariance);


        if (m_pDoLoopClosing->GetValue())
          std::vector<Name> deviceNames = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetSensorNames();
          const_forEach(std::vector<Name>, &deviceNames)
            m_pGraph->TryCloseLoop(pScan, *iter);


      return true;

    return false;

 这就是 Process 的主要流程,对应于源代码的 2217-2291行. 其中最主要的计算步骤时 ScanMatch 和 TryCloseLoop 两个过程。
接下来分析 ScanMatch 过程


哪些节点可以成为回环检测的 Candidate?

答: Candidate 主要是在 FindPossibleLoopClosure()中获得的, 在这个函数当中 会从第0个激光数据开始,遍历所有的数据节点。 比较每个数据节点与当前节点之间的距离,在 LoopSearchMaximumDistance 范围内且不在 linked Scan 中的将成为 Candidate。 当遇到节点在节点 LoopSearchMaximumDistance 距离范围外, 且超过了 LoopMatchMinimumChainSize 参数的, 将会返回 chain。

所以范围内的所有非邻点都会成为 candidate, 但这个总数不应该超过最大的 Candidate 数目。

减少 Candidate 数目是否会降低CPU运算量? 怎样减少Candidate数目?

答: 减少Candidate数目, 可以从以下几个方面入手

1、 减小 LoopSearchMaximumDistance, 这样进入Candidate 范围的数目就少。
2、 增大 minimum_travel_distance 和 minimum_travel_heading 这样的话会减少总体节点数目, 进入范围内的节点密度会减小。
