Hybrid Row-Column Partitioning in Teradata报告

Data partitioning is an indispensable ingredient of database systems due to the performance improvement it can bring to any given mixed workload. Data can be partitioned horizontally or vertically. While some commercial proprietary and open source database systems have one flavor or mixed flavors of these partitioning forms, Teradata Database offers a unique hybrid row-column store solution that seamlessly combines both of these partitioning schemes. The key feature of this hybrid solution is that either row, column, or combined partitions are all stored and handled in the same way internally by the underlying file system storage layer. 



在Teldata中,所有表都通过多层分区机制的性质进行分区。第一层划分是隐含的,建立了跨AMPS的数据分布。它基于表是否具有主索引(PI)、主AMP索引(PA)或无主索引(NOPI)来确定。一个具有PI或PA的表通过在Pi/PA列的值上散列散布在AMPS上,Nopi表是随机分区的。中间层是使用 PARTITION BY 语句定义的,适用于分布到AMP的行。行可以通过行或列或两者进行分区。行可能划分成多种不同的级别,但列分区级别最多是一种。所有分区都以相同的方式被底层文件系统存储和处理。文件系统不是基于行的或基于列的,并且对于分区方案是不可知的。最后一层分区确定是否基于行哈希,进一步划分数据,并且仅适用于PI表。
