

  • Miner类
       它是对外类,暴露给外部模块使用的, 具体挖矿的事务由它的成员变量worker管理
  • Work类
  • worker类

    它负责准备区管理组装事务,比如什么时候开始挖新块,停止挖块,使用engine组装Work, 交给agent做seal,即使用pow/clique打包块

  • Engine类:
  • CpuAgent类:
       继承Agent, 只是一种agent,调用具体的engine执行seal,即pow/clique算法,找出合适的nonce,填充block的剩余字段数据
       该类处理完后的最终结果通过returnCh(chan *Result)通道唤醒worker.wait函数,worker.wait拿到完整的block数据然后插入chain并通知其他节点

  • 一是组装出一个新区块,这个区块的数据基本完整,包括成员Header的大部分属性以及交易列表txs,叔区块uncles[],并且所有交易已经执行完毕,所有收据(Receipt)也已收集完毕,这部分主要由worker完成
  • 二是填补该区块剩余的成员属性,比如Header.Difficulty, Header.nonce, Header.mixdigest等,这些工作是由Agent调用接口实现体,利用共识算法来完成的。



worker.update函数会监听各种事件,当发现有ChainHeadEvent事件时即开始miner新区块, ChainHeadEvent说明新块已经添加到区块链,因而可以挖新区块了


func (self * worker) update () {
     defer self.txSub. Unsubscribe ()
     defer self.chainHeadSub. Unsubscribe ()
     defer self.chainSideSub. Unsubscribe ()

     for {
         // A real event arrived, process interesting content
         select {
         // Handle ChainHeadEvent
         case <- self.chainHeadCh:
             self. commitNewWork ()

func (self * worker) commitNewWork () {
     num := parent. Number ()
     header := &types.Header{
        ParentHash: parent. Hash (),
        Number: num. Add (num, common.Big1),
        GasLimit: core. CalcGasLimit (parent),
        Extra: self.extra,
        Time: big. NewInt (tstamp),
     // Only set the coinbase if we are mining (avoid spurious block rewards)
     if atomic. LoadInt32 ( & self.mining) == 1 {
         header.Coinbase = self.coinbase
    if err := self.engine.Prepare(self.chain, header); err != nil {
        log. Error ( "Failed to prepare header for mining" , "err" , err)
     // Could potentially happen if starting to mine in an odd state.
    err := self.makeCurrent(parent, header)
     if err != nil {
        log. Error ( "Failed to create mining context" , "err" , err)
     // Create the current work task and check any fork transitions needed
     work := self.current
    pending, err := self.eth.TxPool().Pending()
     if err != nil {
        log. Error ( "Failed to fetch pending transactions" , "err" , err)
     txs := types. NewTransactionsByPriceAndNonce (self.current.signer, pending)
    work.commitTransactions(self.mux, txs, self.chain, self.coinbase)

     // compute uncles for the new block.
     var (
         uncles [] * types.Header
         badUncles []common.Hash
    //挑选至多2个uncle block数据打包到block中
     for hash , uncle := range self.possibleUncles {
         if len (uncles) == 2 {
        if err := self.commitUncle(work, uncle.Header()); err != nil {
            log. Trace ( "Bad uncle found and will be removed" , "hash" , hash)
            log. Trace (fmt. Sprint (uncle))

             badUncles = append (badUncles, hash)
        } else {
            log. Debug ( "Committing new uncle to block" , "hash" , hash)
             uncles = append (uncles, uncle. Header ())
     // Create the new block to seal with the consensus engine
     if work.Block , err = self.engine.Finalize (self.chain, header, work.state, work.txs, uncles, work.receipts); err != nil {
        log. Error ( "Failed to finalize block for sealing" , "err" , err)

func (self * worker) push (work * Work) {
     if atomic. LoadInt32 ( & self.mining) != 1 {
     for agent := range self.agents {
        atomic. AddInt32 ( & self.atWork, 1 )
         if ch := agent.Work (); ch != nil {
            ch <- work

  • 准备新区块的时间Time(系统时间),Num(父区块Num +1),ParentHash;其余字段比如Difficulty,GasLimit, nonce, root等,均留待之后共识算法中确定。
  • 调用Engine.Prepare()函数,完成Header对象的字段的初始值。
  • 根据已有的Header对象,创建一个新的Work对象,并用其更新worker.current成员变量。
  • 准备新区块的交易列表,来源是TxPool中那些最近加入的tx,并执行这些交易。
  • 准备新区块的叔区块uncles[],来源是worker.possibleUncles[],而possibleUncles[]中的每个区块都从事件ChainSideEvent中搜集得到, 叔区块最多有两个。
  • 调用Engine.Finalize()函数,对新区块“定型”,填充上Header.Root, TxHash, ReceiptHash, UncleHash等几个属性。
  • 把创建的Work对象,通过channel发送给每一个登记过的Agent,进行后续的挖掘。(self.push(work))



func (self * CpuAgent) update () {
     for {
         select {
         case work := <- self.workCh:
             self.mu . Lock ()
             if self.quitCurrentOp != nil {
                 close (self.quitCurrentOp)
             self.quitCurrentOp = make ( chan struct {})
             go self. mine (work, self.quitCurrentOp)
             self.mu . Unlock ()
         case <- self.stop:
             self.mu . Lock ()
             if self.quitCurrentOp != nil {
                 close (self.quitCurrentOp)
                 self.quitCurrentOp = nil
             self.mu . Unlock ()
             break out

func (self * CpuAgent) mine (work * Work, stop <- chan struct {}) {
     if result , err := self. engine. Seal (self.chain, work.Block, stop); result != nil {
        log. Info ( "Successfully sealed new block" , "number" , result. Number (), "hash" , result. Hash ())
        self.returnCh <- & Result{work, result}
    } else {
         if err != nil {
            log. Warn ( "Block sealing failed" , "err" , err)
        self.returnCh <- nil

func (ethash * Ethash) Seal (chain consensus.ChainReader, block * types.Block, stop <- chan struct {}) ( * types.Block, error ) {
     // If we're running a fake PoW, simply return a 0 nonce immediately
     // Create a runner and the multiple search threads it directs
     abort := make ( chan struct {})
    found := make(chan *types.Block)

    ethash.lock. Lock ()
     threads := ethash.threads
    ethash.lock. Unlock ()
     if threads == 0 {
         threads = runtime. NumCPU ()
     if threads < 0 {
         threads = 0 // Allows disabling local mining without extra logic around local/remote
     var pend sync.WaitGroup
     for i := 0 ; i < threads; i ++ {
        pend. Add ( 1 )
         go func (id int , nonce uint64 ) {
             defer pend. Done ()
            // 执行Pow挖矿逻辑
            ethash. mine (block, id, nonce, abort, found)
        }(i, uint64 (ethash.rand. Int63 ()))
     // Wait until sealing is terminated or a nonce is found
     var result * types.Block
     select {
     case <- stop:
         // Outside abort, stop all miner threads
         close (abort)
     case result = <- found :
         // 等待直至挖出一个新块,返回
         // One of the threads found a block, abort all others
         close (abort)
     case <- ethash.update:
        // 用新配置重新挖矿
         // Thread count was changed on user request, restart
         close (abort)
        pend. Wait ()
        return ethash.Seal(chain, block, stop)
     // Wait for all miners to terminate and return the block
    pend. Wait ()
    return result, nil

func (ethash * Ethash) mine (block * types.Block, id int , seed uint64 , abort chan struct {}, found chan * types.Block) {
     // Extract some data from the header
     var (
         header = block. Header ()
         hash = header. HashNoNonce (). Bytes ()
        target = new(big.Int).Div(maxUint256, header.Difficulty)
         number = header.Number. Uint64 ()
         dataset = ethash. dataset (number)
     // Start generating random nonces until we abort or find a good one
     var (
         attempts = int64 ( 0 )
        nonce = seed
     for {
         select {
         default :
             // We don't have to update hash rate on every nonce, so update after after 2^X nonces
            attempts ++
             if (attempts % ( 1 << 15 )) == 0 {
                ethash.hashrate. Mark (attempts)
                 attempts = 0
             // Compute the PoW value of this nonce
            // 用POW算法计算nonce
             digest , result := hashimotoFull (dataset.dataset, hash, nonce)
             if new ( big.Int ). SetBytes (result). Cmp (target) <= 0 {
                 // Correct nonce found, create a new header with it
                 header = types. CopyHeader (header)
                 header.Nonce = types. EncodeNonce (nonce)
                 header.MixDigest = common. BytesToHash (digest)

                 // Seal and return a block (if still needed)
                 select {
                 case found <- block. WithSeal (header ):
                    logger. Trace ( "Ethash nonce found and reported" , "attempts" , nonce - seed, "nonce" , nonce)
                 case <- abort:
                    logger. Trace ( "Ethash nonce found but discarded" , "attempts" , nonce - seed, "nonce" , nonce)
                 break search
            nonce ++
     // Datasets are unmapped in a finalizer. Ensure that the dataset stays live
     // during sealing so it's not unmapped while being read.
    runtime. KeepAlive (dataset)



func (self * CpuAgent) mine (work * Work, stop <- chan struct {}) {
     if result , err := self. engine. Seal (self.chain, work.Block, stop); result != nil {
        log. Info ( "Successfully sealed new block" , "number" , result. Number (), "hash" , result. Hash ())
        self.returnCh <- & Result{work, result}

func (self * worker) register (agent Agent) {
     self.mu . Lock ()
     defer self.mu . Unlock ()
    self.agents[agent] = struct {}{}
     agent. SetReturnCh (self.recv)

func (self * CpuAgent) SetReturnCh (ch chan <- * Result) { self.returnCh = ch }


func (self * worker) wait () {
     for {
         mustCommitNewWork := true
        for result := range self.recv {
            atomic. AddInt32 ( & self.atWork, - 1 )

             if result == nil {
             block := result.Block
             work := result.Work

             // Update the block hash in all logs since it is now available and not when the
             // receipt/log of individual transactions were created.
             for _ , r := range work.receipts {
                 for _ , l := range r.Logs {
                     l.BlockHash = block. Hash ()
             for _ , log := range work.state. Logs () {
                 log.BlockHash = block. Hash ()
            stat, err := self.chain.WriteBlockWithState(block, work.receipts, work.state)
             if err != nil {
                log. Error ( "Failed writing block to chain" , "err" , err)
             // check if canon block and write transactions
             if stat == core.CanonStatTy {
                 // implicit by posting ChainHeadEvent
                 mustCommitNewWork = false
             // Broadcast the block and announce chain insertion event
            self.mux.Post(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{Block: block})
             var (
                 events [] interface {}
                 logs = work.state. Logs ()
             events = append (events, core.ChainEvent{Block: block, Hash: block. Hash (), Logs: logs})
             if stat == core.CanonStatTy {
                 events = append (events, core.ChainHeadEvent{Block: block})
            self.chain. PostChainEvents (events, logs)

             // Insert the block into the set of pending ones to wait for confirmations
            self.unconfirmed. Insert (block. NumberU64 (), block. Hash ())

             if mustCommitNewWork {



func (self * Miner) update () {
     events := self.mux. Subscribe (downloader.StartEvent{}, downloader.DoneEvent{}, downloader.FailedEvent{})
     for ev := range events. Chan () {
         switch ev.Data.(type) {
         case downloader.StartEvent:
            atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.canStart, 0 )
             if self. Mining () {
                self. Stop ()
                atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.shouldStart, 1 )
                log. Info ( "Mining aborted due to sync" )
         case downloader.DoneEvent, downloader.FailedEvent:
             shouldStart := atomic. LoadInt32 ( & self.shouldStart) == 1

            atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.canStart, 1 )
            atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.shouldStart, 0 )
             if shouldStart {
                self. Start (self.coinbase)
             // unsubscribe. we're only interested in this event once
            events. Unsubscribe ()
             // stop immediately and ignore all further pending events
             break out

func (self * Miner) Stop () {
    atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.mining, 0 )
    atomic. StoreInt32 ( & self.shouldStart, 0 )

func (self * worker) stop () {
     if atomic. LoadInt32 ( & self.mining) == 1 {
         for agent := range self.agents {

func (self * CpuAgent) Stop () {
    self.stop <- struct{}{}
     // Empty work channel
     for {
         select {
        case <-self.workCh:
         default :
             break done

func (self * CpuAgent) update () {
     for {
         select {
        case <-self.stop:
             self.mu . Lock ()
             if self.quitCurrentOp != nil {
                 self.quitCurrentOp = nil
             self.mu . Unlock ()
             break out


func (self * CpuAgent) update () {
     for {
         select {
         case work := <- self.workCh:
             self.mu . Lock ()
             if self.quitCurrentOp != nil {
                 close (self.quitCurrentOp)
             self.quitCurrentOp = make ( chan struct {})
             go self. mine (work, self.quitCurrentOp)

func (self * CpuAgent) mine (work * Work, stop <- chan struct {}) {
     if result , err := self.engine. Seal (self.chain, work.Block, stop); result != nil {
        log. Info ( "Successfully sealed new block" , "number" , result. Number (), "hash" , result. Hash ())
        self.returnCh <- & Result{work, result}

func (ethash * Ethash) mine (block * types.Block, id int , seed uint64 , abort chan struct {} , found chan * types.Block) {
     // Extract some data from the header
     for {
         select {
         case <- abort:
             // Mining terminated, update stats and abort
            logger. Trace ( "Ethash nonce search aborted" , "attempts" , nonce - seed)
            ethash.hashrate. Mark (attempts)
             break search
        default :
             // We don't have to update hash rate on every nonce, so update after after 2^X nonces
            attempts ++
             if (attempts % ( 1 << 15 )) == 0 {
                ethash.hashrate. Mark (attempts)
                 attempts = 0
             // Compute the PoW value of this nonce
            // 用POW算法计算nonce
             digest , result := hashimotoFull (dataset.dataset, hash, nonce)
             if new ( big.Int ). SetBytes (result). Cmp (target) <= 0 {
                 // Correct nonce found, create a new header with it
                 header = types. CopyHeader (header)
                 header.Nonce = types. EncodeNonce (nonce)
                 header.MixDigest = common. BytesToHash (digest)

                 // Seal and return a block (if still needed)
                 select {
                 case found <- block. WithSeal (header ):
                    logger. Trace ( "Ethash nonce found and reported" , "attempts" , nonce - seed, "nonce" , nonce)
                 case <- abort:
                    logger. Trace ( "Ethash nonce found but discarded" , "attempts" , nonce - seed, "nonce" , nonce)
                 break search
            nonce ++

* 本文来自CSDN博主"爱踢门"
* 转载请标明出处 : http://blog.csdn.net/itleaks
