ActiveMQ消息特性:通知消息(Advisory Message)

通知消息(Advisory Message)



  1. 创建或销毁了连接,
  2. 添加或删除了生存者或消费者,
  3. 添加或删除了主题或队列,
  4. 有消息发送和接收,
  5. 什么时候有慢消费者,
  6. 什么时候有快生产者
  7. 什么时候什么消息被丢弃
  8. 什么时候broker被添加到集群(主从或是网络连接)





    Destination advisoryDestination = AdvisorySupport.getProducerAdvisoryTopic(destination)
    MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(advisoryDestination);
public void onMessage(Message msg){
    if (msg instanceof ActiveMQMessage){
        try {
             ActiveMQMessage aMsg =  (ActiveMQMessage)msg;
             ProducerInfo prod = (ProducerInfo) aMsg.getDataStructure();
        } catch (JMSException e) {
            log.error("Failed to process message: " + msg);


ActiveMQ.Advisory.Queue 数据结构为DestinationInfo,先拿到broker上现有的所有队列列表

ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Queue 数据结构为ProducerInfo,其中包含Producer的参数信息
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Queue 数据结构为ConsumerInfo,其中包含Consumer的参数信息
Topic topic = new ActiveMQTopic("ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Queue.kk.adt");
Topic topic = new ActiveMQTopic("ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Queue..>");


例如 AdvisorySupport.getProducerAdvisoryTopic(new ActiveMQTopic("kk.adt"));

需要在policy上设置相应的开关。 消息处理相关的Advisory的数据结构是消息本身。

客户端连接相关的通知消息 都是默认开启的

Advisory Topics Description properties Data Structure
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Connection Connection start & stop messages
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Queue Producer start & stop messages on a Queue String='producerCount' - the number of producers ProducerInfo
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Topic Producer start & stop messages on a Topic String='producerCount' - the number of producers ProducerInfo
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Queue Consumer start & stop messages on a Queue String='consumerCount' - the number of Consumers ConsumerInfo
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Topic Consumer start & stop messages on a Topic String='consumerCount' - the number of Consumers ConsumerInfo

队列和消息的通知消息  队列相关的是默认开启的,消息相关的都需要手工配置Pilocy选项开启

Advisory Topics Description properties Data Structure default PolicyEntry property
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Queue Queue create & destroy null null true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Topic Topic create & destroy null null true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempQueue Temporary Queue create & destroy null null true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempTopic Temporary Topic create & destroy null null true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Expired.Queue Expired messages on a Queue String='orignalMessageId' - the expired id Message true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Expired.Topic Expired messages on a Topic String='orignalMessageId' - the expired id Message true none
ActiveMQ.Advisory.NoConsumer.Queue No consumer is available to process messages being sent on a Queue null Message false sendAdvisoryIfNoConsumers
ActiveMQ.Advisory.NoConsumer.Topic No consumer is available to process messages being sent on a Topic null Message false sendAdvisoryIfNoConsumers


Advisory Topics Description properties Data Structure default PolicyEntry property
ActiveMQ.Advisory.SlowConsumer.Queue Slow Queue Consumer String='consumerId' - the consumer id ConsumerInfo false advisoryForSlowConsumers
ActiveMQ.Advisory.SlowConsumer.Topic Slow Topic Consumer String='consumerId' - the consumer id ConsumerInfo false advisoryForSlowConsumers
ActiveMQ.Advisory.FastProducer.Queue Fast Queue producer String='producerId' - the producer id ProducerInfo false advisdoryForFastProducers
ActiveMQ.Advisory. FastProducer.Topic Fast Topic producer String='consumerId' - the producer id ProducerInfo false advisdoryForFastProducers
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDiscarded.Queue Message discarded String='orignalMessageId' - the discarded id Message false advisoryForDiscardingMessages
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDiscarded.Topic Message discarded String='orignalMessageId' - the discarded id Message false advisoryForDiscardingMessages
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDelivered.Queue Message delivered to the broker String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message false advisoryForDelivery
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDelivered.Topic Message delivered to the broker String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message false advisoryForDelivery
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageConsumed.Queue Message consumed by a client String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message false advisoryForConsumed
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageConsumed.Topic Message consumed by a client String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message false advisoryForConsumed
ActiveMQ.Advisory.FULL A Usage resource is at its limit String='usageName' - the name of Usage resource null false advisoryWhenFull
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker A broker is now the master in a master/slave configuration null null true none


Advisory Topics Description properties Data Structure default PolicyEntry property
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDLQd.Queue Message sent to DLQ String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message Always on advisoryForConsumed
ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageDLQd.Topic Message sent to DLQ String='orignalMessageId' - the delivered id Message Always on advisoryForConsumed


Advisory Topics Description properties Data Structure default
ActiveMQ.Advisory.NetworkBridge Network bridge being stopped or started Boolean="started" - true if bridge is started, false if it is stopped
Boolean="createdByDuplex" - true if the bridge is created by remote network connector
BrokerInfo - provides data of the remote broker Always on


      ">" advisoryForConsumed="true" />


