Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)


第二周(下) 有穷自动机

Week 2.2: Finite Automata


  • Regular expressions = specification
  • Finite automata = implementation


A finite automaton consists of
— An input alphabet ∑ \sum
— A finite set of states S S S
— A start state n n n
— A set of accepting states F ⊆ S F \subseteq S FS
— A set of transitions s t a t e    → i n p u t s t a t e state\;\rightarrow^{input}state stateinputstate

The example of transition

  • Transition
    S 1    → a S 2 S_1\;\rightarrow^a S_2 S1aS2
  • Is read
    I n    s t a t e    S 1    o n    i n p u t    a    g o    t o    s t a t e    S 2 In\;state\;S_1\;on\;input\;a\;go\;to\;state\;S_2 InstateS1oninputagotostateS2
  • If end of input and in accepting state ⇒ \Rightarrow accept
  • Otherwise ⇒ \Rightarrow reject
    • terminates in state S ∉ F S\notin F S/F
    • gets stuck
      It finds itself in a state and there’s no transition of that state on the input.


Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第1张图片

I: A finite automaton that accepts only “1”


State Input
A ↑ 1 _\uparrow1 1
B 1 ↑ 1_\uparrow 1

Result: Accept

State Input
A ↑ 0 _\uparrow0 0

Result: Reject

State Input
A ↑ 10 _\uparrow10 10
B 1 ↑ 0 1_\uparrow0 10

Result: Reject

Note: Language of a FA ≡ \equiv set of accepted strings

II: A finite automaton accepting any number of 1’s followed by a single 0 (Alphabet: { 0 , 1 } \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} {0,1})


State Input
A ↑ 110 _\uparrow110 110
A 1 ↑ 10 1_\uparrow10 110
A 1 1 ↑ 0 11_\uparrow0 110
B 110 110 110

Result: Accept

State Input
A ↑ 100 _\uparrow100 100
A 1 ↑ 00 1_\uparrow00 100
B 1 0 ↑ 0 10_\uparrow0 100

Result: Reject

III: Another kind of transition: ε \varepsilon ε-moves


State Input
A x 1 ↑ x 2 x 3 x_{1} {_\uparrow} x_2x_3 x1x2x3
B x 1 ↑ x 2 x 3 x_1 {_\uparrow} x_2x_3 x1x2x3


  • Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
    • One transition per input per state
    • No ε \varepsilon ε-moves
    • A DFA takes only one path through the state graph在这里插入图片描述
  • Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA)
    • Can have multiple transitions for one input in a given state
    • Can have ε \varepsilon ε-moves
    • An NFA can choose
      Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第2张图片
      An NFA accepts if some choices lead to an accepting state.
An NFA can get into multiple states

Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第3张图片

  • Input:          1                          0                              0 \;\;\;\;1\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; 0 100
  • States: { A }          { A , B }          { A , B , C } \left\{A\right\}\;\;\;\;\left\{A, B\right\}\;\;\;\;\left\{A, B, C\right\} {A}{A,B}{A,B,C}
    If there is a final state in the final set of possible states, then the Nondeterministic machine accepts.
  • NFAs and DFAs recognise the same set of languages
    • regular languages
  • DFAs are faster to execute
    • There are no choices to consider
  • NFAs are, in general, smaller and more compact

Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第4张图片

For each kind of rexp, define an NFA

Notation: NFA for rexp M

  • For ε \varepsilon ε
  • For input a
  • For AB
  • For A+B
  • For A ∗ ^*
    Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第5张图片


The introduction of ε − c l o s u r e \varepsilon-closure εclosure

Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第6张图片
The ε − c l o s u r e \varepsilon-closure εclosure is that pick a states, and can reach by following only epsilon moves.
ε − c l o s u r e ( B ) \varepsilon-closure(B) εclosure(B) = {B, C, D}
ε − c l o s u r e ( G ) \varepsilon-closure(G) εclosure(G) = {A, B, C, D, G, H, I}

How many different states?

An NFA may be in many states at any time.

N s t a t e s N states Nstates
∣ S ∣ ≤ N |S|\leq N SN
There are 2 N − 1 2^N-1 2N1 possible subsets of n states, and this is a finite set of possible configurations.

What is in NFA?

states S S S
start s ∈ S s\in S sS
final F ≤ S F\leq S FS
a ( X ) = { y ∣ x ∈ X n      x → a y } a(X) = \left\{y| x\in X_n\;\;x\xrightarrow{a} y \right\} a(X)={yxXnxa y}
X is a set of states and a is a character in the input language.

What is in DFA?

states s u b s e t s    o f    S subsets\;of\;S subsetsofS
start ε − c l o s ( S ) \varepsilon-clos(S) εclos(S)
final { X ∣ X ∩ F = /   ϕ } \left\{X| X\cap F{=}\mathllap{/\,}\phi \right\} {XXF=/ϕ}
Those states x and every member of the states of the DFA are sets of states of the NFA
X → a Y      i f      Y = ε − c l o s ( a ( X ) ) X\xrightarrow{a} Y\;\;if\;\;Y=\varepsilon-clos(a(X)) Xa YifY=εclos(a(X))


Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第7张图片

  • Find the ε − c l o s u r e \varepsilon-closure εclosure of the start state.
    So the first state of the DFA, the state is the subset of states a, b, c, d, h, i.
    Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第8张图片
  • Word out from the start state what happens on each of the impossible input values.
    The alphabet of this machine is one and zero, so have two transitions out of the state, one for an input of one and one for an input of zero.
    ε − c l o s ( F ) = { F G H I A B C D } \varepsilon-clos(F) = \left\{FGHIABCD\right\} εclos(F)={FGHIABCD}
    ε − c l o s ( { E , J } ) = { F J G H I A B C D } \varepsilon-clos(\left\{E, J\right\}) = \left\{FJGHIABCD\right\} εclos({E,J})={FJGHIABCD}
  • The result.

Table-driven implementation of DFA


A DFA can be implemented by a 2D table T

  • One dimension is states
  • Other dimension is input symbol
  • For every transition S i → a S k S_i\rightarrow^a S_k SiaSk define T [ i , a ] = k T[i, a] = k T[i,a]=k
    The table stores at every particular input symbol i and state a, the next state k that the machine will move to.
    Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第9张图片
Example: 如何将DFA实现为表格

How to realize the DFA as a table.
Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第10张图片
Finite Automata_Compiler_Week 2_Stanford University (有穷自动机)_第11张图片


How we would use this transition relation in a program?

i = 0; // start out with our input index 
state = 0; // start at the start state that that's row zero, in this case that would be row S
	state = A[state, input[i++]];

Save some space by using a slightly different representation when there were a lot of duplicate rows in the table.
2 N − 1 2^N-1 2N1 states in a DFA for an NFA with end states

  • 我们也可能根本不想转换为DFA,可能是我们提供的特定规范变成DFA非常复杂,同时该表变得非常庞大。我们直接使用NFA可能会更好。
    It is also possible that we might not want to convert to a DFA at all. It might be that the particular specification we gave is very expensive to turn into a DFA. The table has just become truly huge and we might be better off just using the NFA directly.
  • 但是用于模拟这个自动机的内循环会更加复杂,因为我们必须处理多组状态而不是单个状态。
    But the inner loop for simulating this automaton is gonna be much more expensive because we have to deal with sets of states rather than single states.
  • 虽然这在表中节省了大量空间,但就表的大小而言,执行起来要比确定性自动机慢得多。
    While this saves a lot of space in terms of the tables, in terms of the size of the tables it can be much slower to execute than deterministic automaton.
  • NFA → \rightarrow DFA conversion is key in the implementation of LA
  • Tools trade between speed and space
    • DFAs faster, less compact
    • NFAs slower, concise

