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1、Group Normalization: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08494
        解决Batch Normalization中对Batch Size依赖的短板,在目标检测,图像分割,视频分类等任务上,Batch Size往往比较小,导致BN作用的效果比较差。如下图,Group Normalization是对Layer Normalization和Instance Normalization的折中。
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def GroupNorm(x, gamma, beta, G, eps=1e-5):
    # x: input features with shape [N,C,H,W]
    # gamma, beta: scale and offset, with shape [1,C,1,1]
    # G: number of groups for GN
    N, C, H, W = x.shape
    x = tf.reshape(x, [N, G, C // G, H, W])
    mean, var = tf.nn.moments(x, [2, 3, 4], keep dims=True)
    x = (x - mean) / tf.sqrt(var + eps)
    x = tf.reshape(x, [N, C, H, W])
    return x * gamma + beta

        根据实验结果,GN比BN对于Batch Size的敏感性更弱,即鲁棒性更高
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2、Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection

