


1. 目的

To develop the method of something for something.

To culture something from something.

The effect of something were studied.

The purpose of the present study was to investigate something.

We wanted to explore specifically whether something can make it smoothly is right.

We also wanted to study factors influencing A, B as well as C.


2. 原因

As are involved in related studies or something, the most important reason of which is something, the most common thing in this world.

Something also contributes to your subject are of some other things.

3. 文献回顾

During the past 20 years, much work has been done to do something A and to do something B.

Some techs play an important role in the some fields. Several things have been studied for their effects on the something under the effect of something.

4. 强调

During the past decades, there has been an increasing interest in the relationship between A and B, including A1 and B1.

Something, particularly specific examples here, may play an important role in prevention of these problems.  

5. 还待研究

Little is concerning.

There have been only a few attempts to do something, and no systematic attempts to do something.

Little work has been performed on something.

The role of something remains to be elucidated.

Compared with our knowledge of something, little is known about something. Even less is known about its something.

However, the effects of something have not been investigated thoroughly.

Something has never been satisfactorily explained.

Although many studies of something have been reported and it is well established that something, little is known about your related subject.

Little work has been performed on something.

Investigation of something by someone has been hampered by an inability to obtain something for study.

The role of something related in normal function and in some areas remain to be elucidated.

6. 存在争议

Something remains controversial.

Whether A do something remains controversial.

The literature about something remains scant.

7. 有突破

Someone has developed and reported some new ideas for something.

We have developed some new methods for something.

Recent advances in techniques of something new suggested that something is vital.

Recently, it has been found that something may be involved in some related areas.

We have developed methods for something.

8. 比较

Recently, something indicates that A is true, for example, the occurrence of A is related to the exposure of C whereas the C is not.

The difference between the A and B may be determined by the different factors.

The results indicated that X only did something.

After supplementation with something was stimulated, but something declined rapidly after a few passages.

These effects were not stable at the range from A to B.

9. 实验结果

The differences of A and B between the control and test groups were statistically significant (cell number: 0.05>p).

The differences between the A treated culture and negative controls were significant at concentrations of A.

In the study of something, the number of some other things showed no significant difference compared with the negative controls.

This method provides a valuable source of large number of C, which can be used to study their biological behavior, to compare with the A, and to compare them to their malignant counterparts in the exploration of the something is of A.
