消息队列函数 msgsnd 出现Invalid argument错误的解决办法



#define MAX_MSG 128

struct mssgbuf
long type;
char buf[MAX_MSG];

int main()
int msqid;
int err;

key_t key;
key = ftok(".",'b');
if(key < 0)
printf("fait to creat value\n");
return -1;

msqid = msgget(key,IPC_CREAT|0666);
if(msqid < 0)
perror("failse to masgget");
return -1;
printf("success to get msqid %d\n",msqid);
system("ipcs -q");

struct mssgbuf sendbuf;
printf("enter your message:\n");
sendbuf.type = 1;

err = msgsnd(msqid,(void *)&sendbuf,strlen(sendbuf.buf)+1,0);
if(err < 0)
perror("write message fail");
return -1;
printf("success to write message\n");
printf("err = %d\n", err);

system("ipcs -q");

err = msgctl(msqid,IPC_RMID,NULL);
if(err < 0)
printf("fail to delete message queue\n");
return -1;
system("ipcs -q");
return 0;


以上是修改过的代码, 重点在sendbuf.type = 1这句,不加上这句的话 就会出现如题所说的错误。
